The Contributor Field


  1. In this field, you will type the name of the repository in which the book is housed. Remember that the original repository is referenced by the three-character string that is a part of a book’s unique identifier–the appropriate full name for each archive is listed below. In each instance. You should put the repository’s full name in the contributor field, and make it a hyperlink that takes you to the book’s catalog record, which you can find by searching for the book in the repository’s online catalog. (CIA doesn’t have a catalog, so their consistent URL is listed below). To add a hyperlink, click on use HTML, highlight the name of the contributor, click on the link box in the HTML editor, and paste in the hyperlink.
  2. If the image was originally scanned at SIUE, please add an input and add “SIUE IRIS Center” as a contributor.

Code for bulk metadata editor: <a href="URL">CONTRIBUTOR</a>
BRL-The British Library

CIA-The Constitution Island Association,

DES-Collection of Jessica DeSpain [No URL]

NLS-The National Library of Scotland

UVA-The University of Virginia, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library,

WIS-the Department of Special Collections, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison

If the image was originally scanned at SIUE (this is true of all CIA and DES books), please add  “SIUE IRIS Center” as a contributor, and use the following link:

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