- In this field, you will type the name of the repository in which the book is housed. Remember that the original repository is referenced by the three-character string that is a part of a book’s unique identifier–the appropriate full name for each archive is listed below. In each instance. You should put the repository’s full name in the contributor field, and make it a hyperlink that takes you to the book’s catalog record, which you can find by searching for the book in the repository’s online catalog. (CIA doesn’t have a catalog, so their consistent URL is listed below). To add a hyperlink, click on use HTML, highlight the name of the contributor, click on the link box in the HTML editor, and paste in the hyperlink.
- If the image was originally scanned at SIUE, please add an input and add “SIUE IRIS Center” as a contributor.
Code for bulk metadata editor: <a href="URL">CONTRIBUTOR</a>
BRL-The British Library
CIA-The Constitution Island Association,
DES-Collection of Jessica DeSpain [No URL]
NLS-The National Library of Scotland
UVA-The University of Virginia, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library,
WIS-the Department of Special Collections, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison
If the image was originally scanned at SIUE (this is true of all CIA and DES books), please add “SIUE IRIS Center” as a contributor, and use the following link: