Realizing Inclusive Student Engagement in the Digital Humanities (RISE-DH) is an experiential learning and training program for African American students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s IRIS Center for the Digital Humanities (SIUE). RISE-DH combines the study of Black literature and culture with technological components to increase access to and interest in the digital humanities among SIUE’s Black students. The project responds to the dearth of spaces on campus and in society for African American students to participate in learning activities like digital storytelling, database management, and the role of technology in society. Over the 2022-3 school year, faculty mentored twenty-one RISE-DH fellows as they engage with four projects that correspond to themes of DH technical mentorship and DH research in-action: The Black Tech Sandbox, Community-Oriented Digital Engagement Scholars (CODES), the E-Stories Project, and the Schaefer Edoid Archive.