
  • Focus on the hands-on aspect of students using technology as an interpretive tool, don’t allow students to be passive consumers
  • Consider types of informal learning opportunities, such as URCA, or even other alternative options for class credit in which undergraduates and/or graduate students can engage in project design, data, and organization/coding
  • Integrate one-day activities, also known as “bloom and fade” activities, to interest students in the field
  • Try to engage with the use, production of, and ethical implications of DH work
  • Create an environment, assignments, and assessments that invite risk and consequent failure
  • Encourage tinkering, play, and experimentation

Quick Guides

Teaching with WordPress

Learn the basic steps for setting up a WordPress instance for your class and helping students add content successfully.

Key texts

Burdick et al., Digital_Humanities

Drucker et al., Introduction to Digital Humanities Course Book: Concepts, Methods, and Tutorials for Students and Instructors

Programs of Study

George Mason University, Graduate Certificate in Digital Public Humanities
Loyola University Chicago, MA in Digital Humanities
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences Minor
University of Iowa, Public Digital Humanities Certificate
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities

The Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanities at UNL allows graduate and post-baccalaureate students to gain scholarly credentials in Digital Humanities. Work in this area can take a variety of forms, including: digital scholarly editing; the creation of thematic research archives and resources; programmatic analysis of large-scale textual corpora; the use of geo-spatial tools and technologies to study the interaction of people and place; data mining and machine learning techniques using historical data; 3D modeling of historical buildings and artifacts; tool building and software development for humanities research; and the creation of games, interactive environments, and media systems with a humanistic focus.

University of North Carolina, Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities