
Verbal language is used to communicate between tribes or nations impacting culture greatly. Generally, it belongs to a particular group of people who have practices passed down from generations making it a part of culture. It is a tool that brings people together, creates relationships and fosters feelings of group identity. Whenever a language is lost, a part of culture is lost. When language is preserved, the traditions and values of a culture continue living within those who believe it.

The text Language: the essence of culture, by Kelsey Holmes is about the origins of languages and how they evolved over time. It emphasizes the importance of language and how it is one of the biggest barriers between different cultures, uniquely separating each individual’s identity within a nation. This text answers the question ‘what is identity?’ because culture is a big part of identity, and it is part of everyday life and without a way to communicate there is no way to pass down rituals in a culture. Thus, making language a key component to belonging to a certain group. 

In the article, there are two trees representing almost all the languages which are divided geographically. Some of the languages are under the tree meaning they are dead languages now. Then every other language has at least a branch with leaves. The more people that speak the language the bigger the leaves. However, people cannot communicate effectively without knowing the other person’s language. In fact, Kelsey Holmes quoted Khaled Hosseini when he said: “If culture was a house, then language was the key to the front door, to all the rooms inside.” — Khaled Hosseini, Afghan-born American novelist and physician. This is significant because it really shows how important language is, you can’t get inside a house without the keys, just like you can’t be part of a culture without understanding the language first. People that don’t know each other but speak the same language automatically build a connection when they meet, making language intimate and valuable.

Kelsey Holmes, “Language: The Essence of Culture.” Greenheart Club, 2015. Link