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Category: Power

Texaco (Oil Company)

Introduction  Although many huge corporations are successful monetary wise, many have issues painted with underlying greed and environmental damage due to their indifference towards making sure their business efforts are safe to individuals and the environment. Instead of using their resources to analyze their business and prioritize safe methods of operation, we frequently observe businesses […]


Introduction Békés are the white population of Martinique who have been living there for generations (Bongie 225). As seen with Esternome’s early life stories, békés were originally plantation owners and owned masses of enslaved people. The békés’ forces were harsh, and they continued to push the power discrepancies, which allowed themselves to continue to grow […]


Introduction The Mentoh is a figure that is represented as an other-worldly being that has a vast knowledge of everything about the world. The Mentoh is often depicted in Patrick Chamoiseau’s Texaco as a guide for the enslaved peoples and formerly enslaved people to take over the city. The Mentoh represents power and freedom, as […]


Storytelling throughout generations and with others is a powerful method that keeps our ancestors, their stories, and their wisdom alive today. From drawing on cave walls to our current social media platforms, humans have always found importance in sharing knowledge with others. Humans have always found a strength in knowledge and a weakness in ignorance […]