
Global Digital Humanities Symposium–Michigan State University, 22 March 2018

IRIS Center Project Manager Katie Knowles and Technician Ben Ostermeier presented “Digital Community Engagement at SIUE: How a Regional University can have a Global Impact” at Michigan State University’s third annual Global Digital Humanities Symposium. In this talk, they discussed many IRIS initiatives, including CODES (formerly the Digital Community Engagement Pathway). Reference to CODES can be found on slide 11.


American Associate of State Colleges and Universities Webinar, 22 August 2018

Project Director Dr. Jessica DeSpain was invited to present alongside another NEH funded principal investigator and a NEH program officer on the development of the proposal for the Pathway with a focus on collaboration and innovation. The following powerpoint was her portion of the webinar.



Digital Frontiers–University of Kansas, 4 October 2018

Project Director Dr. Jessica DeSpain along with project team members Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt and Katie Knowles presented on the panel “Digital Community Engagement at a Regional University” at the annual Digital Frontiers conference. The section of the presentation regarding the Digital Community Engagement Pathway begins on slide 13.



Continuous Improvement Conference–Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 29 March 2019

The project team developed the following poster for SIUE’s annual Continuous Improvement Conference. This year, the conference theme was “Developing and Deepening Community Engagement Partnerships for Learning, Inquiry, and Change for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community Members.”