Prospects and Summary
This language is a very endangered language and looking towards the future, this Language will weaken and my guess will go extinct. With the lack of information out there and the lack of knowledge that this language even existed in the first place makes it really hard to save this language. When people think about the location of where the language lives in South America people think spanish the main language. And like many of these endangered languages the main languages surrounding endangered languages are the reason these languages go by the way side.
Now with Yucuna this is part of the Arawak family and Amazonian languages. So besides battleing Spanish, there are other Indigenas languages around that many steal attention from the Yucuna. Not only are other languages kill endangered languages the location of where these speakers live, many live in Rural and Terrain that people don't usually live in. Also to go along Location, many of the Speakers of most endangered languages are older and within the next 30 years, basically all of the first generation of speakers will be gone out of our world. So the way to revive any language is by the Children, since they are our future in all parts of the world.
Many ways people, especially young people, get their news is through either school, social media, or by face to face conversations. With school I found out that the ways Yucuna is doing to try and stay alive is since the Yucuna community is close to Colombia and so many of the schools close to the boarders still teacher Yucuna and even have books and Spanish to Yucuna Dictionary. However a lot of us, use Social media like Facebooks and instagram. So many people that Speak endangered languages and Lingusit will make Facebooks and other social media platforms to try and get Young people to learn the language. Since after the first generation passes away the only way these languages stay around or even come back is through us. In my opinion that is the best way to get the word out about since many young people don't really watch tv or listen to the radio. Another way is face to face and this could be from meeting people in school or going into the locations where these languages are found and fully emersioning ones self into the language.