Research Teams

Assignments for All Course Levels

Source Analysis

This assignment is the foundational discussion check assignments for the research teams courses. It is a useful tool for engaging students in a reading discussion by encouraging source analysis prior to discussion. Students often need help understanding how to assess the purpose, audience, and genre of a source; this introduces those key concepts. You can have them submit their source analyses to the course WordPress site or as a printed sheet of paper they bring with them to class. If you use the course WordPress site, you will have a continuing record from semester to semester that maybe useful.

CODE 120

This first research team course is designed to help students about the community in which they’ll be working, define their problem, and orient themselves to life as a college student and to CODES more specifically.

Course Goals

  • Learn time management skills, intellectual curiosity, self-evaluation, and study habits
  • Practice collaborative skills and work as a team to complete a digital project that addresses a communication need identified by our community partner
  • Learn about community partner and theme in the St. Louis region, the U.S., and globally
  • Explore problem using a transdisciplinary model that considers content central to several disciplines including, but not limited to diverse fields such as history, literature, anthropology, biology, and sociology
  • Write multimodal digital compositions designed to reach three different audiences
  • Present your work publicly twice during the semester for you classmates and later for a broader audience of community members

Multimodal Compositions

There are three multimodal compositions in CODE120 designed to help students investigate the problem and learn how to practice their writing skills for different audiences.

Collaborative Digital Problem Mapping

The overarching outcome of CODE120 is a collaborative digital project, included on the course website, that helps define the problem, provide an overarching current state analysis, define its stakeholders, and layout a proposal for next steps.