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Beautiful purple flowers. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A view of well-cultivated farm lands and mountains. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A brigde connecting two mountains. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A small canal flowing between two huge rocks. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A gate with religious stones and flags on a mountain. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A mezmerizing view of himalayas. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
Dr. Oliver Bond. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A house on top of a hill with a beautiful view og mountains. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
Dr.Hildebrandt interviewing the people of Phoo. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A view of terrace farming in Pho village. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang