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  • Tags: landscape
A beautiful view of sky and himalayas and woodstock piled together. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
Dr.Hildebrandt in Pho village. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
A view of terrace farming and hills aand houses of Pho village. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
Welcome gate of Pho village. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
Symbols with religious values painted on stones. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang
View of the village of Taal near Marsyangdi river. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
Buildings in the moutains near the village of Taal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
View of Marsyangdi river flowing through mountains near the village of Taal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
Buildings in near crops in the village of Taal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
View of the village of Taal near Marsyangdi river. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".