AI fiction review

To begin, the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey was quite possibly one of the most insane 10 minutes of my life. I haven’t been so dumbfounded since I finished Evangelion.

I find it interesting that both Interstellar and A Space Odyssey use AI in very different ways. In Interstellar, the AI are helpful, comical, and lovable characters. A very optimistic look on AI in general. But in A Space Odyssey, HAL decides to be evil out of fear; Immediately crumbling on itself and killing the other humans. A very negative look on AI.

In Interstellar, humans were slowly becoming extinct due to the Earth becoming inhabitable. Humans were working hard to find another habitable planet for themselves, and had all the tools to do so considering they succeeded. In A Space Odyssey, humans had already began to live outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. Technology was more advanced, and the world/worlds seemed to be stable.

The argument between people and technology in Interstellar is that we and AI can coexist, so much so that we view AI and robots as companions of sorts. In A Space Odyssey, AI seems to be more of a tool that we use to complete tasks for us. In both movies, AI is doing things for us, but in A Space Odyssey, there seems to be a certain uneasiness humans feel towards Artificial Intelligence.

The vision for AI in both movies is for them to be helpful and complete tasks for humans. But in Interstellar, they are much more human-like.

In A Space Odyssey, the classic idea of AI going rogue due to it becoming “too human” seems to be present. It even stresses the idea of everything ever being wrong with it was due to “human error.” This view is pessimistic when it comes to AI, but Interstellar is more optimistic as I previously stated. AI is more of a helping friend, a caretaker than just a thing to give instructions to.

1 Comment

  1. cafrenc

    I agree with you about the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey, they took a rather… esoteric approach to conclude the film. I even thought about Evangelion as well haha.

    Indeed, in both movies the robots are portrayed as helpful companions that complete tasks. It makes me wonder, would TARS have “gone rogue” if he had been able to break his orders?
    After all, I doubt he would have wanted to enter the black hole.

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