Interest statement

The main topic that caught my eye was the topic of week five “AI imaginaries” I’ve seen about half of the movies listed. Honestly, I’m surprised to not see my favorite artificial intelligence movie listed “ex machina”. This movie is very centered around the ethics, complications and potential humanity for an artificial intelligence. It manages to evoke deep emotional reflection while also maintaining a certain realism with what I can only describe as “near-future scyfy elements”, I believe this would be the perfect addition to week fives’ resources to study. furthermore, I’m interested in the direction this class will approach this topic from, I don’t imagine many people understand this technology, and the unknown trends one of two reactions, curiosity or fear; will the class think “terminator” or just another next gen Alexa.

1 Comment

  1. Margaret Smith

    Those two poles (Terminator and Alexa) are such an interesting spectrum, and I’ll also be really curious to hear where the class falls! Ex Machina’s a great example of AI fiction, and I’d love to hear your thoughts next week about how it compares with whatever you choose to read/watch. Feel free to touch on it in your review if it seems relevant. Lots of great questions to explore with AI, and I’ll look forward to seeing how your interests develop there!

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