I watched the film Mrs. Davis. It starts off as a nun destined to find the holy grail. Sister Simone and her ex-boyfriend Wiley make an effort to destroy a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) known as Mrs. Davis. Mrs Davis is capable of destroying the algorithms for us all. She reshaped policies, brought an end to conflicts, and addressed global hunger. AI algorithm ran the world at that moment of time, and as a result, Sister Simone and Wiley had to experience mysterious dilemmas as they searched for the holy grail. 

The AI presented in Mrs. Davis kinda reminds me of god. She influences people’s decisions and assumes that people will be willing to follow an AI’s guidance without any doubts and influence their decisions. The conflicts made between people and technology were Mrs Davis’s manipulation and her algorithms used to influence and shape our human behavior.

My conclusion of the show was that there was a conflict between humanity, faith, and technology. Simone is battled by faith and Mrs. Davis the artificial intelligence is the technology. After watching this it has made me question whether or not free will is something people want. Since AI has become more integrated into our daily lives, we must be aware of the potential effects it has on our choices without us realizing it.