AI Review on – A Murder at the End of the World

This TV has a lot of sic-if and science fiction and gives a little bit of AI features throughout the TV show. This also shows how the main character, Brit Marling she’s in this parallel world where she goes in and out of her past life to her currently life. Eventually, she realizes she is stuck in a time loop where she’s going between her old and current memories. She sees a guy that she knows, and she believes that this is a guy that she used to be in love with but she doesn’t know how this also shows a lot of AI features where it explains graphic features of their anime and animations that is being shown through the entire show. example it shows how they look up certain data research through their computers which is not the same it is built in like AI and it also shows the graphics that are being shown through how they transition through the time travel loop. Overall this TV show is very overrated, but it is very good to watch and I promote it very highly.