Hi! My name is Jaidyn, and I am a sophomore at SIUE. I am majoring in History with a double minor in Creative Writing & Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. My goal is to get my Ph.D. and do research eventually. I am a C.O.D.E. Scholar, which has impacted me tremendously as a student and opened up so many opportunities for me. I am most interested in African American History following Reconstruction. I also love seeing how all of the things I am doing in my different classes connect to each other.

Some of my favorite things to do outside of school are reading and writing, spending time with friends and family, and listening to music. I like to keep myself busy, so I do my best to stay involved on campus. I currently serve as the Vice President of Programming for my sorority. This means I have the privilege of working with our community service, philanthropy, and fundraising teams. When I am not doing any of these things you will more than likely find me with my friends watching bad reality T.V.

My friend Emma and I on Philanthropy Night during Sorority Recruitment