Fear not, physical exhibition designers. The aim of digital exhibition technology is not to supplant physical exhibitions. Digital-first and digitally augmented exhibitions are one more way of doing things, more tools in the toolkit. Used haphazardly, these tools can make a mess of things, just like anything else. With a conscientious approach however, digital exhibition technologies can be used to build learning environments that are just not possible with a purely physical exhibition design.

Josh Goldblum (founding principal of Emmy Award-winning interactive design studio Bluecadet Interactive)

In an effort to increase our toolkit, and engage this class with multiple virtual platforms, the course submissions for written reviews and reflections will be submitted as blogposts to this site.

The goals for this endeavor are to allow for peers in the course to read and review each other’s digital exhibition reviews in order to enable to group to analyze multiple selections and discover, as a team, what type of site they are most interested in and capable of presenting.

Syllabus and readings will be made available on the course blackboard site and grades will be available there as well.