
Suggested Readings

Atari, Mohammad & Joseph Henrich. 2023. Historical Psychology. Current Directions in Psychological Science 32(2). 176–183.

Birdsall, Carolyn & Viktoria Tkaczyk. 2019. Listening to the Archive: Sound Data in the Humanities and Sciences. Technology and Culture 60(2). S1–S13.

Cummings, Anthony R., Jane M. Read & Jose M. V. Fragoso. 2015. Utilizing Amerindian Hunters’ Descriptions to Guide the Production of a Vegetation Map. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR) 6(1). 118–142.

Dardar, Hali. 2024. How I Visit with Houma Relatives in the Smithsonian’s Archival Collections. Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. (Accessed 26 March, 2024).

Denzin, Norman K., et al., editors. 2008. Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies. Sage.

Frye, Henrike, Shirley Balar & Aung Si. 2022. Experiences with remote linguistic-ethnobiological fieldwork on bird names in the Qaqet language of Papua New Guinea. (Accessed 12 May, 2023).

Garrett, Andrew & Alice C. Harris. 2022. Assessing scholarship in documentary linguistics. Language 98(3). e156–e172.

Good, Jeffrey. 25-Apr-20. Interdisciplinarity in areal documentation: Experiences from Lower Fungom, Cameroon. University of Hawai’I Press. (Accessed 4 May, 2023).

Gorenflo, L. J., Suzanne Romaine, Russell A. Mittermeier & Kristen Walker-Painemilla. 2012. Co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity in biodiversity hotspots and high biodiversity wilderness areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(21). 8032–8037.

Harmon, David & Jonathan Loh. (2004). The IBCD: A measure of the world’s biocultural diversity. Policy Matters, 13, 271-280.

Harrison, K. David. 2023. Environmental Linguistics. Annual Review of Linguistics 9(1). 113–134.

Hildebrandt, Kristine, Tanner Burge-Beckley & Jacob Sebok. 2019. Language documentation in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes: A guide to two archives and a web exhibit. (Accessed 12 May, 2023).

Holton, Gary. 2012. Language archives: They’re not just for linguists any more. University of Hawai’i Press. (Accessed 12 May, 2023).

Nations, James D. (2021). Lacandón Maya in the Twenty-First Century: Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation in Mexico’s Tropical Rainforest. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Langscape Magazine (Terralingua):

Lewis, David G. 2023. Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley. Ooligan Press. (Accessed 20 November, 2023).

Loh, Jonathan & David Harmon. (2014). Biocultural diversity: Threatened species, endangered languages, Zeist, The Netherlands: WWF Netherlands.

Lyall, Andrea, Harry Nelson, Daisy Rosenblum & Mark Turin. 2019. Ḵ̓a̱ḵ̓otł̓atła̱no’x̱w x̱a ḵ̓waḵ̓wax̱’mas: Documenting and reclaiming plant names and words in Kwak̓wala on Canada’s west coast. (Accessed 12 May, 2023).

Maffi, Luisa & Ellen Woodley. 2010. Biocultural Diversity Conservation: A Global Sourcebook. London: Routledge.

Million, Dian. “Felt Theory: An Indigenous Feminist Approach to Affect and History.” Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 24, no. 2, Oct. 2009, pp. 53–76.,

Native Northeast Portal. (Accessed 20 November, 2023).

Pérez Báez, Gabriela, Kristen L. Morio, Alison L. Lapointe, Daryl Baldwin. 2023. On the Impact of the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages: Developing an Assessment Model for Archive-Based Revitalization. Language Documentation & Conservation 16: 130-184. (Accessed 05 July, 2023).

Rafael, Josha. 2021. Urban Indigenous Second-Language Learning: Impacts on Well-Being. Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health 1(2).

Reinholz, Daniel L. & Tessa C. Andrews. 2019. Breaking Down Silos Working Meeting: An Approach to Fostering Cross-Disciplinary STEM–DBER Collaborations through Working Meetings. CBE—Life Sciences Education 18(3). mr3.

Ruef, Jennifer L., Stephany Runninghawk Johnson, Michelle M. Jacob, Joana Jansen & Virginia Beavert. 2019. Why STEM Needs Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Case Study of Ichishkíin Math. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 11(3). 429–439.

Shoaps, Robin Ann. 2009. Ritual and (im)moral voices: Locating the Testament of Judas in Sakapultek communicative ecology. American Ethnologist 36(3). 459–477.

Shoaps, Robin A. & Patrick Plattet. 2022. “Tales from the Trail”: Oratory and Affect among Alaska Dog Mushers. Open Anthropological Research 2(1). 1–18.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Second edition, Zed Books, 2012.

Stanford &amp & Eglee Zent. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Biocultural Diversity: A Close-up Look at Linkages, Delearning Trends, and Changing Patterns of Transmission. (27 March, 2024).

“Therapeutic Nations.” UAPress, 12 July 2017,

Tuttle, Siri G and Håkan Lundström (2022) “Athabascan Vocal Genres in Interior Alaska” in Lundstrom, Håkan and Jan-Olof Svantesson, Eds., In the Borderland Between Song and Speech. Lund: Lund University Press. Pp 123-187.

Wasson, Christina, Gary Holton & Heather S. Roth. 2016. Bringing User-Centered Design to the Field of Language Archives. (Accessed 12 May, 2023).

Whalen, D. H., Melissa E. Lewis, Stefanie Gillson, Brittany McBeath, Bri Alexander & Kate Nyhan. 2022. Health effects of Indigenous language use and revitalization: a realist review. International Journal for Equity in Health 21(1). 169. (Accessed 9 June, 2023).

Other Resources

NSF 23-103 Dear Colleague Letter: Stimulating Diversification in Language Science Research (LangDiv)

News, Red Lake Nation. Language Study Review Finds “Language as Treatment” Produces Positive Health Outcomes Among Indigenous People. Red Lake Nation News. (Accessed 9 June, 2023).