CODE of Conduct

Community-Oriented Digital Engagement Scholars is a program for students who are committed to their education at SIUE and to putting forth their best effort to learn how to make a difference in their community. By accepting the scholarship, you confirm you will abide by the following standards of performance, participation, and ethical behavior.

  • CODES emphasizes collaboration and group learning; you agree to participate actively, support classmates, and complete work on time.
  • CODES is a program about technology, digital environments, and online interaction. You will engage technology with curiosity, push yourself to learn new things, and adopt a variety of platforms. Have patience and a sense of humor with technological hiccups.
  • You must practice justice, equality, and compassion in your interactions with other students, SIUE faculty and staff, and members of the community with whom we interact.
  • You will participate actively in class, and treat classmates, faculty, and staff with respect; this includes focusing during class and using technology for learning rather than an in-class distraction.
  • You will dedicate yourself to learning for learning’s sake; this means pushing yourself to try hard things, completing the course readings, and approaching your work with interest and curiosity.
  • You will enroll in and complete 12 or more credit hours per semester.
  • You will complete all required coursework.
  • You will maintain a 2.9 grade point average.
  • You will attend all classes on time as scheduled except in case of illness or emergency.
  • You will make regular appointments with your advisor and maintain open, honest lines of communication with your advisor, CODES instructors, and the CODES director. You will also notify the SOAR office and the program of any changes in address or phone number.
  • You will give consent for the SOAR office to communicate with your parents or guardians regarding your academic progress