
The Island of Dr. Moreau is a novel that needed a lot of analysis to fully grasp the implications and science behind the text. I choose WordPress to show the research and information I have gathered for the text. WordPress allowed me to easily navigate through the material and get it organized. The pages allowed me to divide the information in a way that is easily able to understand. I was also able to customize my website in a way that shows my creativity and organizational skills.

The Island of Dr. Moreau:

A man named Prendick finds himself lost at sea, but a passing ship picks him up. He comes to find out that the doctor is Dr. Moreau who was run out of London for unethical practices. The Doctor was experimenting with vivisection (the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research). But on this island, he has found the solitude needed to continue these experiments. The inevitable happens and one of the “beasts” escapes from the lab and the doctor pursues it and they both end up killing each other. Then Montgomery in grief begins to drink and starts a scuffle with the beast men. He dies in front of Prendick, leaving him as the last human on the island. Instead of taking over as the new master he decides to just live among the beast men. Later a boat drifts a shore with two dead crew men and Prendick takes the boat and is rescued and off the island. Once back in England he finds himself paranoid of others and decides solitude in his studies is best for him. 

The Lancet:

The Lancet was named after a small surgical knife that has two edges with a sharp point. This is a fitting name for a medical journal, the publishers thought so as well. The Lancet journal is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal that publishes articles, editorials, book reviews and case reports. This medical journal was first published in 1823 and is still publishing today. Elsevier is the company in charge of this long time journal articles.

A little bit about Me:

I am a Senior at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville this year. This is also my first year at this school. Before this school I attended Southeast Missouri State University and transferred here! When I first started here my intended major was Speech Pathology, but with some struggling with Anatomy I decided to change my major. After a lot of thought I decided to change my major to English with a minor in digital hummanities. I have a big schedule ahead of me to graduate in 2020 but I am very excited to get to that point!