Criticism of H.G Wells

H.G Wells allows for no hero in his story, if there are no full human beings left, then there is no hero. He goes against the “normal” story that was so common in 1896. In The Tropical Empire: Exotic Animals and Beastly Men in The Island of Doctor Moreau, she believes that the British sailors in the story deserve more attention for the overseas trade of exotic animals. She also voices the obvious that Prendick himself does not seem to be an animal activist or an antivivisectionist. In the story it seems that Prendick finds it more odd than disturbing, he is not upset at the fact he is using animals. He just looks the other way and avoids contact with the doctor. H.G Wells lacks quite a bit of explanations throughout the story and doesn’t go as in depth as he could in some areas. The story was a rather intriguing story but was lacking in crucial details.