
According to “The Medical Case Narrative: Distant Reading of an Epistemic Genre,” case is casuistry. The case is a question, that has to do with the validity and extension of a norm. Which means that the case is open until an action or a decision is made.

In “The Island of Dr. Moreau”, case is used in the context of operations performed. The main characters speak about a case that happened previously or one that is currently occurring. Case seems to be a procedure in this text either currently or previously.

In “The Lancet”, case is used as an occurrence as well. It is used as a word to refer back to a medical procedure. Case is used to talk about specific surgeries and medical procedures.

So in this instance the word “Case” is used pretty similarly between the two texts. They are both referring to medical procedures and using it as a blanket word for what is taking place as the “question”. Case is a good word to use for these texts because it gives a good description without going to much into detail about what exactly is occurring.