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  • Tags: Chame
A beautiful view of hills and mountains in the Chame village of Gyalsumdo, Manang, Nepal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact"
A buddhist temple with hills on the background in the Chame village of Gyalsumdo, Manang, Nepal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact"
A view of hills in the Chame village of Gyalsumdo, Manang, Nepal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact"
Annapurna conservation Area Project in the Chame village of Gyalsumdo, Manang, Nepal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact"
Chame woman giving interview in the Chame village of Gyalsumdo, Manang, Nepal. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact"

text transcript

A woman talks about her life and what did she do in her young age.
A person describes how the liquor of rice grains should be cooked
A person describing objects
A person describing how to make Tibetan tea