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Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt taking notes during an interview. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local and International Impact".
Unpublished or pre-print manuscript resulting from “Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal, for Local and International Impact”
A female recounts the struggle of opening and running a hotel without speaking other languages and cooking different types of food. She shares her family history (where her parents are from, her siblings) and her educational background.
A female recounts the struggle of opening and running a hotel without speaking other languages and cooking different types of food. She shares her family history (where her parents are from, her siblings) and her educational background.
A man describes road construction in Temang that enables tourism. The hotel the man managed was the first of many hotels to be built in the area.
A man describes road construction in Temang that enables tourism. The hotel the man managed was the first of many hotels to be built in the area.
The interviewee tells a story about a louse and a bed bug attempting to suck the blood of a king. The man claims the story demonstrates that we should only surround ourselves with good friends.
The interviewee tells a story about a louse and a bed bug attempting to suck the blood of a king. The man claims the story demonstrates that we should only surround ourselves with good friends.
Word elicitations for acoustic and electroglottographic analysis of Gurung
Word elicitations for acoustic and electroglottographic analysis of Gurung