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Project director Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt participating in a ceremony with a Dharapani man. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
A building for selling produce in the village of Dharapani. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
A building in the village of Dharapani. Research in Manang supported by NSF BCS 1149639 "Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local & International Impact".
The hardships experienced as a child doing intense agricultural work as well as hardships experienced as an adult, working as a member of District Panchayat.
The hardships experienced as a child doing intense agricultural work as well as hardships experienced as an adult, working as a member of District Panchayat
ELAN transcription file, ELAN preference file(s)
ELAN transcription file, ELAN preference file(s)
A person describing how a soul is taken across heaven in Gyalsumdo.