ta taŋpu taŋpu ɦjul Long long ago, there was a village. उहिले उहिले एउटा गाउँ (थियो)। leŋa tø tʃik taŋ me tʃik There was a village on the top (of the hill) and one below. माथि एउटा गाउँ र तल एउटा गाउँ । tø kola ʈukume me kola ʈuku me The (person) on the top did not have a child, neither the one below had (it). माथिकोको बच्चा थिएन, तलको पनि बच्चा थिएन । khuŋ bərkilə dhene ɦjulniki bərkhilə tʃho tʃhimpu tʃik jøkere There was a big pond in the middle of their village (they say). उनीहरूको माझमा अनि दुईओटा गाउँको माझमा ठूलो तलाउ (पोखरी) थियो रे। tʃho kola ʃubu ʈhu ɦjõ People without having children came there to take a bathe. त्यो तलाउमा (बच्चानभएका मानिस) शरिर नुहाउन आए। Note: only the verb stem in clause-final position. dhene ɲikarəla ʃjamlə nikarala ʈuku ketʃe ɦjoba dʒhuʃuŋ Later both of them (two persons from two villages) will give birth to children. अनि दुबैलाई पछि दुवैलाई बच्चा जन्मिने भएको भयो। ɲikarəla= ɲi=two, kara= both of them (with emphasis) dhene ʈuku ketʃe jøka ləmu dhene As they were about to give birth to children, अनि वच्चा जन्मिनेवाला भएकोमा अनि kola=?? ʃula dhene bhidza kena tʃiklə bhidza tʃiklə bhomo keʃuŋ nena whoever gives birth to sons, (or) if one gives birth to a son and another a girl, जसलाई अनि छोरा जन्मे एउटालाई छोरा एउटालाई छोरी जन्मेमा जन्म्यो भने phidzako dhene makpalə bhomolə makpa terke lapti tʃhø du (then) they decided that the son will remain in wife's parental house. छोरा चाहिँ अनि ज्वाईं छोरीलाई घरज्याईँ भनेर निर्णय (कबुल) गरे। dhene jane dhene ʃjamla dhene As they said, 'Okay (lit. becomes)'. अनि हुन्छ भनेर अनि पछि अनि liŋka ɲjakola liŋkar tjo kola bhidza ke (Later) the one (from) upper (village) had the son. माथिल्लो पट्टिकको गाउँमा चाहिँ छोरा जन्म्यो। ke=be born, only verb stem= Bare stem for remote past ? liŋkər me kola bhomo ke A daughter was born (for a man) from lower village. तल पट्टिको गाउँमा छोरी जन्मी। dhene ʃjamlə kho bhidza lo tʃɯʈuk dʒhuŋ gjalamu dhene nama terko makpa ɖhoko jø As his son became sixteen years old, (he should become son-in-law dependent on father. अनि पछि उसको छोरा सोह्र वर्ष भएको बेला अनि बुहारी दिनु ज्वाइँमा जानुपर्ने थियो। ŋe tilə ŋelə tʃhjo təm ʃja Saying this, (he) had promised it earlier. भनेर पहिले नै कवुल गरेको थियो। ʃamlə lo tɯʈuk sumbəraŋ dhene tʃhaŋbəraŋ makpa ter ɦoŋ makpa ter Having been sixteen years old, and then (when) time came to be the son-in-law dependent on father पछि पछि सोह्र पुरा भएर अनि पुगेर घरज्वाईँ (अनि) घरज्वाईँ ɖho kja ləmu dhene the time to become dependent जाने बेलामा अनि ŋjamalə jokpu ɲi dzaŋ (the king) sent two servants from up (from upper village). माथिबाट दुईजना नोकर पठायो। bhidzako təbulə kəl jjokpu ɲi tʃaŋ The son (was) on the back of horse was sent along with two servants. छोराचाहिँ घोडामा चढाएर दुईटा नोकर सहित पठाए। dhene apaki dhene The father then (said), अनि बाबुले अनि khe tabu ʃun 'You ride the horse'. तिमी घोडा चढ। thanka tʃhumbulə təbu ʃun təbulə matʃi tʃe Ride the horse. Don't be scaref of the horse. ठूलो सम्मो ठाउँमा घोडा चढ, घोडा देखि नडराउनु। dhene Then, अनि, wakəl dʒhikpi tʃhulə makal Don't cross the river from the lower (part of stream). तलपट्टिको डरलाग्दो पानिमा नतर्नु । phə ɦi phu re You are the son of the father. (तिमी) बाउको छोरा हौ। dhaŋ dhəriŋ dʏŋka re The season is Tynkya. हिजो आज त्यौङ्का हो। tʃhulə ghalna tʃhuki kja kere If you wade, (the stream) will sweep (flow) you. खोला तर्‍यौ भने खोलाले बगाउँछ। phja miŋʃjal dhene phjage tʃhaŋ jøbəre There was a space (nest) of an animal like fox (Phya). फ्याउरोजस्तै जनावर नाम गरेको अनि फ्याको गुँड छ। Phya= an animal that looks like rabbit. neʃuŋ ŋenə dhene ta ɦutiko If I say the truth, the arrow in particular, भन्नेनै हो भने अनि वाण त्यो चाहिँ phjako ɦoktoŋ naŋla ʃuna ʃuʃuŋ nena tako ɦala kherti dukpu nuŋkere If fox enters the hole, the arrow will be with him (and) we will suffer hardship. फ्या चाहिँ प्वाल भित्र पस्यो भने तिर चाहिँ उता लगेर दुख पाउँछ। ta maghjaptʃe Don't shoot arrow. तिर नहान्नु। ŋeləraŋ apaki lappare (It) was said by the father earlier. पहिले नै बाबु चाहिँले भनेको थियो। dhene ʃjamla ja neti ʃuŋ Saying 'okay', he went. अनि पछि हुन्छ भनेर गयो। dhene dhuru masine thanka tʃhumpu dhu lo There was plain land, they said. अनि यहाँ त्यसैले समथर मैदान छ रे। təbu masʏnna masiraŋ kẽ ninke (They) did not agree (to go) without riding the horses. घोडा नचढी उनीहरूले मान्दै मानेनन्। khe ninke khuŋ ɲi təbu ʃʏn ʃʏn ɦjaŋ ləp How did they agree ? They insisted on riding the horses. के मान्थे उनी दुईजनाले, घोडा चढ कि चढ भने। tabu ʃʏn (He) got into a horse. घोडा चढ्यो। tabuki tapti maʃi tʃe dʒhuŋ He nearly died as the horse threw (him). घोडाले पछारेर झण्डै मरेन। tʃhulə mekalba təbu ʃʏndi tʃhulə ghalke ŋedi minendi Instead of crossing the stream, (and) not agreeing to cross the stream, पानीमा नतरेर घोडा चढेर पानी तार्ने भनेर नमानेर tʃhulə ghal nedi mininke (we) did not agree to cross the stream. खोलामा तर भन्दा मानेनौ। ghjalbu ʃu tʃhumpu You are the king. तिमी त राजा बलिया राजा हौ। khe ghjalpu bidzha re You are prince (king's son). तिमी राजाको छोरा हौ। ʃu tʃhumpu jøʈe You might be strong. तिमी बलिया हौला। tʃhu ghaldi tʃhuki kjadi bhe sitʃe tʃebəre (He) nearly died as the stream nearly swept him away. पानि तर्दा पानिले बगाएर धन्दैले मर्न लाग्यो। ɦone ʃjamlə ɦjaŋ ʃjamlə Later, then (later), त्यस पछि अनि पछि phjalə ta ghjap ləp du (He) shot an arrow to the rabbit. फ्या लाई तिर हान भन्यो। Phya=a kind of animal like rabbit ta meghjap nena minin kar kar taŋdi da ghjap du Having not agreeed to shoot an arrow, (and) insisting, (he) shot an arrow. तिर नहान्ने भनेर नमानेर कर (कर) लगाएर तिर हानेछ। ta ghjapti dhe phjakolə ta ghjapti phjako ɦoktoŋ naŋlə ʃudi ta lip kherʃuŋ Having shot an arrow to the rabbit, it (the rabbit) took the arrow with it (as it went in). तिर हानेर त्यो फ्याउरालाई तिर हानेर फ्याउरा चाहिँ प्वाल भित्र पसेर तिर पनि लिएर गयो। note, the past tense marker -ʃuŋ is used. dhene tako ta ta As for the arrow, अनि तिर चाहिँ (तिर तिर) ʃerki tʃhʏn jøbəre the point of the arrow was of gold (arrow at the ending of the arrow). तिरको अगाडिको चुच्चोमा हुने तिखो चिज सुनको थियो रे। dhene naŋlə ɖhokja ləmu dhene khuŋ ŋilə ʃuŋ ləpti In order to go into the furrow, (he, the prince) told (two men) go into the furrow. अनि (प्वाल) भित्र जाने बेलामा अनि दुईजनालाई जाउ भन्यो। khuŋ ɲi ɖho minin उनीहरू दुईजना जान मानेनन्। khe ghjalbu bhidza You, the son of the king. तिमी राजाको छोरा। khe ʃubu bholbhu jøʈo Your body might be soft. तिम्रो शरिर कमलो होला। kheraŋ ʃuʃuŋ You go to enter (go into it). तिमी पस्न जाउ। -ʃuŋ means 'go to __'. khe ɖhona tharoŋ You can go in if you go. तिमी गए छिर्छौ। neni thar meo nini ʈaŋbu bhidza we can't go in. We (are) children of the poor. हामी छिर्दैनौङ , हामी त गरिवको छोरा हौं। ʃe tʃe me There is nothing to eat. खाने (कुरा) छैन। thuŋ tʃe me There is nothing to drink. पिउने कुरा छैन। ʃubo ʂanti tʃi lo You have a small body. शरिर सारो (छ) के रे ? ʂanti jø (My) body is small. साह्रो छ। thar ghatrak ghutruk tʃe thar mjo Since our body is hard, it can't go in. (शरिर घत्राक घुत्रुक नमिलेको भए) भित्र छिर्दैन। kho ŋaŋ ʃubəraŋ khuŋ ɲi wane ɦjala dhene After he has entered, the two (of them) from down, ऊ भित्र पसेपछि उ दुई जना तलबाट अनि khuŋ ɲiki me tʃo dhubataŋ ɦwane ɦjalə they burnt fire and let the smoke come. तल बाट आगो सल्काएर धुँवा छोड्यो। ta dhuba taŋ sadi naŋlə Burning the fire (lit. letting smoke), भित्र धुवाँ छोडेर dhuba taŋ they caused the smoke. धुँवा छोड्यो। kho naŋlə usuptaŋte ʃi tʃe tʃe Having been suffocated, he was about to die inside. उ भित्र निस्सासिएर मर्नै लाग्यो। ʃi tʃe tʃhebəraŋ ŋa As he was about to dies, (he said), "I मर्नै लागे पछि म dhene ŋa ŋa lə aba terkeki ta ta jø I have an arrow given to me by my father. अनि म म चाहिँ बाले दिएको तिर (तिर) छ। takko ŋalə moko I don't need the arrow at all. तिर चाहिँ मलाई चाहिँदैन। khiraŋlə tertʃhu (I) will give (the arrow) to you. तिमीहरूलाई दिन्छु। khi dhupa mataŋro tʃelaŋ Please don't let the smoke come. तपाईंहरूले धुँवा नछोडिदिनुस्। ɦjãŋ dhene phelam dhupa tʃhe ro taŋ Again, they burnt the greater smoke to them. अझै अनि फेरी धुवाँ झन ठूलो छोडे। ŋa apa terkeki təbu təbu jø (He said), "I have a horse given to me by my father." मलाई बाबाले दिएको घोडा छ। təbu khiraŋja ʃʏn ŋa ʃʏn moko Please you ride the horse, I will not ride. घोडा तपाईहरूले चढनुस्, मैले चढ्नु पर्दैन। ŋa miʃʏn kheraŋja ʃʏn lapti Saying I will not ride, you ride (instead), म चढदिन तिमीहरू चढ भनेर ɦotʃəraŋ ŋeti phelam me tʃhero (They) again burnt the big fire. त्यतिमा भनेर फेरि ठूलो आगो बाले। taŋti kəru ɲinke miɲinbə re How could they obey ? (They) didn't obey. कहाँ मान्ने मानेनन्। ɦone ʃjamlə kho ghonke ghoela jø Then he had clothes to wear. त्यस पछि उसको लगाउने लुगा थियो। ŋa ghoela ŋa ghoela ghatʃe ɦjobuko khila tertʃjo (He said), 'I will give you clothes of mine'. मेरो लुगा मेरो लुगा भएभरको लुगा तिमीहरूलाई दिन्छु। dhene khi ghoela ŋa ghoentʃu And then I will wear your clothes. अनि तिमीहरूको लुगा मैले लगाउँछु। dhuba mataŋro tʃe ləpti ɦjaŋ mininti dhupa taŋ Again, (he said), 'Don't let the smoke burn', but he let it burn.' फेरि धुवाँ नछोडिदिनुस् भनेर फेरि नमानेर धुवाँ छोडे। dhene dhene madʒhuŋna ŋa ghjalpu ghjalpu khi tʃe ghjalpu ŋa (And then) otherwie, you becoem the king, (I the king). अनि अनि नभए म राजा, राजा तिमी गर (होउ), राजा म ghjalpu ŋa ʈaŋbu dʒe tʃo lapti lappa re I (the king) will become a poor man, (saying this) he said this. म राजा गरिव बनौंला, गर भनेर भन्यो। dhene dhi ʃjamlə dhene jaja ne (And then) they said, 'okay, okay'. अनि पछि आखिरमा पछि हुन्छ हुन्छ भने। dhene ʃjamlə dhupako meko ʃe And then they extinguished the fire. त्यस पछि धुँवा आएको निभाए। kho phila thʏn khu tʃe He came out with difficulty (finally). उ वाहिर बल्ल बल्ल निस्क्यो। maʃi tʃetʃuŋ He nearly died. धन्दैले मरेन। dhene phila thʏn ɦoŋ And then (he) came out. अनि बाहिर निस्क्यो। dhene khuŋ ɲiko tabu ʃʏn And then both of them got on the horse. अनि उनीहरू दुई जना घोडा चढे। khoko təbu ʈhi tʃeti ʃuŋbə re He in particular went (by) pulling the horse. उ चाहिँ घोडा तानेर गरेर गयो। ghoelako khuŋ ɲi ghʏn Both of them put on the clothes. लुगा पनि उनी दुईजनाले लगाए। ta ko khuŋ tao khuŋ kher tʃeʃuŋ They also went carrying the arrow. तिर पनि उनीहरूले बोकेर गए। dhene malip tʃela ŋjalə kholə tsaŋ Then, before reaching there (they) sent him there. अलि नपुग्दै पहिले उसलाई पठाए। taŋbu Long long ago, परापूर्व कालमा taŋpu ŋelə ghjalpulə bhidza tʃik maname long ago, the king had only one son, (there) were nobody else. पहिला पहिला राजाको छोरा एउटा मात्र थियो, अरू थिएनन्। dhanta ni bhidza ɲi ghjalbu ɲi ʈhuŋ du lap o Now there are two sons. (They said), "Tell us that there are two children born to the king". अहिले त छोरा दुईटा, राजा दुईटा जन्मिनु भएको छ भन है। kedu ne o nedi khola ŋela tsaŋpa re Saying 'two sons were born', they sent (him) forward. जन्मेको छ भनेर उसलाई अगाडी पठायो। dhene ghjalbu ghortsala lep kho dhene Then he reached the king's yard. अनि राजाको आगनमा पुग्यो। kho dhene ke kjapti taŋbu ghjalbu tʃik manani dhanda ghjalbu ʈhuŋ du Then (he) said shouting, 'Firstly, there was a king, now two kings have been born'. उ त्यहाँबाट चिच्याएर पहिले एउटा राजा थिए, अहिले दुईटा राजा जन्मिनु भएको छ। khoki dhene ghjalbu ɲi tu lapti wane ke tempə re Again, he siad, 'He shouted saying that there are two sons of the king.' उसले अनि दुईटा राजा छन् भनेर तलबाट आवाज आवाज निकाल्यो। ɦwane njane mala dhene From below, from up, (and) from below (and then), तलबाट, माथि बाट तल अनि। ɦwa kolə ʃjamlə bhomo ɲi ke du Two daughters were also born below (on the other side). तल पनि पछि दुईटा छोरी जन्मेछन्। bhomo ʃum dʒhuŋ du There were three daughters. तीन ओटा छोरी भएछन्। bhomo ʃum naŋlə atʃitʃheʃoko atʃitsheʃjoko ɦonti ni Having come the eldest of the three daughters, तीन ओटा छोरी मध्ये ठूली दिदी आएर tʃju laŋ ɦoŋ ba ketsere She had come to fetch water. पानी लिन आएकि रहिछन्। ɦoŋ te dhene kho lamlə ghu te Having come, he had waited (lit. sat) in the road waiting. आएर अनि उ चाहिँ बाटोमा पर्खेर बस्यो। lamla kudi phidza ʈaŋ ʈaŋ laŋ de ɦala lam meter As the man stood on the road (aimlessly), (he did not let the girls) go. बाटोमा पर्खेर छोरा मान्छे ठिङ्ग्रीङ् उभिएर (केटीलाई जानलाई) बाटो दिएन। khola dhokri ghjapə re He gave (the boy) a kick. उसले एक लात हानी (केटालाई)। korsa ɦjona kortiʃuŋ korsa mena ghom diʃuŋ (He said), "If you have a road going round (me), go that way, otherwise, jump (and) go". घुम्ने ठाउँ भए घुमेर जाउ, घुम्ने ठाउँ नभए नाघेर जाउ। ʃu ghorke ghomdi menʈo ba lapti Who will jump (instead0 of going by jumping (she said). को घुम्ने, नाघेरै नगईकन भनेर dhene kho tʃhu kher dhene Then he carried the water (and) अनि उसले पानी बोक्यो अनि, tʃhu kher ɦõ tʃhuko kharke lə ʃupi ketʃə re (He) came by carrying water. The water had fallen on his mouth. पानि लिएर आयो, पानि चाहिँ मुखमा परेको रहेछ। adzi adzi tʃhu ŋaki kharkilə ʃuʃuŋ ʃimʈho Sister, sister, the water fell on my mouth, oh ! how sweet ! दिदी दिदी पानी मेरो मुखमा पस्यो, (आहा) क्या मिठो। ŋeti lə ŋa thuŋke ki Saying, "Shall I drink it ?" भनेर मैले पिउँ कि ɦjak thui ŋetilə ŋa pøke laptilə lapəre Sneezing (at the same time he) spilled water on the ground. हाक थुई भनेर मैले पोखुँ भनेर भनेछ। dhene khe ɦak thui laptilə philə juk Saying you throw it outside (he) threw water (outside). अनि तिमीले बाहिर फाल भनेर बाहिर फाल। enʈe laptilə ɦone philə jukpa re (He) threw water outside from there. यसो भनेर त्यहाँ बाट फाल्यो। ɦjaŋ atʃi bərmako ɦoŋ ɦjaŋ atʃi bərmako ɦoŋ atʃi bərmako atʃi bərmakolə enʈeraŋ lap As the second elder sister came there, (as the second elder sister) came there (he) said the same thing. फेरि माहिली दिदि आएर फेरि माहिली दिदि आएर फेरि माहिली दिदि(लाई उसले) त्यस्तै भन्यो। tʃuŋsoko bhomo tʃuŋsoko ɦoŋdi tʃuŋsoko dhene ta As the youngest daughter came (there), then कान्छी छोरी, कान्छी छोरी आएर, कान्छी छोरी आएर अब khe ɦjala laŋ ʈhaŋ ʈhaŋlə ɦjalə laŋ You stand upright, you stand upright. तिंमी माथि उठ, ठिङ्ठीङ् माथि उठ (उभिय)। ɦjalə laŋdi Having stood (there), माथि उभिएर ŋa ni ta ʃetʃeme thuŋ tʃeme Now I do not have food to eat, neither do I have things to drink. म चाहिँ अव खानेकुरा पनि छैन, पिउने कुरा पनि छैन। laŋ moko du I can't stand. म उठ्न सक्दिन। ta kheraŋ korsa jøna kortiʃuŋ kosa mena ghomdiʃuŋ He (said), "If there is a place go round me, you go that way. Otherwise, jump and go". अव तिमी घुम्ने ठाउँ भए घुमेर जाउ, घुम्ने ठाउँ नभए नाघेर जाउ। ghəru dʒhuŋge khe ghəru ghəru ɖhokəe la How can I go by jumping ? To where ? कहाँ हुन्छ र नाघेर कहाँ जाने ? korti ʃuŋbə re She went by going around. घुमेर गई। ɦjaŋ tʃhu laŋdi ɦjalə ɦoŋkja tʃhuko malə pø (She) spilled the water as she came up by carrying the water. फेरि पानि लिएर माथि आउँदा पानी तल पोखि। tʃhar tʃhar tʃe kho kharkilə ʃu The water dripped and fell on his mouth. पानी तप तप चुह्यो, उसको मुखमा पर्‍यो। nani tʃhukoni ŋaki kahrkila ʃuʃuŋ Dear one, the water you spilled (lit. dripped) fell onto my mouth. नानि तिम्रो पानी मेरो मुखमा पर्‍यो। (केटाले भन्यो) ŋage ʃimʈhok nekeki ɦak thui ne ke lapti laptila (The boy said), "Shall I call it sweet or shall I sneeze ?" मलाई मिठो भन्ने कि हाकथुई (नमिठो) भन्ने भन्ने भनेर (केटाले भन्यौ)। ʃimʈhok lə thuŋ nedilə lapti ʃimʈhok neti thuŋpə re (She) said, "Drink (the water) tastily". मिठो किसिमले पिउ भनेर भनी, मिठो भनेर (केटाले) पिएछ। ɲjaləʃuŋ dhene (He) went up. माथि गयो । khuŋ ʃeme dhe ghjalpu ʃuŋpuko Next, (they) the three kings अर्को उनीहरू अनि तीनजना राजाहरू khuŋ ʃumko ŋjalə ʃuŋ the three of them went up. उनीहरू तीनजना माथि गए। ʃuimalə ɦoŋ dhene khuŋ ghjalbu ɲibuko ɦjalə kher (They) came to welcome them and took both of the kinds up. स्वागत गर्न आए र दुई जना राजा माथि लग्यो। dhene ʃuŋ (They) went. अनि गए। kho ko ʈaŋbu dzhe (As he was) poor, he sat there. उ चाहिँ गरिव (पाराले) बस्यो (गर्‍यो)। khuŋ ɲiko ghjalbu dzhe Both of them became the king. उनीहरू दुईजना राजा भए। dhene atʃi tʃhjako tʃhja ɲilə ɦodi tʃe Then there was a perfect matching between sisters (girls) and (boys). अनि ठूला दिदी ठूला दुईजना(को जोडीमिल्यो) गर्‍यो। ɦotitʃelə dhai jokpu ɲiko ɦotitʃe This happened, (they) did (it) for both of them. त्यो गर्‍यो, दुईजनालाई गर्‍यो। dhene khoko ʈaŋbu tʃeti dhe As for him, he sat there becoming (pretending) a poor man. अनि उ आफू चाहिँ गरिव बनेर बस्यो अनि। kho luk tʃhø ʃuŋ He went grazing sheep. उ चाहिँ भेडा चराउन गयो। luk tʃhø ʃuŋ (He) went to graze sheep. भेडा चराउन गयो। dhei tʃokʈa ɦjaŋ atʃi tʃhøʃokko lup tʃhø ʃuŋ Just like before, the eldest daughter went to graze sheep. अघि जस्तै फेरि ठूली दिदी चाहिँ भेडा चराउन गई। kho ɦjoŋ luk tʃhø ʃuŋ She went to graze the sheep. उ सँग भेडा चराउन गई। ɦulə ʃuŋdi jani Having gone there, then, उता गएर अनि luk tʃhø ʃuŋ dhene (she) went to graze sheep, (and) then भेडा चराउन गई अनि thaŋ tʃhe ŋjal te (he) slept having been very tired. थकाई लागेर सुत्यो। adziko ʃik ɖhu laptilə ʃik ɖhupi kei tʃa re As (he) was asked to pick the lions, (she) picked the lice from the (eldest) sister's head. दिदी चाहिँलाइ जुम्रा टिपिदेउ भनेर अनि जुम्रा टिपि दिएछ। dhene kho mi tʃju ʃorti Then the tears rolled down (from his eyes). अनि उ(सको) आँशु झर्‍यो। dha kho dhene Now, (he said), अव उ(सले) अनि lu laŋ bə re (He) sang a song. गीत गायो। ŋa talo lu laŋtʃi mudzuŋ (I should not sing this year). म यो साल गीत गाउन मिल्दैन। The speaker does not sing because his mother passed this year. sene lu laŋtʃe ɦjota lu jø I had a song to sing if I (have to). नत्र गित गाउने गाउनलाई गित थियो। kjolu jøbəre I have a song while singing in sad time. दुखमा गाउने गीत छ। kjolu=elegy dhene kho dʒhuiko ɦau lə dhenʈe tʃe ti Then, his mind, (and) as for his mind, (it happened). अनि उसको बुद्दि चाहिँ पहिलेको त (यसरी घटना घट्यो) भनेर ra tʃø ɖhoekja ləmu tai dhene While going to graze the goats, बाख्रा चराउन जाँदा खेरि अघि अनि kholə tukpu taŋke ki rikako thuŋpi ke tʃə re (the thing he told) was the suffering he got and the forest he had seen. उसलाई दुख दिएको बन देखेको (त्यही) कुरा हो। thuŋ bəraŋ dhene jok pølla ghjursa hauti riti mare Having seen (he said), "Is that the forest where the servant became the king ?" देखेर अनि नोकर राजा राजा भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ? jok pɯlla ghjursa hauti riti mare Isn't that the forest where the (servant) became the king ? राजा भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ? bhidza ghjurpa ɖhosa hau ti riti mare (Isn't it the forest) where the son became change, isn't that the place ? छोरा परिवर्तन भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ? dhi laptilə khoki mitʃju taŋpi ke tʃe re The tears rolled down saying this (it is known). त्यसो भनेर उसले आँसु झारेको रहेछ। dzuŋbəraŋ dhene mitʃju ʃjor Having done this, the tears rolled down (his eyes). भएर आँसु झार्‍यो। aʃjtʃja bhomoko lu laŋg lu laŋlə tʃi re ɦenʈe Ouch ! The woman (thought) what happened while singing the songs ? आच्या, आईमाई चाहिँ गीत गाउँदा गाउँदै के भयो यस्तो ? lu nimpu tʃi du laptila (It happened) as (he) sang the beautiful songs. एकदम मिठो गित के गाएर । ŋa bhidza semba kjo bi kjo lu re ŋa lu melaŋ This is the song of a song's sad song. म(मेरो) छोरा मन दुखको गित हो । I will not sing. म गाउँदिन। enʈe enʈe lap dzhuuŋdilə ʈa bərkhilə ke du Having talked like this, (he) was born in the middle of the hills. यस्तो यस्तो कुरा भएर पहाडको विचमा जन्मेछ। dhene adzi ra riu tsik ni thumpu tʃiklə du (And he said), 'Sister! There is a baby goat on the top.' अनि दिदी एउटा बाख्राको बाछ्छा चाहिँ अग्लोमा छ। dhene khe tamko And your matter (thing). अनि तिम्रो कुरा dhene adzu ŋa kukur tseti atsi tholə dzhati pap o ja ja Sister, I bow (nowz) down. (You) climb on my back and make me get off. अनि दिदि म निहुरिन्छु, दिदी (म) माथि चढेर झार है। अँ अँ। dhene kho ghukur tseti ra riuko mala pap And then, (she) got the baby goat down by bowing down. अनि उ निहुरेर बाख्राको पाठा तल झार्‍यो। loʃuŋ (He) returned. (उ) फर्क्यो। dhene nam ɦjaŋdi kjap Then it rained heavily. अनि पानि बेसरी पर्‍यो। dhene loʃuŋ (And) he returned. अनि फर्क्यो। khaŋpalə ʃuŋ (He) went home. घरमा गयो। ɦjaŋ ŋa ʈoko atʃi parmako mula (He went) with the second eldest sister the next day. फेरि भोलि पल्ट माहिलि दिदी सँगै atʃi pharmako ɦoŋdi enʈeraŋ lapti Saying the same thing with the second eldest sister, माहिली दिदिसँग यस्तै भनेर dhene ɦjaŋ ɦjaŋ And again, फेरि अनि अनि pɯn tsi lo ɦjaŋ te ɦjaŋ ʃik ɖu The king sat, and then (he) killed the lice (of the second eldest sister). राजा (मालिक) अनि बस्यो अनि फेरि जुम्रा मार्‍यो। pɯm jokla ghjursako reti mani (In his song he said) isn't it the same jungle where the king changed into the servant. राजा नोकरमा परिवर्तन भएको, त्यो बन हैन र ? jokpɯnlə ghjursa ɦəo reti mani Isn't it the forest where the servant became the king ? नोकर राजा भएको त्यो बन हैन र ? bhidza liu ʃorʃuŋ reti mani Isn't it the hill where the son was very tired ? छोरा थकिक भयो (भएको) त्यहि पहाड हो, हैन र ? bhidza ɦjoŋda tʃjoʃuŋ The son was very tired. छोरा थकित भयो। ɦau reti mane lapti lapə re lo (He) said isn't it the forest (and) having said, he said it. त्यो जँगल पहाड हैन र भनेर भनेको थियो रे। ɦjaŋ mitʃju tʃa ʃjorpə re His tears rolled down. अनि अलिकति आँसु खस्यो (झर्‍यो)। adzujake atʃija Brothers and sisters. दाईहरू, दिदीहरू। bharma ju lomako ɦjaŋ The second eldest sister is like the leaf of Yuloma. माहिली दिदी चाहिँ युलोमा (युलोमा)को पात जस्तै। ju= a stone kept in Muga, loma= leaf dhei ɲiʃjoko ʃerloma dzhũʃuŋ dhdandako juloma dʒhũʃuŋ The earlier one was (had) the golden leaf (and) the recent one had the Yulo leaf. अघिको पहिलो चाहिँ सुनौलो पात भयो, अहिलेको चाहिँ युलोको पात। laŋpəraŋ ɦjaŋ atʃi Having song, the elder sister, गाएर अनि दिदी lu nembu du lolaŋ lapə re said, '(You) have a nice song. Sing it'. मिठो गित छ फेरि गित गाउ भन्यो। ɦa dha ŋa bhitʃa ʃempa kjopi kjo lu re (This) is the song of a son's poignant song. अब म छोरा चित्त (मन) दुखेको गीत हो। lu melaŋ (He said), 'I don't sing'. गित गाउँदिन। ŋa lu laŋ meʃe jø I don't know to sing a song. मैले गित गाउन जान्दिन। ɦjaŋ dhene ɦjaŋ lo joŋ tʃhulə joŋ And then he came having returned, he came (this side). अनि फेरि अनि फर्केर आयो, यता आयो। ɦaŋ ŋaʈoko ɦjaŋ atʃi ʃuŋʃjoko ɦjom ʃuŋ bəre And then next day, (he) went with the youngest sister (daughter). अनि भोलिपल्ट फेरि सानो (कान्छी) दिदी चाहिँ सँगै गएछ। atʃi tʃumʃjoko ɦjom ʃuŋti ka dhene Having gone with the youngest sister (and then) कान्छि दिदीसँग गएर पो अनि te maɲin (he) didn't agree to sit. बस्न मानेन। ɦjã ɦjã And then, and then अनि अनि ta ɦjaŋ kho ɦarken riko thuŋ (he) saw a forest across (opposite) him. अब अनि उ पारि बन देख्यो। ɦjaŋ ʃempa kjo ɦjaŋ ʃeŋpa kjo lu laŋdi He was sad, and then having sung the sad song, अनि फेरि मन (चित्त) दुख्यो, अनि दुखको गित गाएर dhene and then, अनि jokpɯnlə ʃjorʃa ɦoti riti mare (he said) isn't it the forest where the servant became the king ? नोकर राजा भएको उ पारी बन हैन र ? pɯnlə jokla ʃjorʃuŋ ɦoti riti mare Isn't that the forest where the servant became the king ? नोकर राजा भएको उ पारी बन हैन र ? bhitsa ljubu ʃorʃuŋ ʃorʃuŋ ɦəudi ridi mane Isn't it the forest across there where the body of a son surrenered ? छोराको शरिर सवै भयो (समर्पण भएको), उ पारी बन हैन। tʃilo bhitsa ɦwakta ʃorʃuŋ ɦouti riti mame What is ? Isn't it the forest across (there) where the son became tired ? के रे ? छोरा थकित (थाकेर केही गर्न नसक्ने) भयो त्यो पारि बन हैन ? atʃi ʃerlo mala ʃerki ʃertop jø do There is a golden ring for Sunaulo sister, you know. सुनौलो दिदीलाई सुनकै औंठी छ है। atʃi julo mala juki ʃorto jø do The second eldest sister has the ring of Yul gem. (माहिली) युलो दिदीलाई युकै औंठी छ है। ju= the gem fixed in the middle of Muga atʃi dhuŋ lomala dhuŋki ʃorto jø do The youngest daughter has the ring of Dhunglo (shell). धुङ्लोमा (कान्छी)लाई धुङ्को औंठी छ है। Dhunglo=Shell (Shankha) dhorto mendu khoma naŋlə mutʃu jø It has not been kept in the bag because there is no auspicious time (for it). जुर्ने अवसर नभएको (नभएर) झोला भित्र हालेको छैन। dhjai ŋema hodi laptʃeko ɖhempa tse du I forgot to tell it before. अघि पहिले त्यो भन्नै भुलेछु। henʈe lapə re It had happened like this before. यस्तो भनेको थियो। ɦenʈe lapəraŋ dhene Saying like this again, यस्तो भनेर अनि, dha lu laŋdi lu ɦjaŋdi nempu dʒhuŋ lapti Saying having sung the song like that, we found it very sweet, त्यस्तो मीठो गीत गाएर हामीलाई निकै खुसी लाग्यो भनेर ŋa ʃempa kjobi kjo lu re lapti lapə re (He) said, '(This is) the song that touched my heart'. म(मेरो) साह्रै मन रोएर गाएको गीत हो भनेर भन्यो (भनेछ?)। kho lu laŋbə taŋ bhomoko As he sang the song, उसले गीत गाउँदा केटीले ghjupu ghjupu khoma loŋ bə re (she) searched (it) in the bag. छिटो छिटो झोला खोतली। dhene dhe khomako thoŋpa re Then he had seen that bag. अनि अनि त्यो झोलालाई देखेको थियो। dhene thoŋpa raŋ Then, having seen the bag, अनि झोला देखेर kho ghola ʃerki ralpa tʃokʈa he had a ball of gold (hair) in his head. उसको टाउकोमा सुनको डल्लो कपाल (थियो)। ralpa= hair entangled like a ball ʃerke ralpa tʃokʈa rukruk tʃe He spread the hair of gold. सुनको डल्लो कपाल जस्तो कपाल फैलाएको गर्‍यो। rukruk= hair hanging round the head ʃer ʃer ŋul ju dzhuru muti tʃokʈa As for the gold, there was only one diamond in the middle of Muga. सुन सुन चाँदी मुगाको विचको (यु) मोति एउटै (थियो)। ɦwe tʃhip tʃhip thuŋ baraŋ Having seen it shining because of light, प्रकास(ले) झलमल्ल देखेपछि apake dhene latʃja tʃhjar ʃjabə re (his) father stuck it with sealing wax. बाले अनि लाहाले टाँसीदियो। latʃja=sealing wax dhene ʃjamlə ɲima nam manima ghjap Then, there was shing of sun and heavy raining. त्यस पछि घाम पानि वेसरी पर्‍यो। nam manibə ghjap bəraŋ dhene atʃi tsi lo Having the heavy rain fell, then what (is it?) पानि वेसरी परेर अनि दिदी के रे ? maniba=very much nam ɦjaŋdi ghjapəraŋ dhene dhene Having the rain fell heavily, (and then), पानि वेसरी परेर अनि अनि bhomoko dhene kho ɦjul (the woman) and his village, आइमाई अनि उसको गाउँ bhidzako dhene as for the son and then, छोरा चाहिँ अनि gholə tshudʒhare nedi dhene Having said that the water dripped from the hair, and then, टाउकोलाई पानि चुहेको भनेर अनि tshudʒhare=drops of water falling bhidza nam kjapti bhidza bhaŋdi ɦjaŋdi bhidza bahaŋdi ɦjalasjo Having got wet the son, 'You come up'. छोरा पानि वेसरी परेर छोरा भिजेको वेसरी छोरा (केटो) भिजेको माथि आउ। ʃo lapdilə kho Having said, 'Come', he आज भनेर ऊ kho kho thempa lə khuŋ ja ʈhi thola He (in particular), (they) sat on the throne. उ चाहिँ (लाई) ढोकामा उनीहरू गद्दि माथि (बसे)। thempa=outside of the house ɦjalə ɦjala bhidza ɦjalə ʃo lapə re (He) said, 'You come up'. माथि माथि छोरा माथि आउ भन्यो। ɦjan ɦjartse hoŋ (He) came little up. फेरि अलि माथि आयो। ɦjaŋ phelaŋ bhidza malə mate ɦjala ʃjo (He) again said,'Son, (you) don't sit below, come up. अनि फेरि छोरा तल नबस माथि आउ (भनेर भन्यो)। ɦjaŋ khe lompalə mate ɦjaləso Now you don't sit in the cold, come up. अनि तिमी चिसोमा नबस, माथि आउ। ɦjaŋ ɦjalə sjoj nei ʃjamako Having said, 'You come up', then फेरी माथि आउ भनेर त्यसपछि gho ladzjako tsa ʃuiti dhene sertaŋ mul tak thʏn Having melted the wax (on his head), all the gold and silver came out. टाउकोको लाहा अलि पग्लेर अनि सुन र चाँदी सवै निस्क्यो। dhene dhene sjamla dhene dhene And, later then अनि अनि पछि अनि khoki aba amalə dhene lapəre He said to his parents then. उसले बा आमालाई अनि भन्यो। khoki dhene ʃerdu khoki lap kəre lula lu enʈe laŋ du (He) said, 'There is gold,(he) sang (it) in his song.' उसले अनि सुन छ उसले भन्यो, गीतमा यस्तो गायो रे। kho enʈe tseti dhukpu ɲuŋsul du dhene He had suffered like this, and then उ यस्तो गरेर दुख पाएको रहेछ, अनि ghjalpu ŋotoko kho tsikraŋ ɦinde He was in fact the real king. साँचो (वास्तविक) राजा उही चाहिँ रहेछ। dhene kho gholə te kho gholə Look at his head, on his head, अनि उसको टाउकोमा हेर उसको टाउकोमा ghanʈe du ŋedi ʃjamlə abako कस्तो छ भनेर पछि बाबु चाहिँ dhene te kja ləmu kho gholə ɦoetship Having seen it, (something) shone on its head. अनि हेरे पछि उसको टाउकोमा चम्कियो। dhi bhidzadi ʃerni ʃerdu ɲulni ɲul du For this boy, there is both gold, and silver. यो केटोलाई सुनमा सुन छ, चाँदीमा चाँदी छ। ɦira moti ɦoe tship tship dʒhuŋ bəraŋ Having the diamond and pearl shining, हिरा मोति चमक चमक भएर dhene abako ɦi tsheti kholə ʈibəre Having father being confident, (he) asked him. अनि बाबुलाई विश्वास भएर उसलाई सोध्यो। ʈi dhene dhene dhene (He) asked, and then (and then, and then), सोध्यो अनि अनि अनि dhene ŋa ŋoto re and then I am really the king. अनि म साँच्चै राजा हुँ (भन्यो उसले)। dhene khuŋ ɲi ŋalə dhene phjalə da ghjap lap tu And both of them said to hit towards the rabbit (Phya). अनि उनीहरू दुईजनाले अनि फ्या (लोखर्के)लाई तिर हान भने। ta ghjaptilə phjako ʃə naŋlə ʃuʃuŋ Having shot, (they) went into the land of Phya. तिर हानेर फ्याको जमिन भित्र पसे। ʃa naŋlə ʃubəraŋ khuŋ ɲini tʏn mukhu laptu They said they could not take it out having gone into the hollow (land). जमिन भित्र पसेर उनी दुईजनाले निकाल्न सक्दैनन भने। ŋa tʏn ɖhokja khuŋ ɲiki ŋalə dhupa taŋdilə Having gone there to take it out, both of them, म निकाल्न जाँदा उनीहरू दुईजनाले मलाई धुवाँ छोडेर ŋa pe sidze taŋstse ʃjoʃuŋ (they) nearly made me kill (it). म धन्दैले मर्न लाग्ने बनाए (उनीहरूले मलाई)। dzhuŋbəraŋ dhene ŋaki dhene Having become so, then I भएर अनि मैले अनि khu ɲi dhene and then both of them, अनि उनीहरू दुई जना pompu kheraŋ tse ghjalpu kheraŋ tse (they said), 'you take the responsibility and also be the king'. नेतृत्व पनि तपाईँले लिनुस्, राजा पनि तपाईँ हुनुस् pompu= leadership ghoela kheraŋ kʏn ŋa tabu khiraŋ sʏn ŋeti lapti dhene You also wear the clothes, and you also ride my horse (saying this), लुगा पनि तपाईँहरूले लगाउनुस, मेरो घोडा पनि तपाईँहरूले चढनुस् भनेर (भनेर) अनि ɦenʈe tseti ŋa lapko thuʃuŋ Having become like this, (I) have to say like this. यस्तो भएर मैले यस्तो भन्नु पर्‍यो। dhene ɦone ɦala khuŋ ghjalbu tse ŋa jokpu tse And then afterwards, they became the king, (and) I became the servant. अनि त्यहाँ बाट उनीहरू राजा भए, म नोकर भएँ। dhene ghjalbulə sebəraŋ And then, saying this to the king, अनि राजालाई भनेर ɦone ɦala ghjalbuki phelaŋ afte that the king again, त्यहाँ बाट राजाले फेरि dhene dhukpu taŋdi and then causing (lit. giving them) suffering, अनि दुख दिएर ʃeme jokpu jokpulə raŋ ʃja the next servant became the servant again. अर्को नोकर नोकरमै राख्यो । təi ʈaŋʈuk jokpu jokpulə ʃja Before, the poor boy was kept (lit. made) the servant. अघि, गरिब केटा नोकरमै राख्यो। dhene kho ghjalburaŋ dʒhuŋbəre And then he became the king. अनि उ राजा नै भयो। ghjalburaŋ dʒhuŋ (And he) became the king. अनि राजा नै भयो। dhene tʃheme ɦjulla And then in Chame village. अनि अति नै गाउँमा lo japutsuŋ sem netse The crops grew well, it was as expected. बालिनालि राम्रो भयो, मनले चिताए जस्तो, dʏnto ɦjullə tsheme kipu dʒhuŋ The crops became good (they had good time). बालिहरू गाउँमा अति खुस भए (सुख पाए)। ʃempa ŋetswe tʏda ɖup (Every) work was like as they expected. मनले चिताए जति काम बन्यो। ɦotseraŋ re This is all. यति नै हो। ŋa ɬakpa re I am Lhakpa. म लाक्पा हुँ।