\_sh v3.0 400 Koto13GY1Edit \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \block 001 \ut ŋa julko tʃiri prakari \ELANBegin 00:00:27.890 \ELANEnd 00:00:30.750 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft My village (is) here in Braga. \ftn \ftn मेरो गाउँ चाहिँ यहाँ ब्रागामा \block 002 \ut ŋa ŋa kesəko tsuri \ELANBegin 00:00:31.650 \ELANEnd 00:00:36.110 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft I was born here (This is the place where I was born). \ftn म (म) जन्मेको ठाउँ यहाँ \block 003 \ut ŋa ʈupʌ khjako tʃiri \ELANBegin 00:00:37.320 \ELANEnd 00:00:38.740 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft The place where I live. \ftn \ftn म बस्ने (बसेको) ठाउँ यहाँ हो। \block 004 \ut ŋa julko tʃiri \ELANBegin 00:00:38.760 \ELANEnd 00:00:40.040 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft This is my village (lit. here is my village). \ftn मेरो गाउँ चाहिँ यहाँ (हो)। \block 005 \ut jul mi braka \ELANBegin 00:00:40.300 \ELANEnd 00:00:41.750 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft The village name is Braka. \ftn गाउँको नाम ब्रागा (हो)। \block 006 \ut penitse ŋa \ELANBegin 00:00:43.660 \ELANEnd 00:00:46.820 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft For example, \ftn जस्तो कि (यस्तै) \block 007 \ut ŋa siʈulika mi ʃue ʃiʈuleka ʃikinʌ \ELANBegin 00:00:48.230 \ELANEnd 00:00:51.170 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft If I die, or whoever (any man) dies, (after one dies), \ftn \ftn म मरे नि जो मरेपनि मर्‍यो भने \block 008 \ut noʃjoko lʌmʌ khjari jʌtse \ELANBegin 00:00:53.020 \ELANEnd 00:00:55.530 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft first to go to lama, (and) to consult (to find) an auspicious time (to take the dead body out of house). \ftn \ftn पहिला लामा(कोमा, लामाको ठाउँमा) जाने, \block 009 \ut tʃi kortse lʌtse \ELANBegin 00:00:55.550 \ELANEnd 00:00:56.830 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft Consult an auspicious time. \ftn जोखन (साईत) हेर्ने। \block 010 \ut tʃi kortse ta pebʌko lʌtse ləʌtse \ELANBegin 00:00:57.320 \ELANEnd 00:01:00.450 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft To do (the ritual) whenver (lit. whatever) comes out when (the lama is consulted). \ftn \ftn जोखन (साइत) हेरेर जे निस्कन्छ, (त्यहि) गरेर गर्ने। \block 011 \ut tshotse kʌti tuŋpa oko lʌtse \ELANBegin 00:01:02.130 \ELANEnd 00:01:04.760 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft To take out the dead body when (the auspicious time) comes. \ftn \ftn घडि(मा) जुन समयमा निस्कन्छ त्यहि (समयमा लास निकाल्ने) काम गर्ने। \block 012 \ut ʌlʌtse pʌrtse jʌ \ELANBegin 00:01:05.200 \ELANEnd 00:01:06.680 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft To take out like this. \ftn यसरी लिएर जाने। \block 013 \ut ʈoŋri ʈoŋ ʂiri portse \ELANBegin 00:01:07.640 \ELANEnd 00:01:11.080 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft Taking (the dead body) to a jungle, (taking) it to a jungle, \ftn एउटा बनमा, एउटा बनमा लगेर \block 014 \ut purkhaŋ printse lʌtse \ELANBegin 00:01:12.210 \ELANEnd 00:01:13.580 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft by making a pyre (and) \ftn चिता बनाएर, गरेर \block 015 \ut purkhaŋ naŋri tshantse ʃĩŋ tshaŋtse le meri phulpa \ELANBegin 00:01:13.620 \ELANEnd 00:01:17.030 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft by keeping (the dead body) in the pyre, and putting some firewood, (we) burn it (the dead body). \ftn \ftn चिता (लाई) भित्र हालेर (राखेर) दाउरा हालेर यसरी आगो बाल्ने (चढाउने)। \block 016 \ut meri phul lʌtse okʌre \ELANBegin 00:01:18.090 \ELANEnd 00:01:19.950 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft By burning the fire, and then \ftn \ftn आगोलाई बालि (चढाउने) बालेर त्यसलाई \block 017 \ut kʌnʈə ʈhu te khe \ELANBegin 00:01:20.550 \ELANEnd 00:01:22.400 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft it takes six hours to burn it. \ftn छ घण्टा जति लाग्छ। \block 018 \ut oko meri phultsimne ɬʌmʌtse etseju \ELANBegin 00:01:22.810 \ELANEnd 00:01:26.070 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft Having burnt it in the pyre, the lamas come home (from there). \ftn \ftn त्यो (लास)लाई दागबत्ति दिएर लामाहरू फर्केर आउँछन् । \block 019 \ut utse haptari tone \ELANBegin 00:01:26.080 \ELANEnd 00:01:29.110 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft For one week, \ftn त्यसपछि (एक) हप्ता पछि \block 020 \ut meprako olʌtse \ELANBegin 00:01:31.230 \ELANEnd 00:01:32.870 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft for the ash (of the dead body) like this, \ftn खरानि(लाई) यसरी \block 021 \ut tʃheme entse phultse thẽ \ELANBegin 00:01:33.170 \ELANEnd 00:01:34.980 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft (they) offer water kept in bowl (and) keep the dead body. \ftn \ftn बत्ति (र) सानो भाँडामा पानी चढाएर राख्छन्। \block 022 \ut ŋira tsutsuko lake lʌmʌ wetse lʌtse meprako kjuri tsjaŋpa \ELANBegin 00:01:35.220 \ELANEnd 00:01:40.850 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft After two days, having called lamas (and) to let the ash flow in the water. \ftn \ftn सात दिन पछि फेरि लामालाई बोलाएर खरानि चाहिँ पानिमा बगाउने। \block 023 \ut o lʌ \ELANBegin 00:01:41.860 \ELANEnd 00:01:43.000 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft After doing it, \ftn यति गरेपछि \block 024 \ut otse ŋjaŋ kuriŋ ta tuŋpʌ tse \ELANBegin 00:01:43.910 \ELANEnd 00:01:48.510 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft Like this, whichever worship is suitable (lit. appears), \ftn \ftn त्यसपछि हाम्रो पुजाहरू जुन निस्कन्छन्, \block 025 \ut kuriŋko lʌmʌri ʃutse letse \ELANBegin 00:01:49.010 \ELANEnd 00:01:51.660 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft having consulted lamas and doing worship, \ftn \ftn पुजा चाहिँ लामालाई सोधेर गरेर \block 026 \ut kuriŋ ta tuŋpoko kuriŋ lʌ \ELANBegin 00:01:53.240 \ELANEnd 00:01:54.980 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft whatever kind of worship is suitable (lit. appears, they) do it. \ftn \ftn पुजा जे निस्कन्छ (त्यही) पुजा गर्ने। \block 027 \ut utse ʃja ʃurku toniko \ELANBegin 00:01:56.110 \ELANEnd 00:01:59.360 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft And for forty nine days, \ftn त्यसपछि उनन्पचास दिनसम्म \block 028 \ut tiŋʈa kjoŋ tsimne \ELANBegin 00:02:00.590 \ELANEnd 00:02:01.940 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft After doing worship worship in every week, \ftn हप्ता हप्तामा पुजा गरेपछि \block 029 \ut ʃjap ʃjurkuko jopne utʌr kotse \ELANBegin 00:02:03.040 \ELANEnd 00:02:05.270 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft after passing forty nine days (and then), \ftn \ftn उनन्पचास दिन पुगेपछि त्यस पछि \block 030 \ut mi ʃipʌ mija phak ta piliko \ELANBegin 00:02:06.090 \ELANEnd 00:02:09.270 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft all the share (goods) the dead man (are offered). \ftn \ftn मरेको मान्छे मान्छको भाग सवै \block 031 \ut okʌri khija phako jotse otʌrkotse \ELANBegin 00:02:10.110 \ELANEnd 00:02:13.100 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft His share is complete (for this). And then, \ftn \ftn त्यसमा उसको भाग पुग्यो। त्यसपछि \block 032 \ut tiŋi tortse ŋa apa ama pipʌko arʌpa \ELANBegin 00:02:15.250 \ELANEnd 00:02:20.250 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft Now onwards there are no parents of mine. \ftn \ftn अब देखि मेरो बा आमा भन्ने चाहिँ छैनन्। \block 033 \ut utʌrko tsete \ELANBegin 00:02:20.280 \ELANEnd 00:02:21.460 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft After that, \ftn त्यस (त्यो) पछि \block 034 \ut tu tʃhaŋtse lʌtse utʌrkotse mreko pi \ELANBegin 00:02:22.660 \ELANEnd 00:02:25.560 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft the people are cleansed after (they) got impured. \ftn \ftn जुठो बारेर (बारेको) त्यस (दिन) पछि (जुठो) छोड्ने। \block 035 \ut utʌrkotse are \ELANBegin 00:02:25.810 \ELANEnd 00:02:28.980 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft There is nothing (there) after this (lit. there). \ftn त्यहाँ देखि छैन (सकियो)। \block 036 \ut ŋa julko praka \ELANBegin 00:02:35.800 \ELANEnd 00:02:37.260 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft My village is Braka (I am from Braka). \ftn मेरो गाउँ ब्रागा हो। \block 037 \ut ŋa mi kʌrmʌ sʌmte pi kʌrmʌ sʌmte khəle \ELANBegin 00:02:37.750 \ELANEnd 00:02:41.140 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft My name is called Karma Samde, my name is Karma Samde. \ftn \ftn मेरो नाम कर्म सम्दे भन्छन्, कर्म सम्दे घले (हो)। \block 038 \ut lo ʈuktsu ʈhu jepa \ELANBegin 00:02:43.740 \ELANEnd 00:02:45.320 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft I am sixty six years old. \ftn छ्यसठ्ठी वर्ष भएँ। \block 039 \ut lo ʈuktsu ʈhu ŋa \ELANBegin 00:02:46.260 \ELANEnd 00:02:48.020 \ELANParticipant SAB \tx \ft I am sixty years old. \ftn म छैसठ्ठी वर्ष। \ELANMediaURL file:///Users/khildeb/Desktop/KRISTINE/Nepal_NSF/Manange_Data/Manange_Discourses_2013/Braagaa/Braga13_MM1/Braga13MM1.wav \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav \ELANMediaExtracted file:///Users/khildeb/Desktop/KRISTINE/Nepal_NSF/Manange_Data/Manange_Discourses_2013/Braagaa/Braga13_MM1/Braga13MM1.mp4 \ELANMediaURL file:///Users/khildeb/Desktop/KRISTINE/Nepal_NSF/Manange_Data/Manange_Discourses_2013/Braagaa/Braga13_MM1/Braga13MM1.mp4 \ELANMediaMIME video/*