apʌ mi akhe mi The name of father (and) grandfather... बा र बाजेको नाम mʌno oɖa nʌmbʌr nʌu (and I am from) Manang village developemtn committee, ward number nine. गा वि स मनाङ्, वडा नम्बर नौ। oɖa, nʌu.nep; nʌmbʌr.eng oɖa nʌmbʌr nʌu ʈupa (I) live in ward number nine. वडा नम्बर नौमा बस्छु। oɖa, nʌu.nep; nʌmbʌr.eng tʌŋpa ŋja akhe miŋko sumʈu Long ago, the name of our grandfather was Sumtu. पहिला (उहिले) हाम्रो बाजेको नाम सुम्टु थियो। khjarkjʌr tuŋ khʌpa Our grandfather came (lit. coming) from Ghyaru. घ्यारूबाट निस्केर आएको (हाम्रा बाजे)। utse akhe kʌrsaŋ sʌmʈu tsʌ From then (I am the) son of Karsang granfather's son. त्यहाँबाट कर्साङ् बाजेको छोरा सम्टु । kʌrsaŋ tsʌ akhe kʌrma tsʌ apʌ kʌrpʌn tsʌ My father Karmacha was the son of Karsang. कर्साङ्को छोरा (मेरो) बुवा कर्मच (हुन)। apʌ kʌrmʌ tsʌ pempa tshiriŋ (I) am Pempa Chhiring, son of Karmacho. बाउ कर्मचोको छोरा पेम्पा छिरिङ् (हो)। lo tsoŋʌ tene poe tʃhe lʌtsi tsu mʌnaŋre I read Tibetan (language, book) for fifteen years In this Manang. पन्ध्रवर्ष सम्म तिब्बती भाषा पढेँ यो मनाङ्मा। utse lo tsuʈure pe kintse Then I married my wife while I was sixteen years old. त्यसपछि (श्रीमतिसँग) सोह्र वर्षमा विवाह भयो (विवाह गर्‍यौं)। utse lo ŋisure kola nʌtsi Then the child was born in the twentieth year. अनि बीस वर्षमा बच्चा जन्म्यो (जन्माएँ)। tosõ kola tsʌme phli tsʌ ʃi mo Now (I) have four daughters and one son. अहिले (मेरा) चारजना छोरी र एकजना छोरा छन्। utse lo ŋiʃuri Then in twenty years, त्यहाँबाट (त्यसपछि) बीस वर्षमा inɖija.eng inɖijare mʌnʈo tshoŋ lʌ jʌtsi I went to India to make a business of herbs. त्यहाँ बाट भारतमा जडिबुटी व्यापार गर्न गएँ। ŋiʃju ʃi ŋiʃju ŋiʃju swe (After becoming) twenty, twenty two and twenty three years, एक्काईस, बाइस, तेईस otse khʌtsi then (I) came up. त्यहाँबाट (त्यसपछि) आएँ। utse hʌŋkʌŋri menʈo tshoŋ lʌ jʌtsi Then I went to Hongkong to make a business of herbs. त्यसपछि हङ्कङ्‍मा जडिबुटी ब्यापार गर्न गरें। khẽ sjoŋ ta hʌŋkʌŋri I kept (shop) on the road in Hongkong. हङ्कङमा बाटोको पेटीमा (खाल्टोमा पसल ) थापें। । utse ye khʌtse beŋkʌk te polpʌri tshʌŋ lʌtse reɖimeɖ tsʌŋ Then I made a buisness between Nepal and Hongkong, the busines of Readymade clothes. त्यसपछि फर्केर बैंकक र नेपाल बीचमा ब्यापार गरें, तैयारी पोशाको ब्यापार। utse tosõ jul After that now (in the) village, त्यसपछि अहिले गाउँ jul mʌmaŋker jʌtse lo ŋiʃu tĩ eme Almost twenty years have spent since I came (lit. came down) to Kathmandu. मनाङ् गाउँबाट झरेको (गएको, काठमाण्डु) बीस बर्ष जति भयो। tiŋi kʌti jʌtsi pinʌ Now my age (lit. how old I am is), आज कति (बर्ष) भएँ भने, kʌti.nep ŋʌtʃu phre jʌto ni Pehaps till I am fifty years old, अन्ठाउन्न वर्ष सम्म (हुँदा) sumtsu phre pwal ʈutse I have lived in Kathmandu for thirty seven years. काठमाण्डुमा बसेको अड्तीस् (वर्ष) (भयो)। tuku lʌtse tsam (I) did very hard work. बेस्सरी दुख गरें। tiŋi kola khentsi tapile khentsi Now all of my children are grown, (they) can do it independently. अहिले वच्चाहरू हुर्के, सवै आफ्नै खुट्टामा उभिए। sʌni tʌkitse ʈupkaŋ mo totsʌri We are living happily these days. (हामी) राम्ररी सुख सँग (मजासँग) बसिरहेका छौं यतिबेला (आजकल)। apʌ ʈoŋtsi amʌ lo pretsu swẽ jʌpʌ (My) father passed away, (and) mother is eighty three (years old). बुवा स्वर्गवास हुनु भयो, आमा त्रियासी वर्ष हुनुभयो। the ʈhu mo (We) are six siblings. (हामी छ जना दाजु बहिनी (छौं)। mjuŋla phli (I have) four sisters. चारजना दिदीबहिनी। the ŋi pjuŋla ŋi (We) are two brothers. दुई दाजुभाई, केटा दुईजना। mʌnaŋri oɖa nʌmbʌr lo ʈhe mo (My land) is in ward number five and six of Manang (VDC). मनाङ्मा वार्ड नम्बर (___मा) खेत छ। oɖa. nep; nʌmbʌr.eng umʈeri mo ke sʌ tsʌka (I) have land, and house in Humde. हुम्डेमा खेत घडेरी र जग्गा छ । sjau bari mo There is apple orchard. स्याउ बारी छ। sjau, bari.nep jul tshim pitse julri kompatse tsel khʌtsi Having (lit. saying) remembered the village, we've come to have an audience of the gompa. गाउँलाई सम्झेर (भनेर) गाउँमा गुम्बा यसरी दर्शन गर्न आयौं। toʈe kompa tsjol khʌtsi (We) came to have audience of Tore kompa. तोडे गुम्बा दर्शन गर्न आयौं। potso kompa tsjoltsi (We) had audience of Pjolche Gompa. पोचो गुम्बा दर्शन गर्‍यौं। mʌnaŋ gompa tsjoltsi (We) had an audience of Manang kompa. मनाङ् गुम्बा दर्शन गर्‍यौं। tiŋi raŋ juli khʌtse sẽ kimo Since I came home, I am very happy. आफ्नो गाउँमा आएर मन आनन्द (प्रसन्न) भयो। raŋ juli a hai lʌli raŋ julkori ʈe ime As for (one's) own village, you remember it whatever the case is. आफ्नो गाउँ चाहिँ जसरी भए पनि आफ्नै गाउँलाई संझिने रहेछ। lo eni eni As your age passed, उमेर जाँदा जाँदा tshoŋ lʌpʌ reʈaer tʌtsi In order to make a business now, ब्यावसाय गर्न (लाई, बाट) रिटायर्ड भएँ। kolatse raŋ raŋ khentse kipʌle ʈudze mo Since the children have worked for their own, we have been living happily. बच्चाहरू आआफ्नो खुट्टामा उभिएर सुख साथ बस्दै छौं। ʌtse This much (for today). यत्ति नै।