kutsuŋi (I was born in) 1992. बयान्नब्बे (भएँ)। kutsu ŋi (I was born in) 1992. बयान्नब्बे। lʌpʌko ta mo taŋpʌ What could I do then ? गर्नु त के गर्ने पहिला ? taŋpʌ tẽ Long ago, (now) उहिले (पहिला) चाहिँ lʌ thsepʌ I used to worship gods. कुल देवताको पुजागर्ने (गर्थें)। khʌmpʌ khʌmpʌ palʌ te nʌ During the time of village chief, मुखिया (खम) को पालोमा (भएको बेलामा) khʌmpʌ khʌmpʌ tshim kane teina te While (I was) the village chief (and) while worshipping, अध्यक्ष (मुखिया)को पालो सम्हाल्ने बेलामा lʌ tshepʌ (we used to) worship. कुल देवताको पुजा गर्ने। lʌ tshe tsja ʌtse Did you worship ? कुल देवताको पुजा गरेर अनि motsori lʌ tele tshjote I worshipped the god of Mucho. मुचोमा कुल देवतालाई एकपटक पुजा गर्ने। kjumiri tsua utsa Which god (is there) in the spring of water ? पानिको मुहानमा यहाँ यस्तै (त्यस्तो के) kjotso pio (They) worship Kjocho. क्युचो भनिन्छ। kjutso tʌle tshete I also worshpped at Kjocho. क्युचोमा (पनि) एक पटक पुजा गर्ने। mo ajupkani ekare jote We go to Yaka to worship if there is no (little) rain, पानि नपर्दा एकामा गईन्छ। ekare in Yaka. एकामा। utse Since then, त्यहाँ देखि (त्यसपछि) motsori tele jʌte I went to Mucho once. मुचोमा एक पटक जान्थ्यौं। kʌnʈali pipʌ mo There is a place called Kandali. कन्टाली भन्ने ठाउँ छ। kʌnʈali pipkʌre tʌle ete I also go to a place called Kandali. कन्डाली भन्ने ठाउँमा पनि एक पटक गईन्छ (जान्थें)। lʌpẽ uri Having done it, that one त्यहाँ पुजारी ʂi ŋi sjoẽ məi te (there are) three places (to worship). एउटा दुईओटा तीनओटा छन्। ‍lʌ tshoe eptẽ ‍lʌ tshoe eptẽ To do the worship, to go to worship. कुल देवताको पुजा गर्न जाँदा (कुल देवताको पुजा गर्न जाँदा) tʌsi khimi lʌpẽtse tshjopʌ tʌtsi The worshippers have gone to worship. अहिले उनी पुजारीहरूले पुजा गर्छन् (गर्थे)। khʌmpʌtse rori epʌ tei nʌ The village chief goes to the forest. मुखिया साथी गर्न (साथ दिन) जान्छन्। jortoŋ lʌpʌko The festival (in rainy season), योर्तोङ् गरेको (गर्ने वर्षामा गर्ने चाडवाड) jortoŋ lʌpʌka ni tẽ phẽ tshʌmetse while celebrating the Yortong, the girls and boys, योर्तोङ् भन्ने चाड गर्दा खेरि ठिटा ठिटीहरू tʌ phuŋtse khoe phriŋ jʌmo while celebrating Yortong, the girls and boys go to the gods' shrine by riding the horses. योर्तोङ् गर्ने बेलामा ठिटाठीटीहरू घोडा चढेर गीत गाएर जान्छन्। jortoŋ titsi Yortong is done. योर्तोङ् भयो। mithako primpʌko tʌtsi Again, the arrow-shooting finished. तिरहान्ने बाण हान्ने (चाड) चाहिँ भयो। mitshokom mitshokom The arrow shooting festival still in practice. तिर खेल्ने चाहिँ (चाड) to tone tshe momate It still continues. अहिले सम्म सधैं छन् (खेलिन्छ)। taŋpʌ jortoŋte lʌ tshepʌko The tradition of worshipping during Yortong long back उहिले योर्तोङ् चाड र कुल देवताको पुजा pitsi are no longer exists now. छोडे, छैन। jortoŋkʌe pi (We) left before (the day before yesterday). योर्तोङ् चाड चाहिँ छोडेर (छोडेको)। lo ŋʌti ʈhuti tʌtse moste Five or six years passed since (they) left this festival. पाँच छ वर्ष जति भयो होला। lʌko tshjopʌ pitsi (People) now stop worshipping ancestral god. कुल देवता पुजा गर्न पनि छोडे। to ekako mo ajupʌ kani (People) used to go to ancestral god in the place called Yakachi. अहिले एका पानि नपर्दा खेरि tshjoẽ epʌ (They) go there to worship. (एका भन्ने ठाउँमा) सधैं जान्छौं। eka ni tshimi neri There is a spring (of water) in Yaka. एका र पानीको मूलको देवताको थानमा kolte sjopʌko ta khimi julko tẽ The place where these Gurungs dance (in their village) गुरूङ्हरू नाच्ने (नाचेको चाहिँ) उनीहरूको गाउँ चाहिँ khimi muŋkjʌr ʃi phupʌ tʌtsi (The gurungs) come from Singu by carrying rice. उनीहरू तलबाट चामल लिएर आउँछन्। ŋjaŋgao u tsʌtsʌko khimiri popʌ tʌina We used to barter salt with rice. हाम्रो त्यो नुन चाहिँ उनीहरूसँग साट्थे (साटिन्छ)। phak kʌti mo pi How much is the share ? भाग कति छ भनेर ŋipʌ lʌmo khimi They ask. उनीहरुले सोध्छन्। ʌle lupari phutiko The new visitors यसरी लुपारीहरू चाहिँ lupari=the Gurungs who visit KolteSjopathang sjomo uri a (hey) dance there, right ? नाच्छन् त्यहाँ । lupari photiko sjob lepte The shopkeepers dance. नयाँ मान्छे (गुरूङ्हरू) चाहिँ नाचेर thʌlĩ rile sjomo They dance by playing plates. थाल बजाएर नाच्छन्। sjotsja atse tse uri thuŋ After they danced, they drink the tea right there. नाचे पछि अनि चिया त्यहीँ खान्छन्। khimi sipni uri to pitsi (It is believed) that (people) reach there when they die. उनीहरू मरे पछि त्यहाँ पुग्छन् भन्छन् (भनिन्छ)। sorkʌ pitsi (They) reach the heaven. स्वर्ग भन्छन् (भनिन्छ)। ʌntse uri kori oepʌ lʌmo (Then) they call them. अनि पछि त्यहाँबाट बोलाउँछन् (बोलाईन्छ)। tjã ke paũtshʌ What do they get there ? त्यहाँ के पाउँछन् ? The whole sentence in Nepali. pitse sʌrtimo khimi (They) asked what they got by asking them. भनेर भन्छन उनीहरू। khime khime pi tsorte (They) themselves say it. उनीहरूले उनीहरूलाई नै भन्छन्। khimʌe They... उनीहरू lo tin tshʌ pitsi (they) say it is still three years. तीन वर्ष छ भन्यो। ŋi sʌribʌri tshʌ We have equal parts (share). हाम्रो बराबर छ (भन्छन्)। ʈhikei tshʌ pi ʌpi mo This is alright, they say it. ठिकै छ यस्तो भन्छन। khimi lupari phutiko pimo The new visitors say this. उनीहरू लुपारीहरू चाहिँले भन्छन्। khʌmpʌ lʌntsi pitse lo jortse jʌtsi Many years have gone since I left (the role of ) village chief. मुखिया (मुक्य) र सदस्य (सानो मुखिया) छोडेको धेरै वर्ष भयो। ŋjaŋ pʌntsaet tshimkerko arepʌ ni As soon as the Panchayat regime ends, (I) am not the village chief. हाम्रो पञ्चायत काल समाते पछि छैन नि (मुखिया) तरिका। khʌmpʌ tsheko pʌntsaet alʌ mi nʌ Since there are no Khampas, after the end of the Panchayat regims. मुखियाको सट्टा अब पंचायत (गाविस)ले गर्दो रहेछ नि। pʌntsaet pip kerko arʌ pe they gradually left. पञ्चायत छोडे बाट (देखी) छैन। sẽ tamote ʌtse ina le What to say, this is all to say. अरू के छ र यति नै होला। sẽ sẽ (The) other things, अरूहरू, ekari mo ajup lʌpʌko what to do even if there is no rain in Yarka. याकामा पानि नपर्दा गर्ने (चाहिँ) nʌli julri ke mo thẽ mo Yes, there are fields, and houses. नली गाउँमा मेरो खेत छ, घर छ। ŋʌ ke My field. मेरो खेत ni mo There are seven houses. सातओटा छन्। taŋpʌ ke topʌ tʌtsi We used to plant rice there. पहिला त खेत रोप्थ्यौं (रोप्यौं)। kola mjuŋla tsʌri kʌkʌrse sathʌma The children distributed (it) to each of their children. बच्चाहरूले छोरीहरूलाई एउटा एउटा बाँडिदिएँ। pĩ thʌma musĩ (We) gave it to them as dowry. दिईदिएँ दाईजो (छोरीलाई जग्गा)। ale ʃi mjuŋla ʈhuko kʌkʌr (I) have a son and seven daughters. एउटा छोरो, छोरी छ ओटालाई एउटा एउटा