ŋʌ mi tshimi jaŋtse My name is Chimi Yangche. मेरो नाम छिमि याङ्चे (हो)। lo ŋʌtsu phre I am fifty eight years old. म अन्ठाउन्न वर्ष (भएँ)। ŋʌtsu phre lo (I am) fifty eight years old. वर्ष अन्ठाउन्न भयो। ŋʌ põpa tẽ I am from Ngawal. म ङावलको हुँ। põpa tẽ ŋʌ (I am) from Ngawal. ङावलको हँ म। tukʌ tʌmo (I) have got hardship. दुख भयो (हुन्छ)। tukʌ.Nep pʌle sukhʌ mo khe lʌlja atʌmo (My) legs ache, (I) can't do. खुट्टा दुख्छ, काम गर्न पनि सक्दिन। tuk tʌmo I have hardship. दुख हुन्छ। khe alʌnʌ tsʌlja ajaŋmo If (I) don't work, I don't get (things) to eat. काम नगरे खानै पाउँदैन। ʌle ʈurimo (I) have been sitting idly (without doing anyting). त्यसै बसिरहेकि छु। are phʌ I have no husband. श्रीमान छैन। nʌswã sitse (My) husband died beore. (श्रीमान) पहिल्यै मरे। kola phili mo (I) have four children. चार जना बच्चा छन्। nani ŋi mo (I) have two daughters. दुईजना छोरी छन्। naŋkore atʃoŋ ŋi mo (I) have two daughter below them. त्यो मुनि दुई जना छोरा छन्। mome ŋʌ There are five (members) in the family. परिवार पाँचजनाको छ। kolatse nani ʃi tsiri mo There is a daughter with me. एक जना छोरी यहीँ छ। atʃoŋ ʃi tsiri mo There is a son hee (with me). एक जना छोरा यहाँ छ। tʃhe ʈori mo He has been studying. यहीँ पढ्दै छ। nani ʃi pʌlri mo A daughter is studying in Kathmandu. एउटा छोरी काठमाण्डुमा छ। atʃoŋ tʃjampako pʌlri mo The youngest daughter is also in Kathmandu. सानो छोरा पनि काठमान्डुमा छ। pʌlri ʈutsu mo (She) is staying in Kathmandu. काठमान्डुमा बस्दै छ। toso nani ŋʌ As for the daughter, अहिले नानि त nani thepʌ nʌ kola iskul tʃhaŋtse ʈutsʌ mo the eldest daughter has been staying there to make the children study. ठूलो छोरीको त वच्चा (हरू) विद्यालयमा पढाउन बसेकि छ। pʌlri ʈuri mo (She) has been staying in Kathmandu for study. काठमान्डुमा बसेकि छ। nani tʃjãba puluŋ thu jetsi (One) of the daughters has gone to collect Yarsagumpa. सानी नानी (छोरी) किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न गएकि छ। atʃoŋ tʃhjãbe pʌlri tʃhe ʈortse mo tʃhe The youngest son is studying in Kathmandu for study. सानो छोरा काठमान्डुमा पढ्दै छ। atʃoŋ thepʌ tsuri tse ʈotso mo The elder son is studying in Manang. ठूलो छोरा मनाङ्‌मा पढ्दै छ। mʌmaŋri ʈori mo (He) is studying in Manang. मनाङ्‍मा पढ्दै छ। tʃhe ʈori mo (He) is studying in Manang. पढ्दै छ। taŋpa ke katsi totse Long back, (we) used to plant much. पहिला जमानामा धेरै बारी रोप्यौं (रोप्थ्यौँ)। toso ketse pitse pitse jetsi Nowadays, (we) have been leaving (planting it). आजकल त छोड्दै छोड्दै गयौँ। ke le tole akhe mo (We) can not plant the (things) in field. खेत धेरै रोप्न पनि सक्दैनौँ। ʌke lʌri mo (I have been) doing like this. यस्तै (यसरी) गर्दै छु। toso khe e mitse puluŋ thu jetsi The men have now gone to pick (collect) yarsagumpa. अहिले ए मान्छेहरू सवै किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न गए। khe lʌpʌ mi ajaŋmu (We) don't get men to work (for us). काम गर्ने मान्छे पनि पाईँदैन। mi ajaŋmu (We) don't get men. मान्छे पनि पाईँदैन। ketse thʌtʌr thʌtʌr pitsi (We) gradually (slowly) leave (planting) in the field. खेतहरू विस्तारै विस्तारै छोड्यौँ। ʌle ʈuri mopate (I) have been living like this. त्यसरी (यसरी) बसिरहकी छु। toso tʃhʌme phjoŋlatse puluŋ thu jemu Now, the boys and girls go to pick (pluck) yarsagompa. अहिले केटा र केटीहरू सवै किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न जान्छन्। jarsa gumpa thu jemu (They) go to pick yarsagompa. यार्सा गुम्बा टिप्न जान्छन्। jarsa gumpa thu jemu (They) go to pick yarsagompa. यार्सा गुम्बा टिप्न जान्छन्। khe lʌpʌ mi ajaŋmu (We) don't get men to work. काम गर्ने मान्छे पाईँदैन। ke kati tole akhemu (We) can't plant the field either. खेत पनि धेरै रोप्न सकिँदैन। tsa tsa to ʈupa nʌ I plant some (lit. more or less) field. थोरै थोरै (खेत) रोपि रहेको। ʌsʌ lʌtse ʈipanʌ (I) have been sitting like this. त्यसरी गरेर बसिराखेकी (छु)।