1. tela ngai adzu ke tsii/tsie yesterday i-ERG that work finish-PST I finished the work yesterday. __ (i) necessary, *keni 2. tela kjoi adzu ke tsii yesterday you(sg)-ERG that work finish-PST You finished the work yesterday. 3. tela thei adzu ke tsii yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG that work finish-PST S/he finished the work yesterday. 4. nagai ngai ke tsimu tomorrow i-ERG work finish-FUT I will finished the work tomorrow. 5. nagai kjoi ke tsimu tomorrow you-ERG work finish-FUT You will finish the work tomorrow. 6. nagai thei ke tsimu tomorrow s/he-ERG work finish-FUT S/he will finish the work tomorrow. __ In the above sentences 2-6 (i) necessary, and _*keni 7. tela ngadokja adzu ke tsii yesterday I-ABL that work finish-PST The work was finished by me yesterday. _ _ *ngaidokja, *keni so,(i),(ni) impossible. 8. tela kjodokja adzu ke tsii yesterday you-ABL that work finish-PST The work was finished by you yesterday. 9. tela thedokja adzu ke tsii yesterday he-ABL that work finish-PST The work was finished by him yesterday. 10. tela premdokja ke tsii yesterday prem-ABL work finish-PST The work was finished by Prem yesterday. 11. tela adzu midokja ke tsii yesterday that man-ABL work finish-PST The work was finished by the man yesterday. 12. nagai ngadokja ke tsimu./ ngadokja nagai ke tsimu.. also ok. tomorrow I-ABL work finish-FUT The work will be finished by me tomorrow. 13. nagai kjodokja ke tsimu tomorrow you(sg)-ABL work finish-FUT The work will be finished by you tomorrow. 14. nagai thedokja ke tsimu tomorrow he-ABL work finish-FUT The work will be finished by him tomorrow. 15. nagai premdokja ke tsimu tomorrow prem-ABL work finish-FUT The work will be finished by Prem tomorrow. 16. nagai adzu midokja ke tsimu tomorrow that man-ABL work finish-FUT The work will be finished by the man tomorrow. __ In the above sentences 8-16 (i) is necessary and (ni) is impossible. 17. tela ngai tsii yesterday i-ERG finish-PST Yesterday I finished. __ (i) necessary. 18. tela ngai tsu tsii yesterday i-ERG it finish-PST Yesterday I finished it. __ (i) necessary, *tsuni _(ni) impossible. 19. tela ngai adzu kai tsii yesterday i-ERG rice finish-PST yesterday I finished the rice. 20. tela kjoi kai tsii yesterday you(sg)-ERG rice finish-PST Yesterday you finished the rice. 21. tela thei kai tsii yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG rice finish-PST Yesterday s/he finished the rice. 22. tela adzu pjumei adzu kai tsii yesterday that boy-ERG that rice finish-PST Yesterday the boy finished the rice. 23. tela premai kai tsii yesterday Prem-ERG rice finish-PST Yesterday Prem finished the rice. __ above sentences 19-23 (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 24. nagai ngai adzu kai tsimu tomorrow i-ERG that rice finish-FUT Tomorrow I will finish the rice. 25. nagai kjoi kai tsimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG rice finish-FUT Tomorrow you will finish the rice. 26. nagai thei kai tsimu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG rice finish-FUT Tomorrow s/he will finish the rice. 27. nagai adzu pjumei adzu kai tsimu tomorrow that boy-ERG that rice finish-FUT Tomorrow the boy will finish the rice. 28. nagai premai kai tsimu tomorrow prem-ERG rice finish-FUT Tomorrow Prem will finish the rice. 29. tela adzu kljai ke tsii yesterday that bull-ERG work finish-PST Yesterday the bull finished the work. __ above sentences 24-29 (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 30. nagai adzu kljai ke tsimu tomorrow that bull-ERG work finish-FUT Tomorrow the bull will finished the work. 31. tela adzu nakjui kai tsii yesterday that dog-ERG rice finish-PST Yesterday the dog finished the work. 32. nagai adzu nakjui adzu kai tsimu tomorrow that dog-ERG that rice finish-FUT Tomorrow the dog will finish the rice. __ Above sentences 30-32 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 33. nano na Tijai morning rain stop-PST The rain finished in the morning. __ (i),(ni) impossible. 34. tela ngai praira tsii yesterday i-ERG walk-PERF finish-PST Yesterday I finished walking. __ (i) necessary. 35. tela adzu pjumei ngei yesterday that boy-ERG jump-PST Yesterday the boy jumped.(once) __ (i) necessary. 36. tela adzu pjumei ngedie yesterday that boy-ERG jump-PST Yesterday the boy jumped.(repeatedly) __ (i) necessary. 37. tela adzu pjumei jubari/jubar ni pori ngei yesterday that boy-ERG rock-LOC and ground-LOC jump-PST Yesterday the boy jumped off the rock and to the ground. __ (i),(ri) necessary. 38. tela adzu ra ngei yesterday that goat jump-PST Yesterday the goat jumped. __ (i),(ni) impossible. 39. tela adzu ra jubar/jubari ni pori ngei yesterday that goat rock-LOC and ground-LOC jump-PST Yesterday the goat jumped off the rock and to the ground. __ (i) imposssible, (ri) necessary. 40. tela adzu tomi ngei. yesterday that flea jump-PST Yesterday the flea jumped. __ (i) impossible. 41. tela adzu ton-sa ngei yesterday that kangaroo jump-PST Yesterday the kangaroo jumped. __ (i) impossible. 42. tela ngai tshii yesterday i-ERG sneeze-PST Yesterday I sneezed.(one time only) __ (i) necessary. 43. tela ngai tshidii yesterday i-ERG sneeze-PST Yesterday I sneezed repeatedly. __ (i) necessary.