file:/Users/khildeb/Desktop/KRISTINE/Nepal_NSF/Gyalsumdo_Data/Discourses_Gyalsumdo_2012/Bagarchhap_Danakyu/Bggchhp_GyF1_Project/Bggchhp_GyF1.eaf Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:08 AM ut@SAB ŋəki miŋ tar ɖoma ŋa lo ft@SAB My name is Tar Doma. My age (is) ftn@SAB मेरो नाम तार डोमा हो। मेरो उमेर TC 00:00:06.890 - 00:00:09.330 00:00:09.930 - 00:00:11.980 ut@SAB ʃiptʃju ʃjoʈhuk piʃuŋ ŋa tʃyma tʃyma kaŋla ft@SAB forty six years went (passed). While I was small, ftn@SAB छयालिस वर्ष गयो (भयो)। म सानो सानो बेलामा TC 00:00:12.350 - 00:00:15.180 00:00:15.420 - 00:00:19.150 ut@SAB ŋa ama tʃik taŋ ŋa ft@SAB (we were two) including mother and me. And I ftn@SAB म आमा एकजना र म note@SAB taŋ=and TC 00:00:19.730 - 00:00:22.440 ut@SAB aba tʃemalə ʃerʃuŋ ft@SAB (My) father passed away when I was small. ftn@SAB बाबा सानोमा बित्नुभयो। TC 00:00:22.700 - 00:00:25.340 ut@SAB ŋa thu mathoŋ ŋa amaki sœsuŋ ft@SAB I never saw him. My mother grew me up. ftn@SAB मैले देख्दै देखिन। मलाई आमाले पाल्नुभयो। TC 00:00:25.540 - 00:00:26.840 00:00:28.430 - 00:00:30.010 ut@SAB amaki tʃyma kaŋla ŋala sœsuŋ ft@SAB My mother looked after me when I was small. ftn@SAB आमाले सानो हुँदा मलाई पाल्नुभयो। TC 00:00:30.720 - 00:00:34.930 ut@SAB dhene ŋake ama ɦjomla kipu jœ ft@SAB I was very happy with my mother. ftn@SAB अनि मलाई आमासँग खुसी (सुखी) थिएँ। TC 00:00:35.300 - 00:00:39.090 ut@SAB ŋa ɦjapu tseti ama ɦjomla kipu tʃheti theba ft@SAB I lived with my mother very happily. ftn@SAB म आमा सँग सुख आनन्द साथ बसें। TC 00:00:39.400 - 00:00:42.280 ut@SAB amake ŋala ɦjakpu tʃheʃuŋ ft@SAB My mother behaved me well. ftn@SAB आमाले मलाई राम्रो गर्नुभयो। TC 00:00:42.510 - 00:00:44.290 ut@SAB ŋa lo tʃeŋa tʃytuk thuk ama ɦjomlə kipu tʃe teba ft@SAB I lived happily with my mother till I was fifteen or sixteen years old. ftn@SAB म १५, १६ वर्षको उमेर सम्म आमासँग सुखसँग बसें। TC 00:00:48.580 - 00:00:53.420 ut@SAB ɦone ŋa mitʃhe tʃeba ft@SAB Then I was married (was tied in marriage relation). ftn@SAB त्यसपछि म विवाह (बन्धनमा) बाँधिएँ। TC 00:00:53.520 - 00:00:56.290 ut@SAB ŋa mitʃhe tʃheti dhene ŋa mitʃe tʃetilə əni ŋa ft@SAB After the nupital ties, after nupital ties, and then, ftn@SAB म विवाह (बन्धनमा) बाँधिए पछि म विवाह (बन्धनमा) बाँधिए पछि अनि TC 00:00:56.750 - 00:00:59.440 00:01:05.130 - 00:01:07.820 ut@SAB ʈuku ŋa keʃuŋ ʈuku ŋa ft@SAB I gave birth to five children. Five children. ftn@SAB पाँचओटा बच्चा जन्माएँ। पाँचजना बच्चा TC 00:01:08.080 - 00:01:10.280 00:01:10.490 - 00:01:11.370 ut@SAB ʈuku ŋa ketilə dhanda ʈuku ft@SAB Five children were born, and now the children, ftn@SAB पाँचओटा बच्चा जन्मेर अहिले बच्चाहरू TC 00:01:11.840 - 00:01:14.820 ut@SAB dhi dhakraŋ lopʈa tʃharsuŋ sœsuŋ dhene ft@SAB all finished the School livel (basic) education. ftn@SAB यी सबै(को) विद्यालय (को पढाइ) सकियो। TC 00:01:15.230 - 00:01:19.480 ut@SAB pitʃa tʃema tei lo tʃuktʃi ʈuje ft@SAB The little son is also grown up. ftn@SAB सानो छोरा उसको वर्ष (समेर) पुग्यो। TC 00:01:21.080 - 00:01:23.750 ut@SAB dhene klas tʃœ tyntse ŋalə lepsuŋ ft@SAB The youngest son is in grade five for the study. ftn@SAB त्यसपछि पढ्नको लागि सानो बच्चा पाँच कक्षामा पुग्यो। TC 00:01:24.080 - 00:01:27.980 ut@SAB dhene dhəndə ŋa ɦjomla ʈuku pitʃa tʃhjati jœ ft@SAB Then, now My eldest son is with me. ftn@SAB यसबाट अहिले म सँग ठूलो छोरा छ। TC 00:01:28.590 - 00:01:30.650 00:01:31.290 - 00:01:34.570 ut@SAB dhene ŋa ki ft@SAB As for me (regarding marital relationship), ftn@SAB त्यसपछि मेरो चाहिं TC 00:01:34.750 - 00:01:36.630 ut@SAB ŋaki khjoka dhantə ŋala jukti pisuŋ ft@SAB my husband has abandoned me and gone (married with the next woman). ftn@SAB मेरो श्रीमान अहिले मलाई फालेर (छोडेर) गयो। TC 00:01:37.470 - 00:01:41.460 ut@SAB lo ʃum pisuŋ ft@SAB It has been three years since he left me. ftn@SAB (मलाई छाडेको) तीन वर्ष भयो। TC 00:01:43.320 - 00:01:44.570 ut@SAB dhanda ŋa tʃikraŋ tʃik jœ ft@SAB I am alone now. ftn@SAB अहिले म एक्लै छु। TC 00:01:44.750 - 00:01:46.030 ut@SAB khjoka raŋsa kerme laŋti pisuŋ ft@SAB Myhusband married another woman (lit. went by taking another woman). ftn@SAB पहिले श्रीमानले अर्को श्रीमति लिएर गयो। TC 00:01:46.560 - 00:01:48.700