1. nanging nga kerkeng dzongsung last year I teacher become-PST I became a teacher last year. __ (ki),(la) impossible, *ngaki, *kerkengla 2. sangboe nga kerkeng dzongkehing/dzongkere next year I teacher become-FUT I will be a teacher next year. 3. nanging kho kerkeng dzongsung last yearr s/he(sg) teacher become-PST S/he became a teacher last year. 4. sangboe kho kerkeng dzongjong/dzongkere next year s/he(sg) teacher become-FUT S/he will become a teacher next year. 5. di pomo nanging kerkeng dzongkere that woman lastyear teacher become-PST The woman became a teacher last year. 6. di pomo sangboe kerkeng dzongjong/dzongkere that woman neztyear teacher become-FUT The woman will become a teacher next year. __ Above 2-6 (ki),(la) impossible, *ngaki, *kerkengla 7. nga ghjakpa dzongsung i fat become-PST I became fat. __ (ki) impossible. *ngaki 8. nga ghjakpa dzongjong i fat become-FUT I will become fat. 9. kho ghjakpa dzongsung s/he(sg) fat become-PST S/he became fat. 10. kho ghjakpa dzongjong/jongkere s/he(sg) fat become-FUT S/he will become fat. 11. di pomoko ghjakpa dzongsung that girl-DEF/INDICATIVE fat become-PST The girl became fat. __di pomo ghjakpa dzongsung --also ok. 12. di pomoko ghjakpa dzongkere that girl-DEF/INDIC fat become-FUT The girl will become fat. __Above 8-12 (ki) impossible. 13. di kjuboko ghjakpa dzongsung -kjubo also ok that dog-DEF/INDIC fat become-PST The dog became fat. 14. di kjubuko ghjakpa dzongjong/dzongkere -kjubu also ok that dog -DEF/INDIC become-FUT The dog will become fat. 15. di kangkari tshjaksung that cycle break-PST The cycle become broken. Note: there is not exact literal translation in Gylsumdo. 16. di kangkari tshjakjong that cycle break-FUT The cycle will become broken. 17. di khampa tsemako tshjumpu dzongsung _tsema also ok. that house small-DEF/INDIC large become-PST The small house became large. 18. di khampa tsema tshjampu dzongkere that house small large become-FUT The small house will become large. __ above 13-18 (ki) ,(la) impossible.