1. nga khangpa tsema ne khampa tshjumpula kepa i house small from house large-LOC move-PST I moved form small house to the large house. __ (ki) impossible, (la) necessary. 2. nga khampa tsema ne khangpa tshjumpula kekehing/kekere i house small from house large-LOC move-FUT I will move from small house to the large house. 3. nga khang mila kepa i house room-LOC move-PST I moved across the room (from one side to another side). 4. nga khangmila kekehing i house room-LOC move-FUT I will move across the room (from one side to another side) __ above 2-4 (ki) impossible, (la) necessary. 5. di pjuko singla kesung that monkey-INDIC/DEF garden-LOC move-PST The monkey move across the garden (from one side to the another side) __ (la) necessary, (ko) optional 6. di pjuko singla kekere that monkey-INDIC garden-LOC move-FUT The monkey will move across the garden. __ (la) necessary, (ko) optional 7. ngaki phorpa tsoksine dzuThoThuisala / Thuisala kepa - Note:[The 'dzuThoThuisala' can be said only 'Thuisala'] i-ERG cup table from sink move-PST I moved the cup from the table to the sink. __ (ki),(ne),(la) necessary. 8. ngaki phorpa tsoksine Thuisala kejong/kekere i-ERG cup table from sink-LOC move-FUT I will move the cup from the table to the sink. __ (ki),(ne),(la) necessary. 9. di lapaki suku kesung that wind-ERG paper move-PST The wind moved the paper. __ (ki) necessary,(la) impossible. 10. di lapaki suku kekere that wind-ERG pape move-FUT The wind will move the paper. __ (ki) necessary,(la) impossible. 11. di pitsaki phorpa tsoksine Thuisala kesung that boy-ERG cup table from sink-LOC move-PST The boy moved the cup from the table to the sink. __ (ki),(ne),(la) necessary. 12. di pitsaki phorpa tsoksine Thuisala kekere that boy-ERG cup table from sink-LOC move-FUT The boy will move the cup from the table to the sink. __ (ki),(ne),(la) necessary. 13. nanging nga hjampune pokharala kepa last year i Kathmandu from Pokhara-LOC move-PST I moved from Kathmandu to Pokhara last year. __ (ki) impossible, (ne),(la) necessary 14. sangpoe nga hjampune pokharala kekehing nextyear i Kathmandu from Pokhara-LOC move-FUT I will move from Kathmandu to Pokhara next year. 15. di kjubu singne khangpala kesung -- [also said 'kjubuko'] that dog garden from house-LOC move-PST The dog moved from the garden to the house. 16. di kjubu singne khangpala kejong/kekere that dog garden from house-LOC move-FUT The dog will move from the garden to the house. __ Above 14-16 (ki) impossible, (ne),(la) necessary. 17. nga kepa i move-PST I moved. __ (ki) impossible, *ngaki 18. kho kesung s/he(sg) move-PST S/he moved. 19. di pomo kesung that girl move-PST The girl moved. 20. nga kekehing i move-FUT I will move. 21. kho kekere s/he(sg) move-FUT S/he will move. 22. di pomo kekere -['pomoko' also said -ko means indicator, -ko is optional] that girl move-FUT The girl will move. __ Above 18-22 (ki) impossible. # 'walk' [hiDnu Dulnu] 1. tang nga kjupa yesterday i walk-PST I walked (yesterday). __ (ki) impossible. 2. kho kjusung s/he walk-PST S/he walkedYesterday). 3. di pitsa kjusung that boy walk-PST The boy walked (yesterday). 4. nga kjukehing i walk-FUT I will walk (tomorrow). 5. kho kjukere s/he walk-FUT S/he will walk (tomorrow). 6. di pitsa kjukere that boy walk-FUT The boy will walk (tomorrow). __ Above 2-6 (ki) impossible 7. di kjubuko kjusung -[with out 'ko' also ok.] that dog-INDIC/DEF walk-PST The dog walked (yesterday). __ (ko) optional.,(ki) impossible. 8. di kjubo kjukere that dog walk-FUT The dog will walk (tomorrow). __(ki) impossible. 9. tang nga lapTa-thu kjupa yesterday i school up to walk-PST I walked to school. [ma iskul sama hiDe] __ (ki), (la) impossible. 10. tang kho lapTathu kjusung yesterday s/he(sg) school up to walk-PST S/he walked to school yesterday. 11. tang pitsa lapTathu kjusung yesterday boy school up to walk-PST The boy walked to school yesterday. 12. ngato nga lapTathu kjukehing tomorrow i school up to walk-FUT I will walk to school tomorrow. 13. ngato kho lapTathu kekere tomorrow s/he(sg) school up to walk-FUT S/he will walk to school tomorrow. __ Above 9-13 (ki), (la) impossible. 14. ngato di pitsako lapTathu kjukere tomorrow that boy-DEF school up to walk-FUT The boy will walk to school tomorrow. _(ki),(la) impossible 15. nga kolela kjuke i slowly walk-PST I walked slowly. __(ki),(la) impossible 16. kho kolela kjusung s/he(sg) slowly walk-PST S/he walked slowly. 17. di pitsako kolela kjusung that boy-DEF slowly walk-PST The boy walked slowly. __(ki),(la) impossible 18. nga kolela kjukehing i slowly walk-FUT I will walk slowly. 19. kho kolela kjukere s/he(sg) slowly walk-FUT S/he will walk slowly. 20. di pitsako kolela kjukere that boy-DEF slowly walk-FUT The boy will walk slowly. __ Above 18-20 (ki),(la) impossible 21. ngaki kjubula kjutsuba I-ERG dog-DAT walk-CAUS I walked the dog. __ (ki),(la) necessary. 22. ngaki kjubula kjutsuke i-ERG dog-DAT walk-CAUS I will walk the dog. __ (ki),(la) necessary.