1. ngani tha mu nepal khanari mu i-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal where-LOC be-NPST I know where Nepal is. __ (ni),(ri) both necessary. 2. ngini tha mu nepal khanari mu we-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal where-LOC be-NPST We know where Nepal is. __ (ni), (ri) necessary. 3. kjoni tha mu nepal khanari mu you(sg)-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal where-LOC be-NPST You know where Nepal is. 4. keni/kebakhaleni tha mu nepal khanari mu you(pl)-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal where-LOC be-NPST You know where Nepal is. 5. theni tha mu nepal khanari mu s/he(sg)-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal where-LOC be-NPST S/he knows where Nepal is. 6. theni/ thebakhaleni tha mu nepal khanari mu s/he(pl)-DAT knowledge be-NPST Nepal khanari mu They know where Nepal is. __ In the above sentences 2-6 (ni),(ri) both necessary. 7. tsu ngani tha mu/ ---ngani tha mu tsu -also ok. it i-DAT knowledge be-NPST I know it. __ (ni) necessary. 8. tigju ngani tha joi nepal khanari mai/mae last year i-DAT knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Last year I knew where Nepal is. __ (ni),(ri) necessary. 9. tigju ngii tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear we-ERG knoeledge get-PST nepal where-LOC be-PST last year we knew where Nepal was. __ (i),(ri) both necessary. 10. tigju kjoi tha joi nepal khanari mai lastyear you(sg)-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Last year you knew where Nepal was. 11. tigju kei tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear you(pl)-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Last year you knew where Nepal was. 12. tigju thei tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear s/he(sg)-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Last year s/he knew where Nepal was. 13. tigju thei tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear s/he(pl)-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Last year they knew where Nepal was. __ In the sentences 10-13 (i) and (ri) necessaary. 14. tigju ngai tsu tha joi lastyear i-ERG it knowledge get-PST Last year I knew it. __ (i) necessary, *tsuni _(ni) impossible. 15. tigju sui tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear who-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Who knew where Nepal was last year? __ (i),(ri) necessary. 16. tigju premai tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear Prem-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Prem knew where Nepal was last year? __ (i),(ri) necessary. 17. tigju premai ta tha joi? lastyear Prem-ERG what knowledge get-PST What did Prem know last year? __ (i) necessary. *tani _(ni) impossible. 18. tigju premai tha joi nepal khanari mae lastyear Prem-ERG knowledge get-PST Nepal where-LOC be-PST Prem knew where Nepal was last year. __ (i),(ri) necessary. 19. sui tha joi? who-ERG knowledge get-PST Who knew? __ (i) necessary. 20. premai tha joi Prem-ERG knowledge get-PST Prem knew. __ (i) necessary. 20.a. adzu nakjuni tha mu adzu kai khanari mu that dog-DAT knowledge be-NPST that rice where-LOC be-NPST The dog knows where the food is. 21. ngai semu premae/ premala ri tsjuni i-ERG know be-NPST Prem-POSS sister little. I know Prem's little sister. __ (i),(e/la) necessary. 22. ngii semu premae ri tsjuni we-ERG know be-NPST prem-POSS sister little We know Prem's little sister. __ (i),(e) necessary. 23. kjoi premae ri tsjuni semu you(sg)-ERG Prem-POSS sister little know be-NPST You know Prem's little sister. 24. kei premae ri tsjuni semu you(pl)-ERG prem-POSS sister little know be-NPST You know Prem's little sister. 25. premae ri tsjuni thei semu Prem-POSS sister little s/he(sg)-ERG know be-NPST S/he knows prem's little sister. 26. thei/thebakhalei semu premae ri tsjuni s/he(pl)-ERG know be-NPST prem-POSS sister little They know Prem's little sister. __ In the above sentences 23-26 (i),(e) both necessary. 27. ngai theni semu i-ERG she-DAT know be-NPST I know her. __ (i),(ni) necessary. 28. kjoi theni semu you(sg)-ERG she-DAT know be-NPST You know her. 29. ngai sei adzu rimeni i-ERG know be-PST that girl-DAT I knew the girl. __ above 28-29 (i),(ni) necessary. 30. ngii adzu rimeni sei we-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST We knew the girl. 31. kjoi adzu rimeni sei you(sg)-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST You knew the girl. 32. kei adzu rimeni sei you(pl)-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST You knew the girl. 33. thei adzu rimeni sei s/he(sg)-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST S/he knew the girl. 34. thei adzu rimeni sei s/he(pl)-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST They knew the girl. __ above sentences 30-34 (i), (ni) necessary. 35. adzu rimeni sui sei? that girl-DAT who-ERG know-PST Who knew the girl? __ (ni), (i) necessary. 36. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni sei that boy-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST The boy knew the girl. 37. adzu pjumei suni sei? that boy-ERG who-DAT know-PST Whom did the boy know? 38. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni sei that boy-ERG that girl-DAT know-PST The boy knew the girl. 39. adzu nakjui adzu mini sei that dog-ERG that man-DAT know-NPST The dog knows the man. __ above sentences 36-39 (i),(ni) both necessary. Note also that this is okay: nga-i se-i 'I knew (him/her/it)' with no expressed object 40. tela ngai tsu lai. yesterday i-ERG it do-PST I did it yesterday. __ (i) necessary, _*tsuni 41. tsu ngii tela lai it i-ERG yesterday do-PST We did it yesterday. 42. tsu tela kjoi lai it yesterday you(sg)-ERG doPST You did it yesterday. 43. tela kei tsu lai yesterday you(pl)-ERG it do-PST You did it yesterday. 44. tela thei tsu lai yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG it do-PST S/he did it yesterday. 45. tela thei tsu lai yesterday s/he(pl)-ERG it do-PST They did it yesterday. __ above sentences 41-45 (i) necessary, *tsuni 46. nagai/nagae nga(i) tsu lamu tomorrow i-ERG it do-FUT I will do it tomorrow. __ without (i) also ok but (i) is better. and--*tsuni 47. nagai ngi(i) tsu lamu tomorrow i-ERG it do-FUT We will do it tomorrow. 48. kjo(i) nagai tsu lamu you(sg)-ERG tomorrow it do-FUT You will do it tomorrow. 49. ke(i) nagai tsu lamu you(pl)-ERG tomorrow it do-FUT You will do it tomorrow. 50. the(i) tsu nagai lamu s/he(sg)-ERG it tomorrow do-FUT S/he will do it tomorrow. 51. the(i) nagai tsu lamu s/he(pl)-ERG tomorrow it do-FUT They will do it tomorrow. __ In the sentences 47-51 without (i) also ok but (i) is better. and--*tsuni 52. tsu sui lai?/ sui lai tsu? also ok. it who-ERG do-PST Who did it? __ (i) necessary,and *tsuni 53. adzu pjumei tsu lai that boy-ERG it do-PST The boy did it. __ (i) necessary, *tsuni 54. adzu pjumei ta lai? that boy-ERG what do-PST What did the boy do? __ (i) necessary, *tani. 55. tsu adzu pjumei lai. it that boy-ERG do-PST The boy did it. __ (i) necessary, * tsuni 56. adzu nakjui tsu lai that dog-ERG it do-PST The dog did it. __ (i) necessary, *tsuni Note, this is okay too: nga-i la-i 1-ERG do-PST 'I did it.' (with no expressed object)