tsilo nama dadru ghjalʃumdo leptilə Dear elder brother's wife, having come to this Gyalsumdo village Thonce के रे, भाउजु यस ठाउँमा ग्यालसुम्दोमा आएर ghanʈe tsedi lepʃuŋ How did you arrive here? कसरी गरेर आइपुग्यौ ? ɦo diraŋ raŋ ha ghoekela ha ghoeti le ɬamu dzhuŋʃuŋ Therefore I knew that it is difficult to know how I came. त्यसैकारणले थाहापाएँ कि आँफै कसरी आएँ भनेर सजिलो भयो। dhuru lepkeko dha ɦonte tʃeti lapdila Saying we came here for this reason, यस्को कारणले आयौं भनेर əni ɦo sindilə dhene ɦone then, having finished it, after that, अनि त्यो सिद्धिएर त्यसपछि त्यहाँबाट tsema kaŋla tupu nuŋge tʃjotelə dheba were there many hardships when you lived in Jagat? सानोबेलामा दुख पाएको जगतमा बस्यौ? tʃjote=Jagat ʃukma laskola ɦjaŋ Later, finally again पछि अन्तिममा फेरि laʃ.eng tʃhuba tʃhuru tagere you put on Bakhkhu and Muga. बख्खु, मुगा लगाउने । dhi ta kabu tʃiŋtaŋ taŋ paŋdep ghontaŋ ɦotiki ketʃa Therefore, please tell us about the way Chhingtang and Phangdep is put on. त्यसैले पटुका लगाउने तरिका र पाङ्देप लगाउने तरिकाको कुरा गरिदेउ। tʃiŋtaŋ= s support of cloth for waist; paŋdep=woman's cloth in the front amtʃjo take ɦodiko The ornament worn in the ear. कानमा लगाउने, त्यसको What do we call the ornaments of the ears ? हाम्रो सुनको (गहना) अनि के के भन्छन्? They call the ornament for the ear like Alung and Chhuru. कानको गहना (आलुङ्) भन्ने मुगा (छुरू) यस्तो यस्तो भन्छन् नि। mare tanta ɲela lapkeko Not now, in the past (I said). होईन अहिले पहिले भनेको। nama da nubri mala dhuru ghanʈe tʃhedi leptilə lepa Dear sister-in-law (elder brother's wife), how did you come down from Larke? भाउजु लार्के देखि (तल) यहाँ कसरी गरेर आएर आयौ ? tuku ɦotʃe dʒhõʃuŋ This number of children were born. बच्चा यति भए। turu lepti lo ɦotʃe dʒhõʃuŋ This long time was spent having come here. यहाँ आएर यति वर्ष भयो। ɦoti lap tamko lap Talk about things like that. त्यो चाहिं भन, कुरा चाहिं भन। ɦoraŋ tamraŋ lapna ɖhikere You may tell it in our own language. हाम्रै भाषामा भने हुन्छ। ta hoti ŋelə atʃiko tamko niŋdaŋ Let's listen to the sister's talk before that. त्यस अगाडि दिदीको कुरा सुनौं। lo hotʃe ɖhoʃuŋ əni I was this much old. यति वर्ष भएँ अनि dʒhuŋna ŋa ɦonʈe tʃeti lep nubrimala onʈe tʃeti lep Please tell me how I came here like this, I came from Larke this this way. भएसम्म म यसरी आएर, लार्केबाट यसरी आएर भन, lo ɦotʃelə lep I am this much old. यति वर्ष पुगें, ɦo lepti ɦone ɦotʃeʃuŋ This much time has passed. आई पुगेर यति भयो kinə kippa dhuknə dhuppa ɦonʈe tʃede kale kjap Please tell us about your experiences, your hardships and good times. सुख पाए सुख दुःख पाए दुख यसरी दुःख गरें। ʈukuja ʈuku ɦotʃe ɖhoŋʃuŋ How many children were born? बच्चाहरू बच्चा यति भए। ɦonʈe laptilə Talk about this, यसो भनेर ɦoti lap please tell us. यसो भन। dhanta dhene Now, from this time, अहिले यहाँबाट lo miŋ lap kotʃe should I state my name and age? वर्ष नाम भन्नु पर्यो। ɦo ŋela First tell that. त्यो पहिला। ŋelə miŋ lapʃuŋ əni lo Please tell your name first. पहिला नाम भनेर अनि उमेर (वर्ष) əni ɦone ɦonʈe ɦonʈe tʃedi lepʃuŋ Then tell us you did like that. अनि यसो यसो गरेर आएँ भनेर भन। ŋa ŋela odi First I, then म पहिला अनि miŋko lap kotsʃe I should tell my name, okay? नाम चाहिं भन्नुपर्यो है । miŋ la ʈasi ʃaŋmu My name is Tashi Lahmu. नाम (लाई) टासी साङ्मु (हो)। ʈasi saŋmu dhene My name is Tashi Sanmu, and then टासी साङ्मु हो, अनि awa ama ɦjul nubri My parents were from Larke. बा आमाको गाउँ लार्के। dhuru ljapke kaŋla ɦudi The time I came here, यहाँ आइपुग्ने बेलामा अनि khoraŋ naŋmi ɲi ɦala tʃhula the families (girls and boys) initiated the talk. उनीहरू दुई घर यता उता (वीच कुरा चलाए)। lo ɲisju tʃakʃumlə thuʃuŋ We met at the age of twenty three. तेइस वर्षमा भेट्यऔ ɦone dhuru lepti ni reŋka ɦãstə While coming here some people laughed. अनि यहाँ आइपुगेर कोही मानिसहरू हाँसे। mi ʃa ʃampa raŋ mi ɦjul ala This place was new for me, the people were new, and even my husband was a stranger. मान्छे नयाँ ठाउँ आफ्नो मान्छे पनि अलग। dhene tuppu dʒhõʃuŋ ʃempa dhuppu dʒhõʃuŋ Then I had hardships, I was hurt and I became sad. त्यसपछि दुख पाएँ, चित्त (मन) पनि दुख्यो (दुखी भयो)। dhene ʈuku maŋpu keʃuŋ And then I had many children. त्यसपछि बच्चा पनि धेरै जन्मे। ʈuku ghu kedi ŋi khero bhiʃuŋ A total of nine children were born, but two died when they were young. नौ बच्चा जन्मे, दुईओटा बच्चा खेर गए। dhanta dhʏn jø Now, I have only seven children. (अहिले) सात जना छन्। dhanta dhʏn jø Now I have seven children. (अहिले) सात जना छन्। dha rogi dʒhũgəe kho rogi dʒhũŋəe ŋara rogi dʒhũŋəe Therefore, I was sick, my husband was sick, I was also sick. त्यसैले (म) रोगी भएँ, श्रीमान रोगी भए, म पनि रोगी भएँ, ŋala enʈe dharke tʃjalako Do you have medicine to cure the shivering/fever? मलाई यस्तो काम्ने सामान (काम्ने रोगको औषधी) ? men meʈoi khũla Do they have medicine (to cure my illness) ? वहाँहरूसँग औषधी छैन होला ? dhene ʈuku dʏn jø Now I have seven children अनि सात जना बच्चा छन्। dhene dzəgətlə khaŋpa jø I have a house in Jagat. अनि जगतमा घर छ। hoʈel khaŋpa ni me This is not a house for running a hotel. होटलको घर त छैन। dhĩga mula tʃhjaŋma ra tʃe jø Sometimes we use this house for a hotel. कहिलेकाहिं तल भट्टिहरू त्यस्तो गरेका छौं। tʃhjaŋma ra tʃjhaŋ tʃõ ra taŋ ɦonʈe tʃheti dhe jø I make a living by selling the local wine and brewed wine. भट्टि जस्तो जाँड बेच्ने जस्तो गरेको यस्तै गरेर बसेकी छु। dhanta ni la mekhe du ɦjalə ɦõpa Now I can not do this anymore at this age and therefore I returned. अहिले त नसक्ने रहेछ, माथि फर्कें। ʈukuja tʃharʃuŋ dhene Now the children are grown up. अब बच्चाहरू हुर्के। ʈukuja tʃharʃuŋ The children are grown. बच्चाहरू हुर्के। dhene ŋa raŋ mateʃuŋ Then I did not live there myself. अनि म आँफै पनि बसिन। dha ɦo tʃedzraŋ re Now I am telling you this much. अब यत्तिकै हो। tikola aloŋ This is called Alum यसलाई आलुम (भन्छन्।) alum= an organement of ear ti ŋi lə aloŋ lap kere These two pairs are called Along. यो दुईटालाई आलोङ् भन्छन्। ti ghɯnke ghaŋla anduŋ This is called Bakhkhu. यो लगाउने बेलामा बख्खु (आइमाइको कपडा) लगाउनु पर्छ ti ko la This is cloth. यो लुगा dhi dʒhurulə ʃumʈuk There are three sets in this Muga यो मुगालाई तीनओटाको सेट भनिन्छ ʃumʈuk= It contains two Muga and one jʏ. ʃumruk dʒhuru ʃumʈuk This is Muga, of one set. मुगा, एक सेट मुगा dhe la jʏ dhela dʒhuru This is called Yu, and this is Jhuru यसलाई यु, यसलाई झुरुक। paŋten kəbu This is a Pangden, and this a Kapu (यो) पाङ्देन, यो कपु। paŋten (piece of cloth worn front part of leg), kəbu (cloth worn round waist) dhi ni kəpu This is a Kapu. यो चाहिं पटुका। ghəu ghəu meŋlə koŋ kja This is Dhou, this Dhou is called Konggja. घौ, यो घौलाई कोङ्क्या भन्छन्। ghəu= an ornament in the center of Jhuru. Ghongkja= a king of Ghou dhuruko paŋkep dhuruko kiʈi This is Pangdep, this is Kiti. यो पाङ्केप, यो किटी। kiʈi= a piece of cloth worn at the back of women's dress. dhi aŋtuŋ konti ŋiki tʃhjapko ɦoti dʒhũʃuŋ This is Angtep, this became our tradition. यो आङ्तुङ् लगाएर हाम्रो चलान यही भयो। lakpalə tatse tsura lapkeko This is the bangle worn around the wrist. हातमा लगाउने चुरा भनेको हो। tsura= wrist bangle tsura Bangle. चुरा। dhi ʃertop This is a ring. यो औंठी। ʃertop This is a ring. औंठी। dhi ɦwala tiŋkeko This is to spread on the floor. यो तल ओछ्याउने। dhiru tiŋko This is to spread on the floor. यो ओछ्याउने हो। tʃukʈuk This is a carpet. कार्पेट। tʃukʈuk=matress, carpe tʃukʈuk dʒhũʃuŋ ghundri dʒhũʃuŋ This is Chuttuki (cushion) and a mat. चुक्टुक भयो, गुन्द्री भयो। ghundri=mat um dʒena ɖhikere ɦjaŋ dhako ɦudi This may be done either with wool, or woven with thread. उनले गरे पनि हुन्छ, अथवा धागोले बुने पनि हुन्छ। nepallə ɦjambulə ŋjoti dʒhena ɖhi kere This may be done by buying thread from Kathmandu, from Nepal. नेपालमा काठमान्डुबाट धागो किनेर ल्याएर गरे पनि हुन्छ। tʃho udi ŋjasjolə The one at the top over there. उ त्यो माथि aloŋ That is an earring. ढुङ्ग्री (गहना, कानमा लगाउने) tʃhoe dhomaŋ That is a Dhomang book. धोमाङ् किताव। ɦone From there... त्यहाँबाट ɦoudi tʃhjopa kolə tʃi tʃi ɦøte re What things are there in the worshipping place? उ त्यो पुजामा के के छ ? tʃhoeba ɖhjuntʃar tʃhjopa tʃekela We offer sacred water to worshipping place. चोखो पानि चढाउने (धुइनचार) पुजामा प्रयोग हुन्छ। पुजा गर्ने tʃhukuŋ tʃene bhoŋne This is for lighting the fire, and this is the Bhonge. बत्ति बाल्ने चिज, भोङ्ने (अम्खरा) dhi bhoŋne This is the Bhongne. यो भोङ्ने (अम्खरा)। bhumpa It is a Bhumpa. कलश। tʃeməko bhumpa It is a Bhumpa. सानो चाहिँ भुम्पा (कलश) ɦo labna ɖhikere Is it enough to say this? यति भने हुन्छ ? tʃeməko bhumpa The small one is Bhumpa. सानो चाहिँ भुम्पा (कलश)। kuperraŋ dəlai lama This is the photograph of Dalai Lama. भगवानको फोटो (तस्वीर) दलाई लामाको। ɦoneni karmapa From there, this is the photo of Karmapa. त्यहाँ बाट कर्मपा (को तस्वीर)। ɦoduko tʃi re What is this? त्यो चाहिँ के हो ? kərməpa It is a picture of Karmapa कर्मपा। u mani kortʃe kortʃe korna It is for moving round Mani. उ त्यो मानि घुमाउने, घुमाउने चिज। kərməpa əni It is Karmapa then. कर्मपा अनि, ɦotini ɦoraŋki deuta That one is our god. त्यो चाहिँ त हाम्रो देवता deuta.nep ɦotini khintʃe rimpurtʃe That picture is of Khincarimpuche. त्यो चाहिँ खिन्चेरिम्पुचे (लामाको नाम)। saŋke tʃjomden This is the picture of Gautam Buddha. गौतम बुद्ध। əni tʃẽri tʃi It is an idol. अनि चेंरीची (मूर्ती)। əni kərməpa And then there is Karmapa. अनि कर्मपा। reŋka di tʃen ɦa moko du I don't know the names of other people. यो अरू कुनैको नाम थाहा भएन। ɦo ditʃi re What is that one? त्यो चाहिँ के हो ? mani Mani (a prayer wheel). मानि। mani lakkor The prayer wheel is rolled around by hand. हातले घुमाउने मानि। ti tʃi re What is that? त्यो के हो ? mani This is the prayer wheel. मानि। ɦou ŋjako tʃi re bhuʈa jøkeko What is that one with some designs on it? त्यो माथि चाहिँ के हो त्यो बुट्टा भएको चाहिँ। kharkhanɖe ləp This is a Kharkhande (pig pan for cooking). खारखान्डे (ठूलो ताउलो) भन kharkhanɖe These are Kharkhandes (big pots for cooking). खारखान्डे (ठूलो ताउलो)। kharkhanɖeja These are Kharkhandes. खारखान्डेहरू। kharkhanɖe arsaŋ These are Kharkhande and Arsjang. खारखान्डे (ठूलो ताउलो), अर्साङ् (रक्सी पकाउने भाँडो)। arsaŋ This is Arsang (pot for making wine). अर्साङ् (रक्सी पकाउने भाँडो) əni təsəli This is a pot for making brewed grain. अनि तसली əni thaliŋ lithal This is a plate, a brass plate. अनि थाल, थाल (चरेस)। dhene əni isʈile And then this is a steel plate. अनि त्यसपछि स्टील। hajaŋ This is an aluminium pot. सिल्टे (को) भाँडा। thapsaŋ These are utensils. भाँडाकुँडा। ɦajaŋ tipri ara lukʃa tʃhja lukʃa This is an alumunium kettle. This is a pot for keeping wine. This is an alumunium kettle. This is an alumunium kettle. This is a pot for keeping tea. सिल्टेको कितली, रक्सी हाल्ने भाँडो (लुसा), चिया हाल्ने भाँडो (चियालुप्सा)। ɦutija This is... यिनीहरू tʃjakthap an iron oven. फलामे चुलो। dhila tʃjakthap dhila This one is an iron oven, this one. यो चाहिँ फलामे चुलो, यो चाहिँ hiʈər This is the heater. हिटर। hiʈər.eng hiʈər This is the heater. हिटर। ʃolo metaŋʃa This is the place to burn coal. कोईला, कोईला बाल्ने ठाउँ। poŋ rakʃin This is the wooden pot twisted round the pot. ठेकी तामाले बेरेको (भाँडो)। dhi la poŋ rakʃin tʃema This pot is twisted round by copper wires. यसलाई भाँडो (करे) तामाले बेरेको (छ)। dhiko This one in particular... यो चाहिँ ti miŋko Its name in particular... यसको नाम चाहिँ tʃjatam is thermos. थर्मस। ɦo lap That thing is... त्यो कुरा, ɖhe ɖheʃum mana ʃum This is Mana, there are three mane. माना, तीन माने, तीन माने ɦola ...in it. त्यसमा khora khora This is a kind of bread called Sel Roti. सेल रोटी, सेल रोटी। mana ɲi It is worth two Manas. दुई माना। dhi mana ʃum dhi mana ɲi It is two Manas, it is three Manas. यो दुई माना, यो तीन माना। ʈhjãŋa It is a garland. माला। kheraŋ ŋala ɖhi lo You ask me, okay? तिमीले मलाई सोध रे। kho ŋalə ɖhiləpma re Did he ask me to say it? उसले मलाई सोध भनेको हैन ? ŋage tʃi khola ɖhi khokəe Should I ask him? मैले के उसलाई शोध्नु पर्ने ? tʃi lapti What are you saying? के भनेर ? ʈukuja Speaking about children. वच्चाहरू taŋbu ɲi dhupu ɲjaʃuŋ Life was hard a long time ago. पहिले हामीले दुख पायौं। dhanta ʈukuja tʃhərtila tʃaktʃatʃaktʃa əni The children are now grown up. अहिले वच्चाहरू हुर्केर अलि अलि अनि ʈukuja ɦala tʃhula tʃedi dhanda aroŋ They are doing this and that, they are okay now. वच्चाहरूलाई यता उता गरेर हाललाई ठिकै (छ)। ʈiktʃe ʈiktʃe tʃuŋ du It has been okay for a while now. ठिकै ठिकै भएको छ। ʈukuja ʈuku dʏn jø We have seven children. सात जना वच्चा छन्। dʒhuŋna bhomoja There are some children. छोरीहरू भए। ghønkjalə me ghønkjalə metʃe tʃe du They are married and are living their own lives. ढोकामा अर्काको ढोकामा (विवाहित भएर) जीवन विताईरहेका छन् mi ghønkjalə lepʃuŋ mi ɖhoŋpa la They now have their own properties. अर्काको आगनमा पुगे (छोरीहरू) अर्काको घरमा । bhitʃa tʃik jø We have one son who lives with us, छोरा एउटा छ। dhene aruŋ jø Now it is okay. अनि ठिकै छ। aroŋ dʒhuŋ It all turned out ok. ठिकै भयो। taŋpu ŋi tukpu mampu ɲuŋʃuŋ Life was hard a long time ago, पहिले त हामीले धेरै दुख पायौं। dhaŋpu dhanta aroŋ jø labna dhaŋpu tʃokʈa Everything is fine now, it is better than before. पहिला अहिले ठिकै छ भने पनि पहिला जस्तो tʃitoŋ taŋna aroŋ jø ɦina mi tʃjokʈa ŋi me Even when you add it all up, it all turned out ok. हिसाव गरे ठिकै छ भनेता पनि अरू जस्तो त छैन। ŋa ghoma hoŋkja kaŋla ŋe rodzi jø There was a friend of mine as I came there. म भर्खरै आउँदा खेरि एक जना साथी थिई। roko ŋala ara tʃoŋ ʈo lapʃuŋ ghombala (My) friend told me to go to Gompa to sell wine. साथीले मलाई गुम्वामा जाँड् रक्सी बेच्न जाउँ भनी। ghombala ara ɲjokedhu ara tsoŋ ʈo laptilə ŋa tʃik ɦoŋsuŋ Thinking that there is somebody to buy the wine (and) thinking to sell the wine I went there गुम्बामा रक्सी किन्ने छ रक्सी बेच्न जाउँ भनेर म एक्लै आएँ। ŋa tʃik ɦode atʃiko ɲela lip ɦoŋdi As I was alone, the elder sister came there suddenly, म एक्लै त्यो दिदी चाहिं पहिले झट्ट आएर lamkjalə lepti khuŋki ŋala thendi they, having come on the way and pulled me बाटोमा आएर उनीहरू मलाई तानेर odi reŋga turu ʃum reŋga turu ʃum thendilə having caught me here and there (lit. here) and pulled यता समातेर यता समातेर तानेर dhene dhuru pabu ləpsalə lepʃuŋ we reached a place called Babu. त्यहाँ बाट बाबु भन्ने ठाउँमा पुगें। pabu lapsalə lepti dhene Having reached Babu, and then बाबु भन्ने ठाउँमा पुगेर त्यसपछि əni əni dhuru lepʃuŋ thaŋdzelə lepʃuŋ (and) we reached there, (and we) lived in Thonce. अनि यहाँ पुग्यौं, थोंचेमा पुग्यौं। thaŋtsələ leptine dhene lo tʃiktʃe ʃem pa kjupu dʒhuŋʃuŋ As I lived in Thonce, I was rather sad (unhappy). थोचेमा पुगेर अनि एक वर्ष जति मनलाई बेखुसी भयो। ʃjamlane tʃhjampu tʃhe du Then, (they) loved (me). अनि पछि माया गरे। kei tshin pətshi babu ama tsələʃuŋ After sometimes, I went to my parents' home. केही समय पछि बाबु आमाकोमा गएँ। dhen dhuru dhelo (They said), "Live here, okay ?". अनि यही बस है। lo ɲjuʃju tʃəni lepʃuŋ dhuru la I came here at the age of twenty two. बाईस वर्षमा यहाँ (मा) आएँ। ghjalsumdo tam In Gyalsumdo language ? ग्याल्सुम्दो भाषा ? bhidza tʃik ra I have only one son. छोरा एउटा मात्र (छ)। dhene adzi numo And I have daughters (lit. sisters of son) अनि दिदी बहिनी (छन्)। dhanda ʈuk jø I have six (children). अहिले छ जना छन्। adzi numu ʈuk bhidza tʃik There are six daugthers and a son. दिदी बहिनी छ जना छोरा एक जना (छन्)। bhidza taŋ bhomo tʃik koriala jø A son and a daughter are in Korea. छोरा र एकजना छोरी कोरीयामा छन्। bhidza adzoko korialə jø The elder son (or elder brother to daughter) is in Korea छोरो दाई चाहिं कोरीयामा छ। bhomo nomudi korialə jø The younger daughter is also in Korea. छोरी (अथवा छोराकी) बहिनी चाहिं कोरीयामा छन् ʃemejani khaŋpalə jø The remaining (children) are at home अर्कोहरू घरमै छन्। nama lepʃuŋ She became daughter-in-law बुहारी (भएर) गइन् (आईन)। bhomo adziko nubrila nama lepʃuŋ The elder daugher was married to (a village nearby) Larke दिदी चाहिं छोरीको लार्के तिर विवाह भयो। dhene reŋka tʃəplə lepʃuŋ Some reached to Bagarchap. अनि कोही बगरछापमा पुगे। əni dharapanilə jø Some are in Dharapani. अनि (कोही) धारापानिमा छन्। bhomo pərmako The middle daughter, विचको छोरी, tʃesoko nubrilə jø The eldest daughte is in Nubri सवै भन्दा ठूली (छोरी) नुब्रीमा छन् dha ɦodiraŋ re ja This much for now, okay ? अब यत्तिकै हो है।