nəgo kroipe The chicken has made a coockle-doo. कुखुरा रोएको छ। kroibe ãp ʈõi pu He has picked a mango. आँप टिपेको छ। ʈõibu ãp.nep ma tijai pu It has fallen down. तल खसेको छ। bu sər teii po lisũka khwãri tsõi po It has fallen down, and later he kept it inside the bag. भुइंमा झरेछ, पछि त भित्र हालेछ। teiibo,lisũga,tsõibo tsjolari ʈõi tsõi po Having picked them, he kept them inside the bag. झोलामा टिपेर हालेछ। dzjolari,bo tsõso ʈiipo He sat keeping them in bag. हाल्दै बसेछ। bo ãp phale tasõ He kept all his mangoes in his bag. सबै आँप हाल्यो। bhale ãp.nep tsõl tsi tjarəməe He has finished keeping them in bags. हालि सक्यो अब त। djarəməe rə ŋe pu The goat has bleated. बाख्रा कराएको छ। bu rumal tii jai bu Having picked up the handkerchief, he went. रुमाल टिपेर गएको छ। bu rumal.nep phjoe pu rumale phjoe pu He has wiped with his handkerchief. पुछेछ रूमालले पुछेछ। bu, bu rumale.nep rə ŋei pu The goat has bleated. बाख्रो कराएछ। bu kjareto tsa rə tsə̃i pəgəi pu Having pulled the goat, he brought it to this side from that side. उता देखि यता बाख्रो तानेर ल्याएछ। kjaredo,bəgəi,bu bərjaŋto to krejai pu He climbed up the ladder. माथि भर्याङ्बाट चढेछ। bərjaŋdo,bu bərjaŋdo.nep rə tsə̃i pəgəi pu Having pulled, he brought the goat. बाख्रो तानेर ल्याएछ। bəgəi,bu sjõ khii pu He has rung the bell. घन्टी बजाएको छ। bu tsəĩ jahai tjarə kja Having pulled, he has gone to that side. तानेर गयो अब उता। djarə ãp ʈõi pu He has picked the mangoes. आँप टिपेछ। bu ãp.nep tsjolare tsõi pu He kept them in the bag. झोलामा हालेछ। tsjolare,bu ʈõsjo ʈii bu Picking mangoes he sat. टिप्दै बसेछ। ʈõsjo ʈii bu ʈõsjo ʈii bu ek dzəna saikəl pũi khəi pu A boy came there riding a bicycle. एक जना साईकल चढेर आएछ। bu ek,dzəna.nep, saikəl.eng saikəl pũi khəi pu He came riding a bicycle. साईकल चढेर आएछ । bu saikəl.eng pəsĩ khəsjõ mo A child is coming. बच्चा आउँदै छ। bərjaŋto male tõ khəi He came down the ladder. भर्याङ्देखि तल निस्क्यो। bərjaŋdo bərjaŋdo.nep ãp poi He took away mangoes. आँप लग्यो। boi ãp.nep ãp poi jahai Having taken mangoes, he went. आँप लगेर गयो। boi ãp.nep sĩtuto ma dzərdjai He climbed down from trees. रुख बाट तल झर्यो। sĩdudo dzərdjai.nep tu tʃoi pu He has seen upwards. माथि हेरेछ। pu lisũ atəri tu tʃjopol tʃjopolõ təipu He was amazed and looked and looked up. हेरेको हेरेए भएछ। adəri,tʃjobol, tʃjobolõ, bu ãp jowai He stole mangoes. आँप चोर्यो। ãp.nep saikəl toli bəkəi lisũka He took away the mangoes later. साईकल पछि पो माथि ल्यायो। tolibəgəi saikəl.eng saikəlri krejai He climbed up the bicycle. साइकलमा चढ्यो। saikəlri.eng atsu saikəlari tsõi poi Having kept it in bicycle, he rode away. त्यो साइकलमा हालेर लग्यो। adzu, boi saikəlari.eng krei pheri Having climbed into the bicycle, चढेर फेरि pheri.nep lisũ jahai he went later. पछि गयो। pherõ ãp ʈõi pu Again he picked the mangoes. फेरि आँप टिपेछ। bu ãp.nep jahai kja jahai He went, went thither. गयो, उता गयो। riməe kri khəipo kjarto tsa A girl had come from the other side, एकजना केटी उताबाट आएकि थिइ उताबाट। khəibo,kjardo ʈhok dei (He) hit with the bicycle. (साइकल) ठोक्यो। ʈhok,dei ʈhokdjasi ãp satõ ŋejai Having hit with (bicycle), he spilled (mangoes). ठोकेर सबै आँप पोख्यो। ʈhokdjasi, ãp.nep sato ŋijai All mangoes were spilled. सबै (आँप) पोखियो। sao ŋijai All mangoes were spilled. सबै (आँप) पोखियो। kõi khai pu He shook the dust from clothes. लुगा टक्टकाएछ। bu pəleri ghau tapəe He has had a wound in his leg. खुट्टामा घाउ भएछ। tabəe ghau.nep tũ caroɖa There were four trees. रूख चार ओटा छन्। dũ caroɖa.nep the ro pəhale satõ loi ãp timi Having gathered together, his friends picked mangos. उसको साथिहरू सबै मिलेर आँप टिपे bəhale ãp.nep kõe khami pu satõjõ All of his friends shook off the dust from his clothes. सबैले लुगा टक्टकाईदिएछन्। bu timem pahale All of them picked up the mangos into the basket. सबैले टिपिदिन्छन्। bahale saikələe to rimi They also made the bicycle stand. साईकल पनि माथि उठाइदिए। saikələe.nep hatsu tem ado ma tei tsõi pu Then, he fixed his bag. अनि त्यो त्यहाँबाट भारी हालेछ। hadzu, ado,bu pheri jai pheri thẽi po Having gone there he again kept it. फेरि गएर फेरि राखेछ। bo pheri, pheri.nep lisũ poi ehai Later he went by carrying it. पछि लगेर गयो। boi the roə hatokjãu tai His friends returned from there. उसका साथीअरू त्यहाँबाट फर्के। hadokjãu kja jahai atso He also went to that side. उता गयो उ पनि। adzo kuphi rai pu He whistled. सिठि लगाएछ। bu mlu kĩ He caught the cap. टोपी लियो। the ehai He went. उ गयो। swattə tsa khəi He came to this side suddenly. स्वाट्ट यता आयो। resi kjoi pu Having stood, he has run. उठेर दौडेछ। pu the ro pakahale satõ niu eueuʈa pĩipu He has given each of his friends an apple. उसको साथीहरू सबैलाई एउटा एउटा दिएछ। bakahale,pĩibu eueuʈa.nep jahai He went. गयो। kõi kisi jahai Having taken his clothes he went. लुगा लगेर गएछ। pheri ãp ʈõpəri ma dzərdii Again he climed down to pick apples फेरि आँप टिप्न तल झर्यो। ʈõbəri pheri,dzərdii.nep bərjaŋtoma down from the ladder. भर्याङ्देखि तल। bərjaŋdoma bərjaŋdoma.nep thi tsjoi po He has looked at it. उसले हेरेछ। bo təldopəe pali aropəi parəm This is not like it before. अघिको जस्तो छैन जस्तो छ। təldobəe, arobəi pali.nep tsosjõ ʈi pu the He went looking around. उसले हेर्दै गएछ। bu kjarto tsa kolo soklõ khəi po Three children have come from that other side. उताबाट तीन जना बच्छा आएछन्। kjardo, bo atsu mio tsoi po That man has looked at it. त्यो मान्छेले पनि हेरेछ। adzu,bo atso kolo pahale suitõ jahai All of those children went. ती बच्चाहरू सबै गए। adzo,bahale