1. tela ngai plu tei [Note: The verb 'teba' is used only for to scatter maize seed.other wise used 'tsoba'] yesterday i-ERG seed scatter-PST Yesterday I scattered the seed. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. *pluni 2. tela thei plu tei yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG seed scatter-PST Yesterday s/he scattered the seed. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. *pluni 3. tela adzu kisanai plu tei yesterday that farmer-ERG seed scatter-PST Yesterday the farmer scattered the seed. 4. tela ngai tei yesterday i-ERG scatter-PST Yesterday I scattered (it). 5. tela adzu kisanai tei yesterday that farmer-ERG scatter-PST Yesterday the farmer scattered (it). 6. nagai ngai plu temu tomorrow i-ERG seed scatter-FUT Tomorrow I will scatter the seed. 7. nagai thei plu temu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG seed scatter-FUT Tomorrow s/he will scatter the seed. __ Above 3-7 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. *pluni 8. nagai adzu kisanai plu temu tomorrow that farmer-ERG seed scatter-FUT Tomorrow the farmer will scatter the seed. 9. nagai ngai temu tomorrow i-ERG scatter-FUT Tomorrow I will scatter.(it). 10. nagai adzu kisanai temu tomorrow that farmer-ERG scatter-FUT Tomorrow the farmer will scatter(it). 11. tela ngai jumao Tai __*tei [tei used for crops and Tai used for stone] yesterday i-ERG stone(pl) scatter-PST Yesterday I scattered the stones. 12. tela adzu pjumei jumao Tai yesterday that boy-ERG stone(pl) scatter-PST Yesterday the boy scattered the stones. 13. tela adzu ngemai pluo tei yesterday that bird-ERG seed(pl) scatter-PST Yesterday the bird scattered the seeds. 14. nagai adzu ngemai pluo temu tomorrow that bird-ERG seed(pl) scatter-FUT Tomorrow the bird will scatter the seeds. __ Above 8-14 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. *pluni ## 'thi' press, be pressed,be smashed,collapse [bhatkanu, kitsnu] 1. tela adzu tsan thijai [ tsan means nasal tsa] yesterday that bridge collapse-PST The bridge collapsed yesterday. __ (i), (ni) both impossible. 2. nagai adzu tsan thijamu tomorrow that bridge collapse-FUT The bridge will collapse tomorrow. 3. tsu tela thijai it yesterday collapse-PST It collapsed yesterday. 4. tsu nagai thijamu it tomorrow collapse-FUT It will collapse tomorrow. __ Above 2-4 (i), (ni) both impossible. 5. tela Tuii tin thhijai yesterday landslide-ERG house press/crush-PST The landslide pressed/crushed the house yesterday. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 6. nagai Tuii tin thimu tomorrow landslide-ERG house press-FUT The landslide will press/crush the house tomorrow. 8. tela tsui tin thii yesterday it-ERG house press-PST It pressed/crushed the house yesterday. 9. nagai tsui tin thimu tomorrow it-ERG house press-FUT It will press/crush the house tomorrow. 10. adzu Tuii thii that landslide-ERG press/crush-PST The landslide pressed/crushed (it). 11. adzu Tuii thimu that landslide-ERG press-FUT The landslide will press/ crush (it). __ Above 5-11 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 12. tela adzu Tuii tin yesterday that landslide-ERG house destroy-PST The landslide destroyed the house yesterday. 13. nagai Tuii tin suimu tomorrow landslide-ERG house destroy-FUT The landslide will destroy the house tomorrow. 14. tela adzu Tuii adzu tin sujai yesterday that landslide-ERG that house destroy-PST The house was destroyed by the landslide yesterday. __ Above12-14 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 15. tsu sujai it destroy-PST It was destroyed. __ (i), (ni) impossible. a) tsu sujab mae/mai it destroy-PERF be-PST It was destroyed. ### 7 Aug 2013.'Break' Note: for the verb'break' there are many verb in the Gurung like:tiba,kjuba,Toba,praba these are used as context] 1. tela ngai sisa/gilas tijai yesterday i-ERG glass break-PST Yesterday I broke the glass. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. Note: The verb 'tiba' used for glsses,bottles laptops,T.V. bangles,balloons. Here are some examples of the above given verbs. a) tela ngai tebul kjujai --[the verb 'kjuba' used for table, chair,bench,woods,legs,hands] yesterday i-ERG table break-PST Yesterday I broke the table. b) tela ngai ru Towai --['toba' used for threads,rope,ribben] yesterday i-ERG thread break-PST Yesterday I broke the thread. c) tela ngai kagadz prai --['praba' used for clothes,papers,plastics] yesterday i-ERG paper break-PST Yesterday I broke the paper. 2. tela thei gilas tijai yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG glass break-PST Yesterday s/he broke the glass. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 3. tela adzu pjumei gilas tijai yesterday that boy-ERG glass break-PST Yesterday the boy broke the glass. 4. tela adzu timui gilas tijai yesterday that monkey-ERG glass break-PST Yesterday the monkey broke the glass. 5. tela ngai tijai yesterday i-ERG break-PST Yesterday I broke (it). 6. tela adzu pjumei tijai yesterday that boy-ERG break-PST Yesterday the boy broke (it). 7. tela adzu timui tijai yesterday that monkey-ERG break-PST Yesterday the monkey broke (it). __ Above 3-7 (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 8. nagai ngai gilas tijamu/ timu tomorrow i-ERG glass break-FUT Tomorrow I will break the glass. 9. nagai thei gilas tijamu/timu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG glass break-FUT Tomorrow s/he will break the glass. 10. nagai adzu pjumei gilas tijamu tomorrow that boy-ERG glass break-FUT Tomorrow the boy will break the glass. 11. nagai adzu timui gilas tijamu tomorrow that monkey-ERG glass break-FUT Tomorrw the monkey will break the glass. 12. nagai ngai timu/tijamu tomorrow i-ERG break-FUT Tomorrow I will break (it). 13. nagai adzu pjumei timu tomorrow that boy-ERG break-FUT Tomorrow the boy will break(it). 14. nagai adzu timui timu tomorrow that monkey-ERG break-FUT Tomorrow the monkey will break(it). __ Above 7-14 (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 15. adzu gilas tela tijai that glass yesterday break-PST The glass broke yesterday. 16. adzu gilas nagai timu that glass tomorrow break-FUT The glass will break tomorrow. 17. tela ngai gaDi tijai yesterday i-ERG watch break-PST Yesterday I broke the watch. 18. adzu pjumei tela gaDi tijai taht boy-ERG yesterday watch break-PST The boy broke the watch yesterday. 19. nagai ngai gaDi timu tomorrow i-ERG watch break-FUT I will break the watch tomorrow. 20. nagai adzu pjumei gaDi timu/tijamu tomorrow that boy-ERG watch break-FUT The boy will break the watch tomorrow. __ Above 14-20 (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 21. tela adzu gaDi tijai yesterday that watch break-PST The watch broke yesterday. __ (i),(ni) both impossible. 22. adzu gaDi nagai tijamu that watch tomorrow break-FUT The watch will break tomorrow. __ (i),(ni) both impossible. ### 8 Aug 2013. phrin 'explode' paDkanu,tsarkanu,phuTaunu. 1. adzu budzi tela tijai -*phriin that balloon yesterday explode-PST The balloon exploded yesterday. __ (i),(ni) both impossible. 2. tela adzu bam phriin yesterday that bomb explode-PST The bomb exploded yesterday. __ (i),(ni) both impossible. 3. tela adzu roDari ke laba mioi tsjamtseri bam phriin yesterday road-LOC work do worker/man(pl)-ERG tsjamtse-LOC bomb explode-PST The road workers exploded the bomb in Chamche yesterday. __ (i),(ri) necessary,(ni) impossible. 4. tela ngai budzi tijai -*phriin yesterday i-ERG balloon explode-PST I popped (exploded) the balloon yesterday. __ (i) necessary, (ni),(ri) impossible. 5. ngai phriin i-xplode-PST I exploded (it). __ (i) necessary, (ni),(ri) impossible. 6. nagai adzu budzi timu tomorrow that balloon explode-FUT The balloon will explode tomorrow. __ (i),(ri),(ni) impossible. 7. nagai adzu bam phrinmu tomorrow that bomb exxplode-FUT The bomb will explode tomorrow. __ (i),(ri),(ni) impossible. 8. nagai roDari ke laba mioi bam phrinmu tomorrow road-LOC work do worke/man(pl)-ERG bomb explode-FUT The road workers will explode the bomb tomorrow. __ (i),(ri) necessary,(ni) impossible. 9. nagai adzu budzi tijamu tomorrow that balloon explode-FUT The balloon will explode tomorrow. __ (i),(ri),(ni) impossible. 10. tsu tela phriin it yesterday explode-PST It exploded yesterday. __ (i),(ri),(ni) impossible. 11. tela ngai phriin yesterday i-ERG explode-PST I exploded (it) yesterday. __ (i) necessary,(ri),(ni) impossible. 12. nagai tsu phrinmu tomorrow it explode-FUT It will explode tomorrow. __ (i),(ri),(ni) impossible. 13. nagai ngai tsu(ni) phriinmu tomorrow i-ERG it-DAT explode-FUT I will explode it tomorrow. __ (i) necessary, (ni) optional, (ri) impossible.