1. ngaki lemetsik ko tungpa i-ERG one time/once door knock-PST I knocked on the door one time. __ (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 2. khoki lemetsik ko tungsung s/he(sg)-ERG once door knock-PST S/he knocked on the door one time. 3. di pitsaki lemetsik ko tungsung that boy-ERG once door knock-PST The boy knocked on the door one time. 4. ngaki lemetsik ko tungkehing/tungkere i-ERG once door knock-FUT I will knock on the door one time. 5. khoki lemetsik ko tungkere. s/he(sg)-ERG once door knock-FUT S/he will knock on the door one time. 6. di pitsaki lemetsik ko tungkere that boy-ERG once door knock-FUT The boy will knock on the door one time. __ Above 2-6 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 7. ngaki lememangbu ko tungpa i-ERG repeated/manytimes door knock-PST I knocked on the door several times. 8. khoki lememangbu ko tungsung s/he(sg)-ERG several times door knock-PST S/he knocked on the door several times. 9. di pitsaki lememangbu ko tungsung that boy-ERG several times door knock-PST The boy knocked on the door several times. 10. ngaki lememangbu ko tungkere/tungkehing i-ERG several times door knock-FUT I will knock on the door several times. 11. khoki lememangbu ko tungkere s/he(sg)-ERG several times door knock-FUT S/he will knock on the door several times. 12. di pitsaki lememangbu ko tungkere that boy-ERG several times knock-FUT The boy will knock on the door several times. __ Above 7-12 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 13. ngaki tungsung i-ERG knock-PST I knocked. 14. khoki tungsung s/he(sg)-ERG knock-PST S/he knocked. 15. di pitsaki tungsung that boy-ERG knock-PST The boy knocked. 16. ngaki tungkere/tungkehing i-ERG knock-FUT I will knock. 17. khoki tungkere s/he(sg)-ERG knock-FUT S/he will knock. 18. di pitsaki tungkere that boy-ERG knock-FUT The boy will knock. __ Above 13-18 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. ## blink--'tsimlinu' 1. ngaki lemetsik mitsum tsheba i -ERG one time/once eye blink do-PST I blinked once. __ (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 2. ngaki lememangbu mitsum tshesung i-ERG several/many times eye blink do-PST I blinked several times. 3. khoki lemetsik mitsum tshesung s/he(sg)-ERG once eye blink do-PST S/he blinked once. 4. khoki lememangbu mitsum tshesung s/he(sg)-ERG several times eye blink do-PST S/he blinked several times. 5. di pomoki lemetsik mitsum tshesung that girl-ERG once eye blink do-PST The girl blinked once. 6. di pomoki lememangbu mitsum tshesung that girl-ERG several times eye blink do-PST The girl blinked several times. __ Above 2-6 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 7. ngaki lemetsik mitsum tshehing/tshekere i-ERG once eye blink do-FUT I will blink once. 8. ngaki lememangbu mitsum tshekehing i-ERG several times eye blink do-FUT I will blink several times. 9. khoki lemetsik mitsum tshekere s/he(sg)-ERG once eye blink do-FUT S/he will blink once. 10. khoki lememangbu mitsum tshekere s/he(sg)-ERG several times eye blink do-FUT S/he will blink several times. 11. di pomoki lemetsik mitsum tshekere that girl-ERG once eye blink do-FUT The girl will blink once. 12. di pomoki lememangbu mitsum tshekere that girl-ERG several times eye blink do-FUT The girl will blink several times. __ Above 7-12 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 13. ngaki mitsum tsheba i-ERG eye blink do-PST I blinked. 14. ngaki mitsum tshekehing i-ERG eye blink do-FUT I will blink. 15. khoki mitsum tshesung s/he(sg)-ERG eye blink do-PST S/he blinked. 16. khoki mitsum tshekere s/he(sg)-ERG eye blink do-FUT S/he will blink. __ Above 13-16 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 17. di pomoki mila thala sjudi mitsum tshesung that girl-ERG eye-LOC dust enter-PERF eye blink do-PST Because she was affected by the dust, the girl blinked. __ (ki), (la) both necessary.