ŋa miŋ ʈakpa tortse My name is Takpa Dorje. मेरो नाम टाक्पा दोर्जे हो। lo tiŋi ŋʌtsukhu I am fifty nine years old. मेरो अहिले उनन्साठी (भयो)। ŋʌ tiŋi lo ŋʌtsuku jʌtsi I am now fifty nine years old. म अहिले उनन्साठी वर्ष भएँ। ŋʌ tʃjampʌ lo tʃupsẽri When I was small (in thirteen years old), म सानो तेह्र वर्ष(को) उमेरमा inɖijare tshoŋlʌ jʌtsi I went to India to make a business. सानो हुँदा भारतमा व्यापार गर्न गएँ। inɖijare.eng tiŋi ŋʌ tsuri hoʈʌl printse Having built the hotel now, म अहिले यहाँ होटल बनाएँ। hoʈʌl.eng lo ŋiʃu phreti etsi I have run the hotel for twenty eight years. (होटल) चलाएको अठ्ठाईस वर्ष भयो। taŋpʌ philiŋ tsatsa khʌmu A few tourists used to come (here). अनि पहिला विदेशीहरू (कुहिरो कपालसितको पर्यटक) अलिअलि आउँछन्। hoʈel tʃaŋpʌ printse I built a small hotel. सानो होटल बनाएँ। hoʈel.eng tiŋi philiŋ la la khʌmu Now little more tourists come (here). अहिले त बढी बढी विदेशी आउँछन्। hoʈel thjʌpʌ thjʌpʌ printse I built big hotels. ठूलो ठूलो होटल बनाएँ। hoʈel.eng tsiri ŋʌ hoʈel tsʌlaititse tiŋi lo ŋiʃu phre jʌsti I have run the hotel here for twenty eight years. यहाँ मै(ले) होटल चलाएको अहिले अठ्ठाईस वर्ष भयो। hoʈel.eng, tsʌlaititse.nep ŋʌ kola phli mo I have four children. मेरो चार जना बच्चाहरू छन्। atsoŋ ʃi nani ʃe mo I have a son and three daughters. छोरा एकजना (र) छोरी तीन जना छन्। nani.nep nani thjepʌ ŋiko The daughters were older (were born first). ठूला छोरी दुईजना चाहिँ nani.nep ʌmrikare tʃhe ʈotse mo They have been studying in America. अमेरिकामा पढ्दै छन्। ʌmrikare.eng tiŋi krʌtsueʈ lʌlʌ tsintse Now they have passed Bachelor's degree. अहिले बिए पास गरिसके। tsitsju nani thjepʌtse tshe sʌni lʌtse ʈotse lʌtse julri khʌpʌro Now the elder children say they will come to (native) village after completing their studies. पछि ठूला छोरीहरू (नानीहरू) राम्ररी पढेर सकेर अब गाउँमा आउने रे। ɖakʈʌr khe lʌpʌ ro They want to be doctors (lit. doing doctor work). डाक्टर काम गर्ने रे। ɖakʈʌr.nep hoʈelri hoʈelri amdani tʃatʃa khʌmu (We) receive some income from the hotels. होटलमा होटलमा अलि अलि आम्दानि हुन्छ (आउँछ)। hoʈelri, hoʈelri.eng, amdani.nep amdani khʌmu (We) receive some income (lit. income comes). आम्दानि हुन्छ (आउँछ)। amdani.nep amdani khʌmu (We) receive some income (lit. income comes). आम्दानि हुन्छ (आउँछ)। amdani.nep ŋi ʌtsjum kuni ʈe lʌtsi We grow green vegetables here. हामी यस्तो सागपात गर्छौं (उब्जाउँछौं)। bʌnda kauli gadzʌr mula (We grow) cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, (and) radish. बन्दा, काउली, गाजर मुला bʌnda, kauli, gadzʌr, mula.nep pjadzʌ sjaŋno totsi alu totso (We) planted onion, planted garlic, (and) planted potatoes. प्याज रोप्यौं, लसुन रोप्यौं आलु रोप्यौं। pjadzʌ, alu.nep ʌph sidzʌn kaŋri In the off-season, अफ सिजनको बेलामा। ʌph, sidzʌn.eng lʌko njaŋ tʌpa in the (off-season) month, we महिना चाहिँ महिना (चाहिँ) topʌ sipʌ nʌpʌri khʌmu (the vegetables) grow in Jestha-Asar. जेठ आषाढमा फल्छ। neraŋi topʌ kupʌ tsupʌre khʌmu philiŋ Many tourists come in the months of Ashwin and Kartik. पछिको महिना नौ र दशौं महिनामा विदेशीहरू आउँछन्। mitse tẽisoko philiŋ tshoŋ le lʌmu We make business with a large number of tourists. धेरै मान्छेहरू विदेशीहरू(सँग) ब्यापार गर्छौं। philiŋ khʌmu Foreigners come. विदेशी आउँछन्। amrika jul khʌmu Americans (American tourists) come. अमेरिकाको मान्छे (गाउँ) आउँछ। amrika.nep phrans jul khʌmu French (tourists) come. फ्रान्सका मान्छे (गाउँ) आउँछन्। phrans.nep dzʌrmʌni jul mi khʌmu German (tourists) come. जर्मनीका मान्छेपनि आउँछन्। dzʌrmʌni.eng iʈali mi khʌmu Tourists from Italy come. ईटालीका मान्छे आउँछन। idzraeili mi khʌmu The tourists from Israel come. इजरायलका मान्छे आउँछन्। idzraeili.nep? koria mi khʌmu Koreans come. कोरीयनहरू आउँछन्। tshoŋko tshoŋko ŋjaŋa philiŋ thentse The business we do here is to lodge (to give them lodging) the tourists, ब्यापार चाहिँ (गर्छौं) यहाँ (होटलमा) बिदेशी राखेर । siki pintsi (We) give them the food. खाना दियो। kepra ken jo pintsi (We) make them bread of buckwheat. फापरको रोटी दियो (दिने)। tshimra kjaŋjo pintsi (We) make them the bread of wheat flour. आटा रोटी बनाई दियो। alu pʌla pintsi We give them the curry of potatoes. आलु तरकारी दियो। alu.nep o lʌtse sʌki pintsi We give the food like this. यसरी खाना दियो। khimiri ŋi mui kintsi We take money from them. उनीहरूसँग पैसा लियो (हामीले उनीहरूसँग पैला लियौं)। nupʌkhja ke kintsi We keep the tourists who would like to lodge. सुतेको मान्छेको (पर्यटक) पैसा लिने (लियो)।