1. tela ngai kjoni tshe pii/pie yesterday i-ERG you(sg)-DAT book give-PST I gave the book to you yesterday. Note; (i) ,(ni) both necessary.and *tsheni 2. tela ngai kebakhaleni tshe pii yesterday i-ERG you(pl)-DAT book give-PST I gave the book to you yesterday. 3. tela ngai theni tshe pii yesterday i-ERG s/he(sg)-DAT book give-PST I gave the book to him/her yesterday. 4. tela ngai theni/thebakhaleni tshe pii yesterday i-ERG s/he(pl)-DAT book give-PST I gave the book to them yesterday. 5. tela kjoi ngani tshe pii yesterday you(sg)-ERG i-DAT book give-PST You gave the book to me yesterday. 6. tela kjoi ngini/ngibakhaleni tshe pii yesterday you(sg)-ERG we-DAT book give-PST You gave the book to us yesterday. 7. tela kjoi theni tshe pii yesterday you(sg)-ERG s/he(sg)-DAT book give-PST You gave the book to him/her yesterday. 8. tela kjoi theni/thebakhaleni tshe pii yesterday you(sg)-ERG s/he(pl)-DAT book give-PST You gave the book to them yesterday. 9. nagai ngai kjoni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow i-ERG you(sg)-DAT that book give-FUT I will give the book to you tomorrow. 10. nagai ngai kebakhaleni/keni tshe pimu tomorrow i-ERG you(pl)-DAT book give-FUT I will give the book to you tomorrow. 11. nagai ngai theni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow i-ERG s/he(sg)-DAT that book give-FUT I will give the book to him/her tomorrow. 12. nagai ngai theni /thebakhaleni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow i-ERG s/he(pl)-DAT that book give-FUT I will give the book to them tomorrow. 13. nagai kjoi ngani adzu tshe pimu tomorrow you(sg)--ERG i-DAT that book give-FUT you will give the book to me tomorrow. 14. nagai kjoi ngini/ngibakhaleni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG we-DAT that book give-FUT You will give the book to us tomorrow. 15. nagai kjoi theni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG s/he(sg)-DAT that book give-FUT You will give the book to him/her tomorrow. 16. nagai kjoi theni/thebakhaleni adzu tshe pimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG s/he(pl)-DAT that give-PST You will give the book to them tomorrow. 17. adzu pjumei the roni sjau kri pii that boy-ERG he-POSS friend-DAT apple one give-PST The boy gave an apple to his friend. 18. adzu pjumei the roni sjaua pii that boy-ERG he(sg)-POSS friend-DAT apple(pl) give-PST The boy gave apples to his friend. 19. adzu pjumei tsjatsi/tsjadzi sjaua the roni pii that boy-ERG some apple(pl) he-POSS friend-DAT give-PST The boy gave some apples to his friend. 20. adzu pjumei ro sokloni tsjadzi sjaua pii that boy-ERG friend three-DAT some apple(pl) give. The boy gave some apples to three friends. 21. adzu pjumei nakju pase adzu rimeni pii that boy-ERG dog child that girl-DAT give-PST The boy gave the puppy-dog to the girl. 22. adzu pjumei adzu nakjuni kai pii that boy-ERG that dog-DAT rice give-PST The boy gave rice to the dog. 23. adzu timui adzu paseni kal kri pii that monkey-ERG that child-DAT banana one give-PST The monkey gave a banana to the child. 24. adzu pasei adzu timuni kal kri pii that child-ERG that monkey-DAT banana one give-PST The child gave a banana to the monkey. Note: In the above sentences 2-24 (i) and (ni) necessary. 25. adzu rimeni tshe sui pii? that girl-DAT book whoERG give-PST Who gave a book to the girl? Note: (ni) ,(i) both necessary. a) tshe sui pii adzu rimeni also ok. 26. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni tshe pii that boy-ERG that girl-DAT book give-PST The boy gave a book to the girl. _ (i),(ni) both necessary. 27. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni ta pii that boy-ERG that girl-DAT what give-PST What did the boy gave to the girl? _ (i),(ni) necessary and *tani 28. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni tshe pii that boy-ERG that girl-DAT book give-PST The boy gave a book to the girl. _ (i),(ni) necessary and *tsheni. 29. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni ta lai? that boy-ERG that girl-DAT what do-PST What did the boy do to the girl? _ (i),(ni) necessary.*tani 30. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni tshe pii that boy-ERG that girl-DAT book give-PST The boy gave a book to the girl. _ (i) ,(ni) necessary. 31. ngai adzu kju thun-i i-ERG that water drink-PST I drank the water. _ (i) necessary. *kjuni 32. ngii adzu kju thun-i we-ERG that water drink-PST We drank the water. 33. kjoi adzu kju thun-i you(sg)-ERG that water drink-PST You drank the water. 34. kei adzu kju thun-i you(pl)-ERG that water drink-PST You drank the water. 35. thei adzu kju thun-i s/he(sg)-ERG that water drink-PST S/he drank the water. 36. thei/thebakhalei adzu kju thun-i s/he(pl)-ERG that water drink-PST They drank the water. __ In the above sentences 32-36 (i) necessary, *kjuni_(ni) impossible. 37. nagai nga(i) adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow i-ERG that water drink-FUT I will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) optional.and *kjuni -(ni) impossible. 38. nagai ngi(i) adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow we-ERG that water drink-FUT We will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) optional, (ni) impossible. 39. nagai kjo(i) adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG that water drink-FUT You will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) optional, (ni) impossible. 40. nagai ke(i) /kebakhale(i) adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow you(pl)-ERG that water drink-FUT You will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) optional, (ni) impossible. 41. nagai thei adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG that water drink-FUT S/he will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) preferred,(ni) impossible. 42. nagai thei/thebakhalei adzu kju thun-mu tomorrow s/he(pl)-ERG that water drink-FUT They will drink the water tomorrow. __ (i) preferred, (ni) impossible. 43. tela ngai thun-i yesterday i-ERG drink-PST I drank yesterday. __ (i) necessary. 44. nagai ngai thun-mu tomorrow i-ERG drink-FUT I will drink tomorrow. __ (i) necessary. 45. adzu mii resturentari thun-i that man-ERG retaurant-LOC drink-PST The man drank in the restaurent. __ (i), (ri) both necessary. 46. adzu mii resturentsri thun-mu that man-ERG retaurant-LOC drink-FUT The man will drink in the restaurant. __ (i),(ri) both necessary. 47. ngai sato kju thun-i i-ERG all water drink-PST I drank all of the water. __ (i) necessary, *kjuni-(ni) impossible. 48. ngai tsjatsi kju thun-i i-ERG some water drink-PST I drank some of the water. __ (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 49. adzu nakjui adzu kju thun-i that dog-ERG that water drink-PST The dog drank the water. __ (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 50. adzu nakjui adzu kju thun-mu that dog-ERG that water drink-FUT The dog will drink the water. 51. adzu bulun-i adzu kju thun-i that insect--ERG that water drink-PST The insect drank the water. 52. adzu bulun-i adzu kju thun-mu that insect-ERG that water drink-FUT The insect will drink the water. __ In the above sentences 50-52 (i) necessary and,(ni) impossible. 53. sui thun-i? who-ERG drink-PST Who drank? __ (i) necessary. 54. adzu pjumei thun-i that boy-ERG drink-PST The boy drank. __ (i) necessary 55. adzu pjumei ta lai? that boy-ERG what do-PST What did the boy do? __ (i) necessary ,*tani _(ni) impossible. 56. adzu pjumei thun-i that boy-ERG drink-PST The boy drank. __ (i) necessary. 57. kju sui thun-i? water who-ERG drink-PST Who drank the water? __ (i) necessary, *kjuni- (ni) impossible, 58. adzu pjumei adzu kju thun-i that boy-ERG that water drink-PST The boy drank the water. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 59. pjumei ta thun-i?/ ta thun-i pjumei? -also ok. boy-ERG what drink-PST What did the boy drink? __ (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 60. adzu pjumei adzu kju thun-i that boy-ERG that water drink-PST The boy drank the water. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible.