ŋʌ mi tshoŋ nurpʌ ghʌle My name of Choud Ghale. मेरो नाम छोङ् नुर्प घले हो। pisaŋri nʌpʌ I was born in Pisang. (म) पिसाङ्‍मा जन्मेको (हुँ)। ŋʌ pʌpʌ mi tortse ghʌle My father's name is Durje Ghale. मेरो बुवाको नाम तोर्जे घले हो। ŋʌ akhe mi ŋiltʌ pompʌr ghʌle My grandfather's name is Ngita Pompar Ghale. मेरो बाजेको नाम ङिल्ता पोम्बार घले हो। ŋʌ pisaŋre nʌpʌ I was born in Pisang. म पिसाङ्‍मा जन्मेको हुँ। ŋʌ dui hʌdzar tsʌubis salri In 2024 (VS), म २०२४ सालमा dui, hʌdzar, tsʌubis.nep polri etsi (I) went to Kathmandu. काठमाण्डु(मा) गएँ। pisaŋ mʌnaŋ bikʌʈ ʈhaũ tʌpte Because Pisang (Manang) is a remote village पिडाङ् मनाङ् बिकट ठाउँ भएकोले bikʌʈ, ʈhaũ.nep utupʌ tʌtse oli jʌtsi (and) because this is a very poor place, (I) went to Kathmandu. निकै गरिब ठाउँ भएर काठमाण्डु गएँ। taŋpʌ nʌnaŋ tsu polri In those days (we went to) Kathmandu पहिला पहिला यो काठमाण्डुमा bẽsisʌhʌrri jʌtsi and (we) went to Besishahar. बेशीशहरमा गयौं। ʃi akʌ mʌkʌi akʌ Neither the paddy nor the wheat grows. चामल पनि आउँदैन मकै पनि आउँदैन (हुँदैन फल्दैन)। tori akhʌ The mustard does not grow. तोरी (हुँदैन फल्दैन)। beŋsiŋsartʌr si pukhʌ lʌtsi I used to come here by carrying rice from Besisahar बेशीशहरबाट चामल बोकेर आएँ। phra (along) the cliff. भीर, kaʈhja (While making a road) with the wood, काठलाई kila printse phʌljak ʈile (I) set the planks (along the cliff). किल्ला ठोकेर फल्याक बिछ्छ्याएर kila, phʌljak.nep tshoŋ lʌtse na khʌtsi (I) used to come here after business ended. ब्यापार गरेर बोकेर आएँ (आउँथे)। wa praŋkori tetshuŋ If (we were to) fall by slipping, त्यो भिरबाट खस्यौं भने musĩ kwuri tele musĩ kwuri roko ajaŋ (fall) into the Marsjangdi river, even our corpses would not be seen. मर्स्याङ्दि खोलामा खस्यौं भने मर्स्याङ्दि खोलामा लास पनि पाउँदैनथ्यो। ʌtse kʌle mo The road was that difficult (dangerous). यस्तो गाह्रोथियो (बाटो)। dui hʌdzar terʌ salri mʌhendrʌ In the year 2013 VS, २०१३ सालमा महेन्द्र dui, hʌdzar, terʌ, salri.nep sʌrlar tʌrpare jʌle having gone to the Palace (of the king of Nepal), सरकारको दरवारमा गएर sʌrlar, tʌrpare.nep binti pʌtrʌ pintsi (we) filed an appeal to the king. बिन्तिपत्र चढायौं। binti, pʌtrʌ.nep duihʌdzar tsʌubis salri mʌhendrʌ sʌrkar prakari sʌwari khʌtsi His Majesty - King Mahendra traveled to Braga in 2024 VS. २०२४ सालमा महेन्द्र सरकारको ब्रागामा सवारी भयो। duihʌdzar, tsʌubis, salri, sʌrkar, sʌwari.nep sʌwari khʌle bintipʌtrʌ pĩ (We) filed an appeal to the king (while he was) on his visit. सवारी गरेर बिन्ति पत्र दिएँ (दियौं)। sʌwari, bintipʌtrʌ.nep binti lʌle mʌhendrʌ sʌrkar tsumʌr kjoro After the appeal to the king, the king (said) "From this place down...". बिन्ति गरेपछि महेन्द्र सरकार यो देखि तल binti, sʌrkar.nep kolele sʌwari jʌle The visit went on (lit. returned) slowly. विस्तारै सवारी फर्क्यौ। sʌwari.nep helikopʈʌrmʌr helikopʈʌr sʌwari jʌle After the helicopter landed, the visit continued. हेलिकप्टरबाट सवारी गयो। helikopʈʌrmʌr, helikopʈʌr.eng, sʌwari.nep ɖeɖh bʌrsʌri In one and a half years, डेढ वर्षमा ɖeɖh,bʌrsʌri.nep lo phitaŋ ŋiteri khʌtsʌr hĩɖne baʈoko sʌtsi in a year and a half, the track for the mules was constructed. डेढ वर्षमा खच्चड हिंड्ने बाटो बनायौं। khʌtsʌr, hĩɖne, baʈoko.nep u terko pari epʌ pasporʈ pintsi pasporʈ pintsi After that, passports were given to those who were interested in traveling outside (the country). त्यहाँ देखि बिदेश जानलाई पासपोर्ट दिए। pasporʈ, pasporʈ.eng u ter pasporʈ jaŋle ŋi polri After that, they got the passports and then त्यहाँ बाट (देखि) पासपोर्ट पाएपछि हामी काठमान्डुमा pasporʈ.eng polri ʈutsi (I) lived in Kathmandu. काठमान्डुमा बस्यौं। pole thĩ thẽ printsi Then, I have recently built a house. त्यहाँबाट घर शुरूमा (पहिलोपल्ट) बनाएँ। tjã mʌlesia beŋkʌk hʌŋkʌŋ (While we were there, we traveled to) Malaysia, Bangkok, and Hong Kong. त्यहाँ मलेशिया, बैंकक, हङ्कङ् tshoŋ lʌtse kju tsa satse thĩ printsi After business and earning money, (I) built the house ब्यापार गरेर अलि पैसा कमाएर घर बनाएँ। ʌle ʈutse tiŋi mʌhendrʌ kripatse because of the kindness of late King Mahendra. यसो बसेर (गरेर) महेन्द्र सरकारको कृपाले kripatse.nep sʌpʌ tʌpʌko mʌhendrʌ kripaĩ Our wealth is because of the wealth of the late King Mahendra. राम्रो भएको चाहिँ महेन्द्र सरकारको कृपाले (हो)। pisaŋ taŋpʌ pisaŋko Pisang, Pisang of long ago, पिसाङ् पहिला (उहिले) पिसाङ् चाहिँ aʈh bʌrsʌ lo phre phrʌ nʌraŋ tshjapʌ the settlement began in Manang before eight hundred years. आठ वर्ष, आठ सय अगाडि बसोबास भयो (मनाङ्‍मा)। aʈh, bʌrsʌ.nep phre phrʌ nʌnaŋ tuŋ kwari Eight hundred years ago (in upper Manang), आठ सय वर्ष अगाडि त्यो माथि, tsoŋtse tsoŋ pipʌko dʌrbar mo there was a palace in a place called Chongche. चोङ्‍चे चोङ् भन्ने ठाउँमा उहिले दरबार थियो। dʌrbar.nep taŋpʌ nʌraŋ tsoŋtse tsoŋ pipʌ dʌrbar mo Long ago, there was a palace in Chongchechong. पहिला पहिला चोङ्चेचोङ् भन्ने दरवार थियो। dʌrbar uri ʈule akhe A grandfather used to live in the palace. दरबार, त्यहाँ बसेर बाजे dʌrbar.nep ku tshʌnte pipko He was called Chhente. कु छेन्ते भनेको akhe mikori tshʌnte The grandfather's name was Chhente. त्यो बाजेको नाम छेन्ते (थियो)। tshʌnte His name was Chhente. (नाम) छेन्ते। lo ku epni ku tshʌnte pi me (One of the brothers) was nine years old and so he was called Nauchhante. नौ वर्ष हुँदा त्यही भएर नौचेन्ते (कुछेन्ते) भनिन्छ। soko the siko lo ŋiti jʌpʌ mʌpa One of the brothers was two years old. अर्को, अर्को भाई चाहिँ सात वर्षको थियो। akhe ŋi tsimʈu The grandfather was seventy six years old. बाजे ङिचिम्टु (नामको थिए)। apʌko si lʌtse tsutsu After the grandfather died, बाउको मृत्यु पछि (मरे पछी) kola ŋiko tuŋ tsoŋtse tsoŋkore (the) two children (lived) in Chongche. दुईजना बच्चा त्यहाँ चोङ्चे चोङमा thĩ prĩ dʌrbar phrĩle ʈupni They lived in a place called Chong. चोङ् भन्ने ठाउँमा दरबार बनाएर बसेछन्। dʌrbar.nep tsokori akhetse jule After the grandfather came here, यसमा बाजेहरू आएर nʌraŋ atʌkotse the grandfather and brothers पहिले दाईले sʌ kepʌ kore (selected) good places (and) राम्रो जग्गामा phursĩ phursĩ phrintse phrintse jʌ they made the borders (after dividing the land). साँध (सिमानामा) काठको किल्ला ठोक्दै ठोक्दै गए। phrintse= it also means 'make'. tsu tsu atsẽko prĩle asjuŋ After that, the grandfather did not come to make a fence. त्यसपछि बार बनाउन आएन। sʌ kʌti tsjop khepʌko atʌphe me The good land was owned (covered) by the elder brother. जति पनि जग्गा सबै राम्रो चाहिँ दाईले ओगटे। ŋja phemŋjanu pi lake Thinking he will also own (cover) the land म पनि ओगट्छु भनेर फेरि sʌ phursiŋ phikori thor priŋthe jʌ in the border, (he) fenced the land with sticks of wood. जग्गाको किल्ला माथि, काठको किल्ला माथि थोर राखेर गए। thor= pile of stones to indicate border of land thor printhe jepne tsitsju After, he placed three stones (on the border), and since the grandfather was gone, थोर (ढुङ्गा खप्टेर राखेर) बनाएर गए पछि atsẽko pimni ŋʌ thormo pimni lake atʌko tse (the elder brother said), भाईले भन्यो मेरो सिमाना (चिन्ह) छ भनेर भने पछि फेरि दाईले kjʌ thor mo "Where is your border? तिम्रो थोर (सिमाना) छ, tsu naŋkore ŋʌ phursĩ mo Your border is lower (than this). तपाईंको थोरको मुनि मेरो काठको किल्लाको सिमा छ। ŋjoto kjo nʌraŋ lʌp ki ŋʌ ŋʌraŋ lʌpʌ (We) could not take care of it even if we were to take care of the villages". हेर्नुस, तपाईंले पहिला गर्नु भयो कि मैले पहिला गरें। हेरचाह गर्ने । tsokore akhi ku tshʌnte pipko ʈupʌ imi The grandfather was the idol. यहाँ कुछन्ते बाजे भन्ने चाहिँ बस्थे। ʈupʌ (They) used to live there. बस्थे। akhi ŋi tshinʈuko tsu ka antse Will that stop because the grandfather is seventy six years old? ङिचिन्टु बाजे चाहिँ यो (यहाँ) माथितिर sʌ tsa asʌpko thotse The less good land was part of my share. अलि नराम्रो जग्गा चाहिँ उसलाई पर्‍यो। tshapʌko lo phre phrʌ nʌnaŋ To count (lit .having counted), it has now been eight years. गन्तिमा चाहिँ आठवर्ष अगाडि uja tshjapi tshjataŋko The amount was reduced as he wished. उनीहरू यसरी बसोबास (गरे)। akhe ku tsinʈu ni The grandfather is sixteen (mistake by the speaker). कुचिन्टुबाजे भन्नेहरू The speaker mistakes what he is saying. akhe ku tshʌnʈe ni ŋi tsimʈu ŋiko The grandfather had two brothers - Kuchjut and Ngiuchut. कु छन्टे बाजे र ङिचिन्टु दुई जना चाहिँ the ŋiko There were two brothers in total. दुई दाजुभाई चाहिँ pisaŋri tshjapʌko ʌle tshjapʌ The Pisang village was formed this way. पिसाङ् गाउँमा चाहिँ यसरी बसोबास गरे। tsjapʌ ni tʌtʌ pinʌ Things happened after that. बसोबास भएपछि के के भयो भने pisaŋ pe saŋpʌ momo Pisang was a very good place. पिसाङ् चाहिँ निकै राम्रो भयो । pito sum jʌr to sum tjonta sum In the month of Chairtra-Baisakh, Baisakh-Jestha, or Aswin-Kartink चैत्र-बैसाखमा, वैशाख जेठमा, असौज कार्तिकमा pito sum=spring; jʌr to sum=summer; tjorta sum =harvesting time kwin ta sum pi to sum sum khʌ (in the cold months), winter comes. जाडो महिनामा भनेर तीन तीन महिनाको हुन्छ। kwin ta sum=winter tʌsumkore pitʌ sum kore In the place called Tasum, चैत्र बैशाख महिनामा pisaŋri (or) in Pisang पिसाङ्‍मा tup tshjae pʌŋpa mʌnaŋ khaŋsartse (and in) Ghyaru, Ngawal, Manang and Khangsar, घ्यारू, ङावल, मनाङ् खाङ्सारहरू no akhapa ʈe akhapa neither the garlic nor the spinach grows (during this period). लसुनपनि फल्दैन (बनमा), साग पनि फल्दैन। tsuri no kha ʈe kha lʌpʌne The garlic crop grows here (in Pisang). यहाँ लसुन फल्छ (पाईन्छ), साग आउँछ (पाईन्छ) (खेति) गर्‍योभने। pikʌtse ʈe khʌpa no khʌpa kimilʌ saŋpʌ mom (This village) is called Pisang because the garlic and spinach grow here. पिकचेसिजनमा साग आउने (फल्छ) लसुन फल्छ, तिमीहरूको चाहिँ निकै राम्रो भनेर।)। pisaŋ pi mi tapʌko ʌle tapʌ hĩ The name Pisang was chosen for that reason. पिसाङ भनेर नाम राख्न गएका हुन्।