tshoŋ nurpa ghʌle My name is Chhong Ngurpa Ghale. (नाम) छोङ् ङुर्पा घले (हो)। lo ŋi tsuphre ŋitsjuku I am eighty eight years old, (no) eighty nine years old. वर्ष अठासी, उनान्नसी। ŋitsjukhu sevenʈi nain I am seventy nine years old. उनान्नसी, उनान्नसी। ŋʌlʌ mi tshoŋ nurpa ghʌle My name is Chhong Nurpu Ghale. मेरो नाम छोङ् नुर्पा घले (हो)। ŋʌ lʌ mi tshʌŋ nurpa My name is Chong Nurpa. मेरो नाम छङ् नुर्पा (हो)। tshʌ nurpa ghʌle (My name is) Cha Nurpa Ghale. छ नुर्पा घले (हो)। tsu jul mi pisaŋ The name of my village is Pisang. म गाउँको नाम पिसाङ् (हो)। tsoko pisaŋ pipʌ This is called (lit. saying) Pisang. यसलाई पिसाङ् भन्ने (भन्छन्)। julko pisaŋ The village (is called) Pisang. गाउँ चाहिँ पिसाङ् (हो)। pikʌtse no ʈe khʌ The garlic grows in the month of Chaitra-Baishakh, (and) the green leaf (vegetable) grows. चैत्र-वैशाखमा लसुन साग फल्छ(आउँछ)। jul miko pisa pipʌko The name of the village (is) Pisang. गाउँको नाम पिसाङ् भन्ने चाहिँ pikʌtse ta.. sum In the month of Chaitra-Baisakh, चैत्र वैशाखमा तेश्रो महिना jʌr to sum ter to sum in Asar-Shrawan, Ashoj-Kartik, आषाढ-श्रावण, असौज कार्तिक kun to sum pi khʌ cold season begins. पुष माघ फागुन याम आउँछ। pi to sumkori ʈe no ta pile khʌ In the month of Chaitra, Baisakh, the garlic and green leave (spinach) grows (and therefore), चैत्र-वैशाखमा साग, लसुन सबै चिज उम्रिन्छ (आउँछ)। ʌtsʌ saŋpʌ julko pisaŋ pi tapʌ there is good (growth of) wheat. निकै महत्व (उर्वर) गाउँ चाहिँ पिसाङ् भनेर भनिएको (हो)। jul miko tapʌko ʌle tatsi It was named for this reason. गाउँको नाम चाहिँ यसरी राख्न गइयो। tapʌ=keep pisaŋ ŋi julko The Pisang village in particular, पिसाङ् हाम्रो गाउँ चाहिँ keko tsatsa phʌrʌk tʌ the language is a bit different. भाषा चाहिँ अलि अलि फरक हुन्छ। phʌrʌk.nep julko si tʌtsi The village (as a whole) is one. गाउँ चाहिँ एउटै भयो। julko pisaŋ ke tsa phʌrak tʌ The language of Pisang is different (from other villages). गाउँ चाहिँ पिसाङ्को भाषा चाहिँ अलि फरक हुन्छ। phʌrak.nep pisaŋ khjar ŋawʌlko prakʌ ŋiko kri The differences are of Pisang, Ghyaru, Ngawal, (and) Braga. पिसाङ्, घ्यारू ङावल, ब्रागा हामी(सँग) मिल्छ। mʌnte ŋi ŋʌteko ke tsa phʌrʌk tʌ The language of people of Khangsar is different. मनाङ् र खाङ्सारको भाषा अलि फरक हुन्छ। phʌrʌk.nep sẽ sẽ ta pipʌ lake What to say (now)? अरू अरू के भनौं फेरि ? taŋpʌ ŋʌ nʌpʌ khjako pisaŋri I was born in Pisang. पहिला म जन्मेको ठाउँ पिसाङ्‍मा हो। ŋʌ pʌ... pusta sẽ phli tʌtsi pisaŋri मेरो पुस्ता पिसाङमा तीन चार भयो। pusta.nep dui hʌdzar दुई हजार dui,hʌdzar.nep dui hʌdzar tettis salri pol jutsi I went to Kathmandu in 2033 VS. २०३३ सालमा काठमान्डु झरें। dui, hʌdzar, tettis, salri.nep poli ʈutsi thĩ printsi Having gone to Kahtmandu, (I) built the house. काठमाण्डु बसें, घर बनाएँ। ŋʌ nʌraŋ sjo thĩ printsi I built the house in Kathmandu earlier than others. मैले सवै भन्दा पहिला घर बनाएँ (काठमाण्डुमा)। polri ʈudzi (I) lived in Kathmandu. काठमाण्डुमा बसें। radza mʌhendrʌri binti pʌtrʌ pintsi We filed (offered) an appeal to the king. राजा महेन्द्रमा विन्ति पत्र चढायौं। radza, mʌhendrʌri, binti, pʌtrʌ.nep bintipʌtrʌ pĩle pasporʈ jaŋtsi (As) we offered the appeal (to the king), he provided passports (to us). विन्तिपत्र चढाएर (दिएर) राहदानी पायौं। bintipʌtrʌ.nep, pasporʈ.eng pasporʈ jaŋtse After having given the passport, राहदानी पाएर (पाए पछि) pasporʈ .eng mʌlesia siŋgapur bidesʌri etse pʌisa ʌli tsa pʌisa sʌtsi (we got) visa for Malaysia, Singapore and (other countries) and collected money. मलेशिया, सिंगापुर विदेशमा गएर अलि पैसा जोड्यौं (बनायौं)। bidesʌri, pʌisa, ʌli, pʌisa.nep utʌr kaʈhmanɖuri thĩ prĩ ʈutsi After that, I built a house in Kathmandu (and) lived there. त्यस बाट (त्यसपछी) काठमाण्डुमा घर बनाएर बसें। kaʈhmanɖuri.eng ŋi kaʈhmanɖuri thĩ pri ʈupʌ kripako हामी काठमाण्डुमा घर बनाएर बसेको कृपा चाहिँ kaʈhmanɖuri, kripako.nep, mʌhendrʌ sʌrkar kripa lʌtse thĩ printsi I built the house by the grace of the King Mahendra. महेन्द्र सरकारको कृपाले गरेर घर बनाएँ। mʌhendrʌ, sʌrkar, kripa.nep kaʈhmanɖuri thĩ mo I have a house in Kathmandu. काठमाण्डुमा घर छ। kaʈhmanɖuri.nep moʈʌr tʌltsitse thĩ mo (I) used to drive a car, ( and I) have a house. गाडी चलाएँ, घर छ। moʈʌr.eng, tʌltsitse.nep phlopoko mʌhendrʌ sʌrkar tutsi I am well off (rich) because of the grace of the king. सम्पन्न भएको महेन्द्र सरकारको (कृपा)ले हो। mʌhendrʌ, sʌrkar.nep tĩŋi lʌkʌe khaŋʈo Today, (I came) up. अहिले (आज) फेरि माथि (आएको), kʌti mop tshana mi kʌti mopko kjoro epʌko (This) was the place where there were many people (but now), they have been too down (gone to Kathmandu). जति भएका छन् सवै जना मान्छे तल झरेकाहरू kʌti.nep lake khaŋʈo khʌpŋjaŋnu pi The time to come up, फेरि माथि फर्कनु पर्छ भनेर khaŋʈokore to come up, माथि चाहिँ mathi ŋʌ nʌnaŋ khʌtse kompʌ sjaŋ having come up, I sat by dancing in the tune of Nepali song. माथि पहिले आएर गुम्बाको निर्माण गरें। mathi.nep lake tsu moʈʌr khẽtse lʌ (They) made a road to this place. फेरि यो गाडीको बाटो बनायौं (गरें)। moʈʌr.eng tʌ lʌ tʌ lʌ lakʌe What do they do ? के गर्ने के गर्ने फेरि ? ŋjaŋ jul te kʌpʌ khe lʌl mo Do they also return to the village ? हाम्रो गाउँमा (मान्छेहरू) फर्केर आउन भनेर (काम) गर्नु बाँकी छ।