1. nga toso iskulari tshe kimu i now school-LOC book take-NP I take the book to school. a) ngae also ok. *b) tsheni is not possible. 2. toso ngi iskulari tshe kimu now we school-LOC book take-NP We take the book to school. a) toso ok as first word also. 3. kjo toso iskulari tshe kimu you(sg) now school-LOC book take-NP You take the book to school. a) kjoe also acceptable. *b) tsheni not possible 4. khei toso iskulari tshe kimu you(pl)-ERG now school-LOC book take-NP You take the book to school. a) khe also ok -tsheni no possible b) khe bakhale possible 2PL c) khe bakhale-ji also possible. 5. thei toso iskulari tshe kimu s/he(sg)-ERG now school-LOC book take-NP S/he takes the book to school. a) the also ok but not preferred. 6. the toso iskulari tshe kimu s/he(pl) now school-LOC book take-NP They take the book to school. a) thei also possible. b) the bakhale also possible 3PL c) the bakhale-ji also possible. 7. tela ngai schoolari tshe kie yesterday i-ERG school-LOC take-PST Yesterday I took the book to school. Note: (-i) ERG is necessary in past. 8. tela ngii iskulari tshe kie yesterday we-ERG school-LOC take-PST Yesterday we took the book to school. Note: (-i) is necessary a) tela ngibakhalei iskulari tshe kie.--also possible 9. tela kjoi iskulari tshe kie yesterday you(sg)-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Yesterday you took the book to school. Note: (-i) and (-ri) both necessary. 10. tela kei iskulari tshe kie yesterday you(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Yesterday you took the book to school. 11. tela thei iskulari tshe kie yesterday s/he-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Yesterday s/he took the book to school. 12. tela thei iskulari tshe kie yesterday s/he(pl)-ERG school-LOC take-PST Yesterday they took the book to school. *a) thei iskulari tshe kie tela.--(tela) should not be in the last word. Note: In the above sentences -(-i) and (ri) is necessary. 13. nagai nga iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow i school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow I will take the book to school. Note: a) nagai ngai iskulari tshe kimu --also possible. (-i) is optional and (-ri) is compusory. Note:*b) ngabakhale -not possible c) ngibakhale -is possible 14. nagai ngii iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow we-ERG school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow we will take the book to school. Note: (-i) is optional and (-ri) is compulsory 15. nagai kjoi iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow you will take the book to school. *a) kjobakhale --not possible. and kebakhale is possible. Note: (-i) is optional and (-ri) is compulsory. 16. nagai kei iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow you(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow you will take the book to school. 17. nagai thei iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow s/he-ERG school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow s/he will take the book to school. 18. nagai thei iskulari tshe kimu tomorrow s/he(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-FUT Tomorrow they will take the book to school. Note: in the above sentences (-i) is optional and (ri) is compulsory. 19. toso nga iskulari tshe kisjomu now i school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now i am taking the book to school. a) toso ngai iskulari tshe kisjomu _(-i) is optional *b) toso ngai iskula tshe kisjomu _ without (-ri) impossible 20. toso ngi(bakhale)i iskulari tshe kisjomu now we(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now we are taking the book to school. 21. toso kjo(i) iskulari tshe kisjomu now you(sg)-ERG school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now you are taking the book to school. *a) kjobakhale _no possible 22. toso kebakhale(i) iskulari tshe kisjomu now you(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now you are taking the book to school. Note: (ri) is necessary. 23. toso the(i) iskulari tshe kisjomu now s/he-ERG school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now s/he is taking the book to school. a) the(bakhale)i 24. toso the(i) iskulari tshe kisjomu now s/he(pl)-ERG school-LOC book take-NP.PROG. Now they are taking the book to school. a) the(bakhale)i 25. tela adzu rimei iskulari tshe kie yesterday this girl-ERG school-LOC book take-PST The girl took the book to school.(yesterday) Note: (ri) is necessary and ERGATIVE (i) is preferred here. 26. tela majai iskulari tshe kie yesterday maya-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Maya took the book to the school.(yesterday) *a) maja _ERG(i) is preferred 27. tela kristinai iskulari tshe kie yesterday kristina-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Kristine took the book to school.(yesterday) *a) kristina _impossible 28. iskulari tshe sui kie? school-LOC book who-ERG take-PST Who took the book to the school? * a) su 29. kristinai iskulari tshe kie kristine-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Kristine took the book to the school. * a) kristine 30. iskulari kristinai ta kie? school-LOC kristine-ERG what take-PST? What did Kristine take to school? * a) tani _(ni) is not ok 31. kristinai tshe iskulari kie kristine-ERG book school-LOC take-PST Kristine took the book to school. a) iskulari kristinai tshe kie. _also ok *b) tsheni _ (-ni) is impossible 32. kristinai ta lai? kristine-ERG what do-PST What did kristine do? a) ta lai kristinai? *b) ta lai kristine? _without (i) not possible 33. kristinai iskulari tshe kie kristine-ERG school-LOC book take-PST Kristine took the book to school. a) iskulari tshe kie kristinai _also ok but not so good 34. tela ngai badzarari ra kie yesterday i-ERG market-LOC goat take-PST Yesterday I took the goat to market. a) ngai tela badzarari ra kie _also ok. *b) rani _(-ni) is not possible. 35. tela ngai iskulari pase kie yesterday i-ERG school-LOC child take-PST Yesterday I took the child to school. *a) paseni _(ni) not possible. 36. majai badzarari ta kie? maya-ERG market-LOC what take-PST What did Maya take to market? *a) tani 37. majai badzarari ra kie maya-ERG market-LOC goat take-PST Maya took the goat to market. *a) rani 38. tela ngai iskulari tshe bagae yesterday i-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Yesterday I brought the book to school. Note: (i) necessary 39. tela majai iskulari tshe bagae yesterday maya-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Yesterday Maya brought the book to school. 40. tela thei iskulari tshe bagae yesterday she-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Yesterday she brought the book to the school. 41. tela thei badzarari ra bagae yesterday she-ERG market-LOC goat bring-PST Yesterday she brougt the goat to market. *a) the _without (i) no possible *b) rani _with ra (ni) imp[ossible. 42. tela thei iskulari pase bagae yesterday she-ERG school-LOC child bring-PST Yesterday she brought the child to school. *a) the *b) paseni 43. iskulari tshe sui bagae school-LOC book who-ERG bring-PST Who brought the book to school? *a) su 44. majai iskulari tshe bagae maya-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Maya brought the book to school. *a) maja 45. majai iskulari ta bagae? maya-ERG school-LOC what bring-PST What did Maya bring to school? *a) iskulari ta bagae majai? _also ok *b) tani _(ni) -impossible and (i),(ri) necessary. 46. majai iskulari tshe bagae maja-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Maya brought the book to school. 47. majai ta lai? maya-ERG what do-PST What did maya do? a) ta lai majai? also ok Note: (i) necessary. 48. majai iskulari tshe bagae maya-ERG school-LOC book bring-PST Maya brought the book to school. *a) tsheni _ (ni) impossible __ (i) -necessary. 49. badzarari ra sui bagae? market-LOC goat who-ERG bring-PST Who brought the goat to market? *a) su _(i) necessary. 50. pranggai badzarari ra bagae prang-ERG market-LOC goat bring-PST Prang brought the goat to market. a) ra bagae pranggai badzarari _not good 51. pranggai badzarari ta bagae? prang-ERG market-LOC what bring-PST What did Prang bring to market? 52. pranggai badzarari ra bagae prang-ERG market-LOC goat bring-PST Prang brought the goat to market. 53. pranggai ta lai? prang-ERG what do-PST What did Prang do? a) ta lai pranggai? _also ok 54. pranggai badzarari ra bagai prang-ERG market-LOC goat bring-PST Prang brought the goat to market. Special Note: all of above (ni) -not possible.and all of above (i) -is possible.