1. tang ngaki lemetsik lokholsung yesterday i-ERG once/onetime cough-PST I coughed one time yesterday. __ (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 2. tang khoki lemetsik lokholsung yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG once cough-PST S/he coughed one time yesterday. __ (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 3. tang di pitsaki lemetsik lokholsung yesterday that boy-ERG once cough-PST The boy coughed one time yesterday. __ (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 4. tang di kjubuki lemetsik lokholsung yesterday that dog-ERG once cough-PST The dog coughed one time yesterday. 5. ngato ngaki lemetsik lokholjong/lokholkere tomorrow i-ERG once cough-FUT I will cough one time tomorrow. 6. ngato khoki lemetsik lokholkere tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG once cough-FUT S/he will cough one time tomorrow. 7. ngato di pitsaki lemetsik lokholkere tomorrow that boy-ERG once cough-FUT The boy will cough one time tomorrow. 8. ngato di kjubuki lemetsik lokholkere tomorrow that dog-ERG once cough-FUT The dog will cough one time tomorrow. 9. tang ngaki lememangbu lokholsung yesterday i-ERG repeated/manytimes cough-PST I coughed repeated/many times yesterday. __ Above 4-9 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 10. tang khoki lememangbu lokholsung yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG many times cough-PST S/he coughed repeated/many times yesterday. 11. tang di pitsaki lememangbu lokholsung yesterday that boy-ERG many times cough-PST The boy coughed repeated /many times yesterday. 12. tang di kjubuki lememangbu lokholsung yeaterday that dog-ERG many times cough-PST The dog coughed repeated/many times yesterday. 13. ngato ngaki lememangbu lokholkere tomorrow i-ERG many times cough-FUT I will cough many times tomorrow. 14. ngato khoki lememangbu lokholkere tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG many times cough-FUT S/he will cough manytimes tomorrow. 15. ngato di pitsaki lememangbu lokholkere tomorrow that boy-ERG many times cough-FUT The boy will cough repeated/many times tomorrow. 16. ngato di kjubuki lememangbu lokholkere tomorrow that dog-ERG many times cough-FUT The dog will cough repeated/ many times tomorrow. __ Above 10-16 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 17. ngaki lokholsung i-ERG cough-PST I coughed. 18. ngaki lokholkere i-ERG cough-FUT I will cough. 19. di pitsaki lokholsung that boy-ERG cough-PST The boy coughed. 20. di pitsaki lokholkere that boy-ERG cough-FUT The boy will cough. 21. di kjubuki lokholsung that dog-ERG cough-PST The dog coughed. 22. di kjubuki lokholkere. that dog-ERG cough-FUT The dog will cough. __ Above 17-22 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible.