ŋa miŋ dawa re My name is Dawa. मेरो नाम दावा हो। ŋaki lo ɲiʃu ɲiʃu tʃapʃi dʒhõʃõ I am twenty four years old (My age is twenty four). मेरो उमेर चौविस वर्ष भयो। ɬasiŋ ɦoŋ dukla, tʃjaro tʃik ɦoŋ dukla A crow came to a holy tree (a tree where worship is done). पुजा गर्ने रूखमा एउटा काग आयो रे। dhene dʒhjaroki khaɖkila ʃja tʃik dhukla After that, there was a piece of meat in the beak of the crow. त्यसपछि कागको मुखमा एउटा मासुको टुक्रा थियो रे। tʃik ʃala ʃala ɦoŋ dukla dhene A jackal came there to eat. एउटा स्याल खान आयो रे अनि, sjala.nep ʃalaki lu laŋdela dʒhja rœla The jackal sang a song for the crow, स्यालले कागलाई एउटा गित गायो रे। sjalaki.nep kho kortila dʒhjaro in order to lure (flatter) the crow. कागलाई फकाउनको लागि (कागकको टाउको घुमाउन)। kha pekalamu, ʃja tʃjartila While opening the beak (lit. mouth), the piece of meat fell (they said). मुख खोल्दा मासु खस्यो रे। ʃja ko As for the meat, मासु चाहिं sjala kherdila dʒhjaro The jackal took away the meat, and the crow, मासु चाहिं स्यालले लग्यो, अनि काग