1. ngaki koela tsheppa i-ERG cloth change-PST I changed the clothing. __ (ki) necessary. *koelala _so (la) impossible. 2. khoki koela tshepsung s/he(sg)-ERG cloth change-PST S/he changed the clothing. 3. di pomoki koela tshepsung that girl-ERG cloth change-PST The girl changed the clothing. 4. ngaki koela tshepkehing/tshepkere. i-ERG cloth change-FUT I will change the clothing. 5. khoki koela tshekere s/he(sg)-ERG cloth change-FUT S/he will change the clothing. 6. di pomoki koela tshepkere that girl-ERG cloth change-FUT The girl will change the clothing. __ Above 2-6 (ki) necessary,(la) impossible 7. ngaki Ta setang tshepu lopahing i-ERG hair combingstyle change do-PST I changed my hair. __ (ki) necessary,(la) impossible. 8. kho khorangki Ta setang tsheku lodu. s/he s/he-POSS hair combingstyle change-PST S/he changed his/her hair style. 9. di pomoki khorang Ta setang tshekulodu that girl-ERG she-POSS hair combingstyle change-PST The girl changed her hair. 10. nga ngarangki Ta setang tshepulokehing i i-POSS hair combingstyle change-FUT I will change my hair. __ above 8-10 (ki) necessary, (la) impossible. 11. kho khorangki Ta setang tshepulodu s/he s/he-POSS hair comingstyle change-FUT S/he will change her hair. 12. di pomokhorangki Ta setung tshepulodu that girl she-POSS hair combingstyle change-FUT The girl will change her hair. __ above 11-12 (ki) necessary,(la) impossible. 13. ngaki thapsangla tshju tsheppa/tshepulopa i-ERG pot-LOC water change-PST I changed the water in the pot. __ (ki), (la) necessary but *tshjula 14. khoki thapsangla tshju tshepsung s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water change-PST S/he changed the water in the pot. 15. di pomoki thasangla tshju tshepsung that girl-ERG pot-LOC water change-PST The girl changed the water in the pot. 16. ngaki thapsangla tshju tshepehing i-ERG pot-LOC water change-FUT I will change the water in the pot. 17. khoki thapsangla tshju tshepkere. s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water change-FUT S/he will change the water in the pot. 18. di pomoki thapsangla tshju tshepjong/tshepkere. that girl-ERG pot-LOC water change-FUT The will change the water in the pot. ___ above 14-18 (ki),(la) necessary ,but *tshjula 19. ngaki tsheppa i-ERG change-PST I changed. __ (ki) necessary 20. khoki tshepsung s/he(sg)-ERG change-PST S/he changed. 21. di pomoki tshepsung that girl-ERG change-PST The girl changed. 22. ngaki tshepehing i-ERG change-FUT I will change. 23. khoki tshepkere s/he(sg)-ERG change-FUT S/he will change 24. di pomoki tshepjong that girl-ERG change-FUT The girl will change. __ Above19-24 (ki) necessary. # __ le 'squash,flatten' verbs: 1. di soloki khampala lesung that landslide-ERG house-DAT squash/flatten-PST The landslide squashed the house. __ (ki),(la) both necessary. 2. di soloki khampala lekere that landslide-ERG house-DAT squash/flatten-FUT The landslide will squash the house. __ (ki),(la) necessary. 3. di pitsaki balla khorang kangpaki lesung that boy-ERG ball-DAT he-POSS foot-ERG squash/flatten-PST The boy squashed the ball with his foot. __ (ki), (la) necessary. 4. di pitsaki palpala khorang kangpaki lesung that boy-ERG frog-DAT he-POSS foot-ERG squash/flatten-PST The boy squashed the frog with his foot. __ (ki),(la) necessary. 5. di pitsaki balla khorang kangpaki lekere that boy-ERG ball-DAT he-POSS foot-ERG squash/flatten-FUT The boy will squash the ball with his foot. __ (ki),(la) necessary. 6. di pitsaki palpala khorang kangpaki lekere that boy-ERG frog-DAT he-POSS foot-ERG squash/flatten-FUT The boy will squash the frog with his foot. __ (ki),(la) necessary. 7. di pomo khorang lakpaki tsampala lesung that woman she-POSS hand-ERG dough-DAT squash/flatten-PST The woman flattened the dough with her hand. __ (ki),(la) necessary. a) di pomo khorang lakpaki tsampa tshesung -(mutshnu),here with tshesung (la) is impossible. 8. di pomo khorang lakpaki tsampala lekere that woman she-POSS hand-ERG dough-DAT squash-FUT The woman will squash the dough with her hand. __ (ki),(la) necessary 9. ngaki leppa i-ERG squash-PST I squashed. __ (ki) necessary. 10. khoki lesung s/he(sg)-ERG squash-PST S/he squashed. 11. di pitsaki lesung that boy-ERG squash-PST The boy squashed. 12. ngaki lekehing I-ERG squash-FUT I will squash. 13. khoki lekere s/he(sg)-ERG squash-FUT S/he will squash. 14. di pitsaki lekere. that boy-ERG squash-FUT The boy will suqash. __ above 10-14 (ki) necessary ,(la) impossible.