1. tela ngai tebulari kap thin-i yesterday i-ERG table-LOC cup put-PST I put the cup on the table yesterday. ___ (i), (ri) necessary.and *kapni so (ni) impossible. 2. tela kjoi tebulari kap thin-i yesterday you(sg)-ERG cup put-PST You put the cup on the table yesterday. ___ (i),(ri) necessary. *kapni 3. tela thei tebulari kap thin-i yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG table-LOC cup put-PST S/he put the cup on the table yesterday. 4. nagai ngai tebulari kap thimu tomorrow i-ERG table-LOC cup put-FUT I will put the cup on the table tomorrow. 5. nagai kjoi tebulari kap thimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG table-LOC cup put-FUT You will put the cup on the table tomorrow. 6. nagai thei tebulari kap thimu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG table-LOC cup put-FUT S/he will put the cup on the table. Special Note: also ok in fats speech.look below; a) ngai toi I-ERG put-PST I put. b) ngai tsoi i-ERG put-PST I put. c) ngai thei i-ERG put-PST I put. 7. tela ngai bhanDari kju tsoi yesterday i-ERG pot-LOC water put-PST I put the water in the pot yesterday. 8. tela kjoi bhanDari kju tsoi yesterday you(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water put-PST You put the water in the pot yesterday. 9. tela thei bhanDari kju tsoi yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water put-PST S/he put the water in the pot yesterday. 10. nagai ngai bhanDari kju tsomu tomorrow i-ERG pot-LOC water put-FUT I will put the water in the pot tomorrow. 11. nagai kjoi bhanDari kju tsomu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water put-FUT You will put the water in the pot tomorrow. 12. nagai thei bhanDari kju tsomu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC water put-FUT S/he will put the water in the pot tomorrow. Note: In the above sentences 2-12 (i),(ri) necessary,and *kapni,*kjuni,so (ni) impossible. 13. tela ngai kodari tapkja thei yesterday i-ERG stove-LOC pan put-PST I put the pan on the fire yesterday. ___ (i) ,(ri) necessary 14. tela kjoi kodari tapkja thei yesterday you(sg)-ERG stove-LOC pan put-PST You put the pan on the fire yesterday. 15. tela thei kodari tapkja thei yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG stove-LOC pan put-PST S/he put the pan on the fire yesterday. 16. nagai ngai kodari tapkja thimu tomorrow i-ERG stove-LOC pan put-FUT I will put the pan on the fire tomorrow. 17. nagai kjoi kodari tapkja thimu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG stove-LOC pan thimu You will put the pan on the fire tomorrow. 18. nagai thei kodari tapkja thimu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG stove-LOC pan put-FUT S/he will put the pan on the fire tomorrow. __ above sentences 13-18 (i),(ri) necessary and *tapkjani _so (ni) impossible. 19. tela ngai namdzari mui tsoi/thei _(tsoi) is better. yesterday i-ERG bag-LOC money put-PST I put the money in the bag yesterday. __ (i), (ri) necessary, *muini so (ni) impossible. 20. tela kjoi namdzari mui tsoi yesterday you(sg)-ERG bag-LOC money put-PST You put the money in the bag yesterday. 21. tela thei namdzari mui tsoi yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG bag-LOC money put-PST S/he put the money in the bag yesterday. 22. nagai ngai namdzari mui tsomu tomorrow i-ERG bag-LOC money put-FUT I will put the money in the bag tomorrow. 23. nagai kjoi namdzari mui tsomu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG bag-LOC money put-FUT You will put the money in the bag tomorrow. 24. nagai thei namdzari mui tsomu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG bag-LOC money put-FUT S/he will put the money in the bag tomorrow. __ above sentences 20-24 (i),(ri) necessary, *muini -so (ni) impossible. 25. tela ngai bhanDari alua tsoi/tsoe yesterday i-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-PST I put the potatoes in the pot yesterday. __ (i), (ni) necessary, *aluani -so (ni) impossible. 26. tela kjoi bhanDari alua tsoi yesterdfay you(sg)-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-PST You put the potatoes in the pot yesterday. 27. tela thei bhanDari alua tsoi yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-PST S/he put the potatoes in the pot yesterday. 28. nagai ngai bhanDari alua tsomu tomorrow i-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-FUT I will put the potatoes in the pot tomoro 29. nagai kjoi bhanDari alua tsomu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-FUT You will put the potatoes in the pot tomorrow. 30. nagai thei bhanDari alua tsomu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG pot-LOC potato(pl) put-FUT S/he will put the potatoes in the pot tomrrow. __ above 26-30 (i),(ri) necessary ,*aluani _(ni) impossible. 31. ngai ngiro lagiri bhanDari kju tsoi/tsoe i-ERG two day for-POSS pot-LOC water put-PST I kept the water in the pot for two days. __ (i),(ri) necessary, *kjuni -so (ni) impossible. 32. ngai ngiro lagiri bhanDari kju tsomu i-ERG two day for-POSS pot-LOC water put-FUT I will keep the water in the pot for two days. __ (i),(ri) necessary, (ni) impossible. 33. ngai arko pletari kap thei i-ERG arko plate-LOC cup put-PST I put the cup next to the plate. __ (i) ,(ri) necessary, *kapni so,(ni) impossible. 34. ngai tsabai lagiri tebul tajar lai i-ERG meal for-POSS table prepare do-PST I prepared the table for the meal. __ (i) ,(ri) necessary xx. ngai bhanDa kjui toi i-ERG pot water-ERG fill-PST I filled the pot with water. Not: (i) necessary. _*bhanDari so (ri) impossible. 35. tela ngai pauDi khljoi/khljoe yesterday i-ERG swim play-PST I swam yesterday. __ (i) optional. 36. tela kjoi pauDi khljoi yesterday you(sg)-ERG swim play-PST You swam yesterday. 37. tela thei pauDi khljoi yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG swim play-PST S/he swam yesterday. __ above 36-37 (i) optional. 38. adzu tanga paudi khljoi that fish swim play-PST The fish swam. ___ (i) impossible. 39. adzu nakju paudi khljoi that dog swim play-PST The dog swam. ___ (i) impossible. 40. tela ngai kjuri paudi khljoi yesterday i-ERG water-LOC swim play-PST I swam in the water yesterday. ___ (i) optional, (ri) necessary. 41. adzu pjume kholari pjai that boy river-LOC float-PST The boy floated in the river. __ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 42. adzu pjume kholari langka pjai that boy river-LOC away float-PST The boy floated away in the river. ___ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 43. adzu pjume pjai that boy float-PST The boy floated. ___ (i) impossible. 44. adzu bodal pjai that bottle float-PST The bottle floated. ___ (i) impossible. 45. kholari adzu bodal pjai river-LOC that bottle float-PST The bottle floated in the water. ___ (i) impossible ,(ri) necessary. 46. adzu bodal langka pjai that bottle away float-PST The bottle floated away. ___ (i) impossible. 47. adzu nakju pjai that dog float-PST The dog floated. ___ (i) impossible. 48. adzu nakju kholari pjai that dog river-LOC float-PST The dog floated in the water. ___ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 49. adzu nakju langka pjai that dog away float-PST The dog floated away. ___ (i) impossible.