1. pema sori khai/khae pema cave-LOC enter/come-PST Pema entered the cave. __ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 2. pema nasari khai pema village-LOC enter/come-PST Pema entered the village. __ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 3. pema tinri khai pema house-LOC enter-PST Pema entered the house. __ (i) impossible, (ri) necessary. 4. tsu kjan ngie nasari khaba kjan a this road /path we-POSS village-LOC come road/path be-NPST This is the path into our village. __ (i) impossible, (e),(ri) necessary. 5. tsu ngie nasari khaba geT a this we-POSS village-LOC come gate be-NPST This is the gate into our village. __ (i) impossible, (e),(ri) necessary. 6. tsu ngie tinri khaba mra a this we-POSS house-LOC come door be-NPST This is the door into our house. __ (i) impossible, (e),(ri) necessary. 7. nasari khaba kjan dzarodzar mu village-LOC come path bush bush be-NPST The path to enter the village is overgrown. __ (i),(ni) impossible, (ri) necessary. 8. nasari khaba geT nwae mu village-LOC come gate break-PERF be-NPST The gate to enter the village is broken. __ (i),(ni) impossible, (ri) necessary. 9. tiri khaba mra phaeba mu house-LOC come door open be-NPST The door to enter the house is open. __ (i),(ni) impossible, (ri) necessary. ### Call/name(i.e. to refer to a person/place,etc. by a name) 1. tsu nasani/nasane ta bimu this village-DAT what call be-NPST What is this village called? __ (ni) necessary, (i),(ri) impossible. 2. ngi(i) tsu nasani rukhu bimu we-ERG this village-DAT Odar call be-NPST We call this village Odar. __ (i) optional, (ni) necessary. 3. ngi(i) tsu nasani so mobae karanai rukhu bimu we-ERG this village-DAT cave be-PERF cause-ERG Odar call be-NPST We call this village Odar because of the cave. __ (i) optional with ngi and necessary with karan,(ni) necessary. 4. ngi(i) tsu nasani rukhu ni adzu nasani huidi bimu we-ERG this village-DAT Odar and that village-DAT Dharapani call be-NPST We call this village Odar and that village Dharapani. __ (i) optional, (ni) necessary. 5. tsu nasani huidi bimu this village-DAT Dharapani call be-NPST This village is called Dharapani. __ (i),(ri) impossible, (ni) necessary. 6. khol mobae karanai tsu nasani huidi bimu river be-PERF cause-ERG this village-DAT Dharapani call be-NPST This village is called Dharapani because of river. __ (i),(ni) necessary. 7. tsu paseni ta bimu? this child-DAT what call be-NPST What is this child called/named? __ (ni) necessary. a) tsu pasee mi ta? this child-POSS name what? What is this child named? 8. ngi(i) theni pema bimu we-ERG s/he(sg)-DAT pema call be-NPST We call him Pema. __ (i) optional ,(ni) necessary. 9. tsu pasee mi pema a. this child-POSS name pema be- NPST This child is named Pema. __ (i),(ri) impossible. 10. tsu kjoeni ta bimu this language-DAT what call be-NPST What is this language called? __ (i),(ri) impossible,(ni) necessary. 11. ngi(i) tsu kjoeni tamu kjoe bimu we-ERG this language-DAT gurung language call be-NPST We call this language Gurung. __ (i) optional, (ni) necessary. 12. tsu kjoeni tamukjoe bimu this language-DAT gurunglanguage call be-NPST This language is called Gurung. __ (i),(ri) impossible,(ni) necessary. ### 'know' 1. kjoi pemane/pemani semu? you(sg)-ERG pema-DAT know-NPST Do you know Pema? __ (i),(ni) necessary. 2. ngai pemani semu i-ERG pema-DAT know-NPST I know Pema. __ (i),(ni) necessary. 3. ngai pemani ase i-ERG pema-DAT know-NEG I don't know Pema. __ (i),(ni) necessary. 4. kjoni kaThmanDu tha mu? you(sg)-DAT Kathmandu know be-NPST Do you know kathmandu? __ (ni) necessary. (ri) impossible. 5. ngani kaThmanDu tha mu i-DAT kathmandu know be-NPST I know Kathmandu. __ (ni) necessary. (ri) impossible. 6. ngani kaThmanDu tha are i-DAT kathmandu know be-NPST.NEG I don't know Kathmandu. __ (ni) necessary. (ri) impossible. 7. kjoi mileni semu? you(sg)-ERG man many-DAT know-NPST Do you know many people? __ (i) ,(ni) necessary. 8. ngai mileni semu i-ERG man many-DAT know-NPST I know many people. 9. ngai mileni ase i-ERG man many-DAT know-NEG I don't know many people. 10. ngai tsjadzi mini semu i-ERG some man-DAT know be-NPST I only know some people. __ Above 8-10 (i) ,(ni) necessary. 11. kjoi tsari satoni semu you(sg)-ERG here all-DAT know be-NPST Do you know everyone here? 12. ngai tsari satoni semu i-ERG here all-DAT know be-NPST I know everyone here. 13. ngai tsari satoni ase i-ERG here all-DAT know-NEG I don't know everyone here. __ Above 10-13 (i) ,(ni) necessary. 14. ngai tsari tsjadzi mini semu i-ERG here some man-DAt know be-NPST I only know some people here. __ (i) ,(ni) necessary. 15. kjoni adzu katha tha mu you(sg)-DAT that story know be-NPST Do you know the story? __ (ni) necessary. 16. ngani adzu katha tha mu i-DAT that story know be-NPST I know the story. __ (ni) necessary. 17. ngani adzu katha tha are i-DAT that story know beNPST.NEG I don't know the story. __ (ni) necessary. 18. ngani kathae tsjadzi bagae tha mu i-DAT story-POSS some part only know be-NPST I only know some part of the story. __ (ni) necessary. 19. thei rao seiba kjoni tha mu s/he(pl)-ERG goat(pl) kill-PERF know be-NPST Do you know if they have killed the goats? __ (i),(ni) necessary. 20. thei sato rao sei s/he(pl)-ERG all goat(pl) kill-PST They have killed all the goats. __ (i) necessary.,(ni) impossible. 21. thei rao seiba ngani tha are s/he(pl)-ERG goat(pl) i-DAT know be-NPST.NEG I don't know if they have killed the goats. __ (i),)ni) necessary. 22. ngani adzu tha mu thei tsjadzi rao seiba i-DAT that know be-NPST s/he(pl)-ERG goat(pl) kill-PERF I know that they have killed some of the goats. __ (i),)ni) necessary. 23. tsu khljo bareri kjoni le tha mu this place about-LOC you(sg)-DAT many know be-NPST Do you know much about this place? __ (ri), (ni) necessary. 24. tsu khljo bareri ngani le tha mu this place about-LOC i-DAT many know be-NPST I know much about this place. __ (ri), (ni) necessary. 25. tsu khljo bareri ngani le tha are this place about-LOC i-DAT many know be-NPST.NEG I don't know much about this place. __ (ri), (ni) necessary. 26. tsu khljo bareri ngani tsjadzie tan tha mu this place about-LOC i-DAT some only matter/thing know be-NPST I only know something about this place. __ (ri), (ni) necessary. ### 'Grow' 1. tshiringai ta rie/rii Tsering-ERG what grow-PST What did Tsering grow? __ (I) necessary, (ni) impossible. 2. tshiringai kro plu rie Tsering-ERG wheat seedling grow-PST Tsering grew wheat seedlings. __ (I) necessary, (ni) impossible. a)Note: tshiringai kro plu mlomie [it is also ok but not so good because such type of structure is not common structure in gurung.] Tsering-ERG wheat seedling grow-CAUS Tsering grew wheat seedlings. 3. kro plu sui rie? wheat seedling who-ERG grow-PST Who grew wheat seedlings? __ (I) necessary, (ni) impossible. 4. adzu plu tshiringai rie that seedling Tsering-ERG grow-PST Tsering grew the seedlings /them. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. [Note:here 'theni tshiringai rie' is not goog structure.so 'adzu plu' is said inspite of 'theni' for 'them' 5. tshiringai rie Tsering-ERG grow-PST Tsering grew. __ (i) necessary. 6. tshiringai ta riibu/riimu Tsering-ERG what grow-PROG.NPST What is Tsering growing? 7. tshiringai kro plu riibu Tsering-ERG wheat seedling grow-PROG.NPST Tsering is growing wheat seedlings. 8. kro plu sui riimu wheat seedling who-ERG grow-PROG.NPST Who is growing wheat seedlings? __ Above 6-8 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 9. tshiringai kro plu riibu Tsering-ERG wheat seedling grow-PROG.NPST Tsering is growing wheat seedlings. 10. tshiringai riibu Tsering-ERG grow-PROG.NPST Tsering is growing. 11. kuri kro plu sui rimu nextyear wheat seedling who-ERG grow-FUT Who will grow wheat seedlings nextyear? 12. kuri kro plu pemai rimu next year wheat seedling pema-ERG grow-FUT Pema will grow wheat seelings next year. 13. kuri pemai rimu nextyear pema-ERG grow-FUT Pema will grow (them) nextyear. __ Above 9-13 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 14. adzu tsjomoo maina krie lagi mloi that plant(pl) month one-POSS for grow-PST The plants grew for one month. __ (e) necessary,(i),(ni) impossible. 15. adzu tsjomoo le thable mloi that plant(pl) much/very big grow-PST The plants grew very large. __ (i) (ni) (ri) impossible. 16. adzu tsjamoo le tshjane mloi that plant(pl) very well grow-PST Theb plants grew very well. __ (i) (ni) (ri) impossible. ### 'madimu'- 1. pemai sato tsaDparba madimu pema-ERG all religious festivals observe-NPST Pema observes all religious festivals. __ (i) necessary,(ni),(ri) impossible. 2. pemai sato tsaDparba madii/madie pema-ERG all religious festivals observe-PST Pema observed all religious festivals. 3. pemai sato tsaDparba madimu pema-ERG all religious festivals observe-FUT Pema will observe all religious festivals. 4. pemai dashain madimu pema-ERG dashain observe-NPST Pema observes Dashain. __ Above 2-4 (i) necessary,(ni),(ri) impossible. 5. pemai dashain ne tihar madimu pema-ERG dashin and tihar observe-NPST Pema observes Dashain and Tihar. 6. tamui dashain madimu gurung-ERG dashain observe-NPST Gurungs observe Dashain. 7. tamui dashain ne tihar madimu gurung-ERG dashain and tihar observe-NPST. Gurungs observes Dashain and Tihar. __ Above 5-7 (i) necessary,(ni),(ri) impossible.