1. tela ngai adzu sjau tsai yesterday i-ERG that apple eat-PST Yesterday I ate the apple. *a) nga, sjauni _here, (i) _is necessary and (ni) _impossible. 2. tela ngii adzu sjaua tsai yesterday we-ERG that apple(pl) eat-PST Yesterday we ate the apples. Note: (i) -necessary,(ni) _impossible. 3. tela kjoi adzu sjau tsai yesterday you(sg) that apple eat-PST Yesterday you ate the apple. 4. tela kei adzu sjaua tsai yesterday you(pl)-ERG that apple-(pl) eat-PST Yesterday you ate the apples. 5. tela thei adzu sjau tsai. yesterday s/he-ERG that apple eat-PST Yesterday s/he ate the apple. 6. tela thei adzu sjaua tsai yesterday s/he(pl)-ERG those apple(pl) eat-PST Yesterday they ate the apples. Note: above sentences 3-6 (i) necessary and * sjauni -(ni) impossible. 7. nagai nga adzu sjau tsamu tomorrow i that apple eat-FUT Tomorrow I will eat the apple. Note: ngai _also ok.or (i) - optional and sjauni- (ni) impossible 8. nagai ngi(i)/ngibakhale(i) adzu sjaua tsamu tomorrow we-ERG that apple-(pl) eat-FUT Tomorrow we will eat the apples. _ (i) optional.,(ni) impossible. 9. nagai kjo(i) adzu sjau tsamu tomorrow you(sg)-ERG that apple eat-FUT Tomorrow you will eat the apple. 10. nagai ke(i) adzu sjaua tsamu tomorrow you(pl)-ERG that apple-(pl) eat-FUT Tomorrow you will eat the apples. 11. nagai the(i) adzu sjau tsamu tomorrow s/he-ERG that apple eat-FUT Tomorrow s/he will eat the apples. 12. nagai thei adzu sjaua tsamu tomorrow s/he(pl)-ERG that apple(pl) eat-FUT Tomorrow they will eat the apples. Note: In the above sentences 9-12 (i) -optional and,(ni) impossible. 13. tela ngai kai tsai yesterday i-ERG rice eat-PST Yesterday I ate the rice. *a) nga, kaini--here,(i) is necessary and (ni) is impossible. 14. tela ngai tsjatsi/tsjadzi kai tsai yesterday i-ERG some rice eat-PST Yesterday I ate some rice. 15. tela ngai sato kai tsai yesterday i-ERG all rice eat-PST Yesterday I ate all of the rice. Note; above 14-15 (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 16. nagai nga kai tsamu tomorrow i rice eat--FUT Tomorrow I will eat the rice. Note: ngai -also ok but nga is the best.so (i) optional and *kaini (ni) impossible. 17. nagai nga tsjatsi kai tsamu tomorrow i some rice eat-FUT Tomorrow I will eat some of the rice. 18. nagai nga sato kai tsamu tomorrow i all rice eat-FUT Tomorrow I will eat all of the rice. Note: in 17-18 (i) optinal ,(ni) impossible. 19. tela adzu nakjui kai tsai yesterday that dog-ERG rice eat-PST Yesterday the dog ate the rice. Note: *nakju -(i) necessary, *kaini (ni) impossible. 20. tela adzu tsetoi adzu rani tsai yesterday that tiger-ERG that goat-DAT eat-PST Yesterday the tiger ate the goat. __ (i) necessary, (ni) optional. 21. nagai adzu tsetoi adzu rani tsamu tomorrow that tiger-ERG that goat-DAT eat-FUT Tomorrow the tiger will eat the goat __ (i) necessary, (ni) optional. 22. toso nga kai tsadibu. now i rice eat-PROG.NPST I am eating the rice now. __ (i) optional, (ni) impossible. 23. toso nga tsjatsi kai tsadibu now i some rice eat-PROG.NPST. I am eating some rice now. __ (i) optional, (ni) -impossible 24. tela ngai tsai yesterday i-ERG eat-PST Yesterday I ate. *a) nga, __so (i) necessary. 25. tela ngai resturentari tsai yesterday i-ERG restaurant-LOC eat-PST Yesterday I ate in the restaurant. Note: (i), (ri) necessary 26. nagai nga resturentari tsamu tomorrow i retaurant-LOC eat-FUT Tomorrow I will eat in the restaurant. Note; ngai also ok but nga is the best. so (i) optional, (ri) necessary. 27. toso nga tsasjo mu now i eat-PROG.NPST I am eating now. *a) ngai, *b) tsasjobu. 28. premai khajo tsai? prem--ERG when eat-PST When did prem eat? __ (i) necesssary. 29. premai tela tsai prem-ERG yesterday eat-PST Prem ate yesterday. __ (i) necessary. 30. sui tsai? who-ERG eat-PST Who ate? __ (i) necessary. 31. premai tsai Prem-ERG eat-PST Prem ate. __ (i) necessary. 32. premai ta tsai? prem-ERG what eat-PST What did prem eat? *prem, *tani. so (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 33. premai kai tsai prem-ERG rice eat-PST Prem ate rice. 34. premai ta lai? prem-ERG what do-PST What did Prem do? 35. premai kai tsai prem-ERG rice eat-PST Prem ate rice. Note: in the above sentences 33-35 (i) necessary ,(ni) impossible. 36. tela ngai khei yesterday i-ERG study-PST Yesterday I studied. __ (i) necessary. 37. tela ngai hisab khei yesterday i-ERG maths study-PST Yesterday I studied maths __*nga, *hisabni. so_(i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 38. tela ngai ganTa soklo khei yesterday i-ERG hour three study-PST Yesterday I studied for three hours. __ (i) necessary. 39. tela ngai adzu tshe khei yesterday i-ERG that book read-PST Yesterday I read the book. * nga, *tsheni. __(i) necessary ,(ni) impossible. 40. tela ngai khei yesterday i-ERG read-PST Yesterday I read. __ (i) necessary 41. tela ngai katshjari khei yesterday i-ERG classroom-LOC read-PST Yesterday I read in the classroom. __ (i), (ri) necessary. 42. tela adzu rimei adzu tshe khei yesterday that girl-ERG that book read-PST Yesterday the girl read the book. __ (i) necessary, (ni) impossible. 43. tela adzu rimei ganTa soklo khei yesterday that girl-ERG hour three read-PST Yesterday the girl read for three hours. __ (i) necessary. 44. nagai adzu rimei adzu tshe khemu tomorrow that girl-ERG that book read-FUT Tomorrow the girl will read the book. __ (i) optional. 45. nagai adzu rimei khemu tomorrow that girl-ERG read-FUT Tomorrow the girl will read. 46. nagai adzu rimei khemu tomorrow that girl-ERG study-FUT Tomorrow the girl will study. 47. adzu rimei katshja das sama khei that girl-ERG class ten up to study-PST The girl studied up to 10th class. 48. adzu rimei das katshja sama khemu that girl-ERG ten class up to study-FUT The girl will study up to 10th class. Note: The sentences 45-48 (i) optional. 49. tela ngai kathmanduri ngae roni toi yesterday i-ERG kathmandu-LOC i-POSS friend-DAT meet-PST Yesterday I met my fiend in kathmandu. Note: (i) necessary, (ni) optional. 50. tela ngai theni toi yesterday i-ERG she-DAT meet-PST Yesterday I meet her. 51. tela thei ngani toi yesterday she-ERG i-DAT meet-PST Yesterday she met me. 52. tela ngai kjoni toi yesterday i-ERG you(sg)-DAT meet-PST Yesterday I met you. 53. tela kjoi ngani toi yesterday you(sg)-ERG i-DAT meet-PST Yesterday you met me. 54. tela adzu pjumei adzu rimeni toi yesterday that boy-ERG that girl-DAT meet-PST Yesterday the boy met the girl. Note: above sentences 50-54 (i) necessary, (ni) optional. 55. tela thei kathmanduri toi yesterday s/he(pl)-ERG kathmandu-LOC meet-PST Yesterday they met in kathmandu. Note: (i) and (ni) both necessary. 56. tela ngai tshar maThara toi yesterday i-ERG new teacher meet-PST Yesterday I met the new teacher. Note: maTharani also ok.so (ni) optional,(i) necessary. 57. nagai ngai kathmanduri ngae roni tomu tomorrow i-ERG kathmandu-LOC i-POSS friend-DAT meet-FUT Tomorrow I will meet my friend in kathmandu. Note:*tobu.,__(i) and (ni) both optional. 58. nagai ngibakhale tomu tomorrow we-(pl) meet-FUT Tomorrow we will meet. Note: *ngibakhalei __(i) impossible. 59. nagai nga tshar maThara tomu tomorrow i new teacher meet-FUT Tomorrow I will meet new teacher. Note: (i) and (ni) both optional. 60. sui rimeni toi? who-ERG girl-DAT meet-PST Who meet the girl? __rimeni sui toi --also ok. __(i) necessary ,(ni) optional. 61. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni toi that boy-ERG that girl-DAT meet-PST The boy met the girl. __ (i) necessary ,(ni) optional 62. pjumei suni toi boy-ERG who-DAT meet-PST Whom did the boy meet? 63. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni toi that boy-ERG that girl-DAT meet-PST The boy met the girl. Note: sentences 62-63 (i) necessary ,(ni) optinal. 64. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni ta lai that boy-ERG that girl-DAT what do-PST What did the boy do to the girl? __ (i) ,(ni) both necessary. 65. adzu pjumei adzu rimeni toi that boy-ERG that girl-DAT meet-PST The boy met the girl. __ (i) necessary ,(ni) optional 66. nga sjai i die-PST I died. * ngai 67. ngi sjai we die-PST We died. * ngii 68. kjo sjai you(sg) die-PST You died. * kjoi 69 kebakhale sjai you(pl) die-PST You died. * kebakhalei 70. the sjai s/he(sg) die-PST S/he died * thei 71. thebakhale sjai s/he(pl) die-PST They died. * thebakhalei 72. nga simu i die-FUT I will die. * ngai 73. ngibakhale simu/sjamu we die-FUT We will die. * ngibakhalei 74. kjo simu you(sg) die-FUT You will die. * kjoi 75. kebakhale simu you(pl) die-FUT You will die. * kebakhalei 76. the simu s/he die-FUT S/he will die. * thei 77. thebakhale simu s/he(pl) die--FUT They will die. * thebakhalei 78. tela sdzu mi sjai yesterday that man die-PST the man died yesterday. * mii 79. adzu ra tela sjai that goat yesterday die-PST The goat died yesterday. * rai, rani 80. adzu sindu tela sjai that tree yesterday die-PST The tree died yesterday. * sindui, sinduni